Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper: how to beat the phlizelinovy, do wallpapers for painting, vinyl, liquid, videos


Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper: how to beat the phlizelinovy, do wallpapers for painting, vinyl, liquid, videos

Before you decide to stick a new wallpaper on an old coating, it is important to weigh all the "for" and "against" with confidence that it is worth glued on the wallpaper only if the wallpaper is thin, paper, firmly hold - then a new coating with more probability will be well held. But this option does not give a complete warranty.

Is it possible to glue phlizelin wallpaper on wallpaper

The first, you must be sure that the old layer of wallpaper will not dare. If they are held firmly, the old layer is thin, paper, theoretically glue over this coating flieslinic wallpaper can be.

The second, there is a very high probability that the pattern of old wallpaper will be shifted through new ones. Fliseline wallpapers, although they are considered durable and thick, not really so thick, because the thin layer of phlizelin is glued to the paper base.

Why phlizelin wallpaper can not be pasted on the old layer:

  • High likelihood that very soon they will begin to lag behind the surface;
  • The old layer of wallpaper can start bubble, and all defects of the previous layer will be noticeable;
  • The pattern of old wallpaper will peck through new ones.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper: how to beat the phlizelinovy, do wallpapers for painting, vinyl, liquid, videos

The ideal option, if you cleared the wall from paint or old wallpaper, leveled and primed. Then the new wallpaper layer will be good, and there will be no defects through it.

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Liquid wallpaper on old liquid wallpaper

But this case is a pleasant rare exception. Liquid wallpapers are simply applied to almost any surface, so another on top of the old wallpaper layer can be glued unhindered.

Designers focus on interesting decorative effects that allow you to achieve liquid wallpaper.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper: how to beat the phlizelinovy, do wallpapers for painting, vinyl, liquid, videos

If you are tired of the color of the wallpaper, it makes no sense to completely cross them. You can go to another way called - Applique

On the surface of old wallpapers with a pencil or with the use of special stencils, you draw a new drawing and only in these areas apply a new wall layer.

How to apply liquid wallpaper (video)

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the painting wallpaper

But in the previous paragraph, it is about liquid wallpaper, namely the painting layer. That is, you can repaint wallpaper for painting up to ten times, and even create the same multicolored applications.

But if you want to stick a new wallpaper on a painting wallpaper, the relief of the previous layer may be too noticeable. In this case, the wallpaper still will have to shoot.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper for water-mounted paint

If you have the previous layer is pissed into a water-free, theoretically on this layer you can glue new wallpapers. Again, only if the old layer is very firmly held on the wall, and the new wallpaper is thin, paper.

The problem is exactly that many people are not sure what is under the old layer.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper: how to beat the phlizelinovy, do wallpapers for painting, vinyl, liquid, videos

Water-level paint can crack and decrease, which will definitely affect the safety strength


  • There is a possibility that the new layer will pull the old one, which is not well glued to the water-emulsion paint;
  • If the wall covered with water-free paint is projected, the next layer of wallpaper will be better fixed;
  • If there were small cracks and small cracks on the wall, and the wall is supposed to punish subtle wallpaper, the surface will have to sharpen.

In short, a lot of risks, therefore it is better to remove the old wallpaper layer, sharpen and sand the wall, to progress, and only then glue new ones.

Is it worth glue vinyl wallpaper on wallpaper

Vinyl to the vinyl glue can not be exactly - the wallpaper will not stick.

Sticking is impossible for a number of reasons:

  • Vinyl pushes the glue . All this is due to the specificity of the coating, because vinyl wallpaper repel moisture. And any glue contains moisture, and whatever expensive glue you have taken, it just will not take.
  • Old coating will appeal through a new canvas . Figure, relief will peck over, and it happens almost always.
  • Two layers of vinyl coating with a high probability will be very quickly dismissed. Double pasting just will not stand his gravity.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper: how to beat the phlizelinovy, do wallpapers for painting, vinyl, liquid, videos

But there is another option - only the upper vinyl layer is removed from the old wallpaper, and the lower paper or flieslinic layer is used as a basis for a sticker of new vinyl wallpaper

What glue glue wallpaper on wallpaper

It all depends on what wallpaper you are going to shove.

Glue for wallpaper:

  • If paper wallpaper, you will need glue on which it is written "for light wallpaper";
  • Vinyl and heavy flieslinic wallpapers are glued to universal PVA glue, a moment or bustide, and it is better to use glue on which it is indicated "for phlizelin wallpaper", "for vinyl wallpaper";
  • Textile wallpapers need to be glued with special glue for textile wallpaper, if any, you did not find it, the adhesive is suitable with the inscription "for heavy wallpaper";
  • Clear wallpapers are glued only with glue with the inscription "for traffic jams."

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper: how to beat the phlizelinovy, do wallpapers for painting, vinyl, liquid, videos

Specialists do not get tired to warn that for sticking, use the type of glue that the manufacturer is recommended on the package

How to glue wallpaper on wallpaper

The only possible case when glue wallpaper on the wallpaper is allowed exactly when you have to shove on the wallpaper on the previous thin layer, which is well held on the wall.

If you are sure that this is your case, buy suitable glue, cook it correctly. The old layer of wallpaper must be very good to impregnate, only then the desired clutch will occur.

One nuance: There is a possibility that the coloring pigment of old wallpaper will penetrate new ones. Spend a small test - moisten the water with a simple sponge and secure it on the wall with old wallpaper for a while. If it is painted, there is nothing to do - the old coating will have to shoot.

Is it possible to glue the wallpaper horizontally (video answer)

You can be confident in good shook, only if the preparatory work is fully made. And if it is better to clean the wall from the previous layer, sanding, sharpen and rejuvenate, spend more time on these procedures. The risk can end with full wallpaper plywood.

Good repair!

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