Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video


Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpapers for painting have a high level of noise absorptionProduct wallpaper - a couple more dozen years ago, none of the compatriots could also provide such a perspective, and today we can transform the wall today, just paint wallpaper. The technology stepped so far that it is possible to do this, not attracting specialists, and the new wall is not divorced. You want the texture, and the color of the paints are the most incredible, and the ideas of painting are not limited to the pair of options.

Wallpaper Painting in the interior

For beginners and those who only delve into the question, you should immediately say - not all of the wallpaper need and can be painted. And even if you bought expensive wallpaper, texture, they may not treat the type of wallpaper under painting. Wallpapers under the color have the desired degree of moisture resistance, differ in deep relief, do not have a multicolor pattern and, it happens, contains a pigment.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

When choosing wallpaper in painting, you should pay special attention to their texture and compatibility of it with your future interior.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

In the interior, such wallpapers can be combined with other coatings, in every way combining textures and colors.

How to glue wallpaper under painting (video)

Wallpapers for painting: "pros" and "minuses"

Considering different options, you as a buyer, evaluate the "pros" and "minuses" of potential acquisition. And it is reasonable, because correctly evaluate all the parties.

"Pluses" of wallpaper under painting:

  • The opportunity to repaint wallpaper several times, thus updating them;
  • Wallpapers are characterized by high resistance to the effects of ultraviolet;
  • Wallpaper mask wall defects;
  • You can paint in any color - the rich selection palette creates unique opportunities in the interior.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpapers under painting are tremendous in that they allow you to revive the interior, not stinging grandeur. Quality wallpapers withstand up to 10 staining cycles

"Cons" wallpapers for painting:

  • Some types of wallpapers require particularly delicate care;
  • You will have to additionally get paint.

And these are only the main quality of wallpaper. Before purchase, read not only reviews, but also technical quality wallpapers.

Views and advantages of wallpaper Painting (video)

Painting Wallpapers: Specifications

Usually you buy a wallpaper, representing exactly how they will look at your interior. Here is another option - wallpaper for painting are available in neutral colors, can manufacturer add a little white pigment so that the painting is already on the bright base.

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Other wallpaper characteristics:

  • Rarely such wallpapers are glossy. Smooth options, of course, are found, but the gloss is almost never. Why? Everything is simple: Matte texture and half-maps guarantee better adhesion with paintwork.
  • The embossed surface is the main feature of such wallpapers, thanks to it after applying the color, the wallpaper becomes as attractive as possible.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

There are wallpapers with a 3D effect, one of the most modern species. These are rolls with a very deep relief, which after painting create the illusion of a three-dimensional image

If still relief wallpaper is not what you want, that is, a relatively smooth version with a fine-grained surface.

What kind of painting is better: types

Wallpapers intended for painting can be three species - these are paper wallpapers, flieslinic and glass fiber wallpaper. It is worth considering all three types, and you already decide what kind of painting is better.

Features of wallpaper types:

  • Paper. We are produced in two versions - simplex (it is a single-layer coating, cheap wallpapers, easy to install, but not so durable), duplex (two-layered wallpapers, where the thick bottom sheet and thin upper, decorative). Here you can also remember about coarse fiberglass, in production, fine wood chips is added to the material, an externally coarse canvas or a coating similar to burlap are obtained.
  • Fliselinovye . A decent alternative to paper wallpaper, Flizelin is also used in the garment industry, so your wallpaper can be conditionally textile. Such wallpapers are chosen if you need to disguise some surface irregularities. If the defect is not more than 5mm, the spongy wallpaper structure will close it. In addition, Flizelin has good vapor permeability and breathability, which is excellent quality - natural ventilation is not disturbed.
  • Glass equipment . Fully inorganic material has to be used for their production. Another name of the wallpaper is fiberglass. These are structural modern wallpapers, which are obtained like this: the fibers are pulled out of the molten glass mass, and then they are connected in the canvas. From the canvas and create wallpaper fiberglass under painting: there is a wallpaper, there is no texture. This type of wallpaper is completely not afraid of fungi.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Unlike phliselin, paper wallpapers for painting are less persistent, they are withstanding the maximum 2 - 3 staining cycles

It is worth noting that the last type of wallpaper though it looks beautiful, and the quality certificate for such walls usually speaks for itself, the choice has to be done towards other options, as the glass windows are very expensive.

Types of wallpaper Painting (Video Review)

Wallpapers Painting: Reviews

It is worth understanding that the reviews can be different, even on the basis of how work on sticking and painting. Someone could spoil the whole picture with their own hands, just picking up that paint.

By the way, about what kind of paint to choose - here you can contact just the same for reviews. Coloring should be made only water based funds. Most often choose the usual water-emulsion and acrylic paints. The second option is preferable, since there are no solvents and other harmful agents in acrylic paints.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Judging by numerous reviews, moreover, specialists, a good choice is a latex dispersion paint

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Latex dispersion paint is safe for human health. As soon as the paint was discovered, you need to breed it with water and apply to the surface. The wall after painting dries about three days. Litra dilute paint, if you believe the reviews, grabs six meters square.

How to choose a wallpaper for painting (video)

Room Design With Wallpaper Painting

Designers say not only color is important, but the texture. The texture is a relief of the wallpaper surface, which creates a certain pattern, forms grooves, bulges, cracks, etc.

And here there are some tricks, you can make a completely different walls in the interior. At the same time, you can use the same wallpaper under painting.

Features of wallpaper design:

  • The correct, almost mathematically accurate pattern creates the effect of a monotonous wall (a good option for the office);
  • Too chaotic drawing will create a rough, even untidy wall;
  • The soft drawing will work if the texture is smaller and seamless texture;
  • The "Rog's" pattern is very popular, and it will suit lovers of simple solutions, and the most popular colors in this case - beige and brown;
  • The "Christmas tree" pattern should not be used in the interior of a small room, its dimensions visually decrease.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Simple elements and straight lines create a little boring image that not in every interior is appropriate

Ultimately, everything will depend on painting. The "coloring" works will turn the neutral wallpaper in color, and completely convert your room design.

Wallpapers for painting: how to paint

You can paint such wallpapers with your own hands, but in case you, for example, use a glassball or another notable version, it makes sense to refer to specialists.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

With the help of simple scotch, you can create a vertical pattern on the wallpaper, and the use of stencils allows you to make unique prints with your own hands.

Painting wallpaper:

  • Make sure the wallpaper is completely dry, and nowhere, nor in junctions, nor in complex angles, did not move;
  • Before breeding all the paint, make a kel test in a small place, if I liked everything, continue;
  • The wall is painted with a roller or a spray gun (which roller is better to paint - velor);
  • Painting and collapral is the perfect option, since you will get about 10 layers on the wall, and the roller can withstand only 6, maximum - 8;
  • Tissue brushing only hard-to-reach places.

It is worth mentioning such a type of wallpaper as antivandal. This option is a joy for young parents and owners of cats. Roughly speaking, it is unusually resistant to wear wallpapers, which are not scratched neither scratching, nor children's "rock painting" by some sharp subject. And they need to paint the same way as all other species.

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How to paint wallpaper properly (video)

Is it possible to paint the wallpaper not under painting

Russia is famous for the fact that many instructions people rewind what is called, "under themselves", and often it leads to success. But in the case of painting wallpapers from amateur time it is better to refrain.

Specialists assure - you can paint theoretically, and you may even like the result. But! It will not be durable, very soon walls will acquire a view of surface repair.

Painting stencils

If you decide one room zone to highlight the ornament, you do not need to look for similar wallpapers, only with a pattern. It is enough to purchase a special stencil, which is applied to the wall, and you yourself paint a certain fragment.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

A monophonic stencil and contrasting color is able to unusually revive the interior, making a special note

Types of stencils:

  • Single. Simple, beautiful, accurate and fast.
  • Multicolor. The polycolor is more difficult to make it, but it looks more successful. Stencil blanks in this case will need more.
  • Volumetric. In this case, you need to use no longer paint, but a special putty, not the best option for wallpaper.
  • Inverse . Used for the backlight effect. In this embodiment, the surface is painted outside the form.

Do not take stencils with a lot of small details, the stencil must be concise.

What is better: wallpaper or painting wallpaper

An objective answer is difficult to give. Looking at which end effect interests you. Start standing with an answer to the question - how many times you can paint such wallpaper (meaning, under painting). Experts assure that good wallpaper to withstand up to ten repaints. What to say, impressive - you can change the color of the walls for almost ten times.

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Determine which wallpaper it is better to choose, should everyone for himself, since everyone has their own priorities in the interior design

The main thing you need to decide what is more important for you - color or drawing. If you are attentive to trifles, the drawing is uniquely preferable, and therefore it is worth taking simple wallpapers. If you all perceive in general, it is put in small details, then take the wallpaper with the possibility of repainting.

Wallpapers for painting in the interior: 58 best design options (video)

Modern technologies offer the uncountable number of interior design options, and the same wallpaper repainting allows non-accelerated actions to transform the room. This is relevant for volatile natures, for families with young children and just those who love innovations in life.

Good repair!

Wallpapers for painting in the interior (photo)

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

Wallpaper under painting: photo in the interior, what better, pros and cons, how to paint with your own hands, reviews, smooth stencils, structural, fiberglass, video

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