Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews


When installing plumbing between the wall and the container, the gaps always remain. Regardless of their wizard size, it is recommended to close such places. After all, even through the slightest gap can be leaked to the water, which will cause the appearance of the fungus indoors and damage the appearance of the finish. Usually, for lumen of a small size, it is enough to seal by plumbing silicone. However, such a design looks not too aesthetic. Therefore, today use additional decorative elements so that the baths of the bath with the wall looked attractive.

Cases when seamless seam does not do

Some owners, setting the bath as close as possible to the simplest, believe that it is not at all necessary to carry out work on the sealing of tiny gaps. This opinion is mistaken. Professionals recommend sealing even such seams whose width does not reach two millimeters. After all, the resulting gap will become a place where moisture will be permanently and freely, which will undoubtedly lead to the reproduction of mold in the bathroom.

In addition to the non-sustainable appearance and unpleasant odor, the fungus can cause serious health problems. These microorganisms exacerbate respiratory and heart disease, including completely healthy people.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

If you do not seal the seam between the bathroom and the wall, sooner or later the fungus will appear at this place

Therefore, it is not necessary to save on your health. Reliable sealing of the junction during repair is much more intelligent than a long and exhausting process of getting rid of fungal dispute. Especially since the materials intended for these purposes have a very affordable cost.

In addition, they are usually mounted quickly and without much difficulty. Most owners are interested in how reliable the border tape for the bath, how to glue, video with detailed instructions for installing this type of decor. Answers to all such questions can be found in our article.

Characteristics of border ribbon

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of various decorative disguises such as gaps. Among them are quite great popularity, border tape for the bathroom. It is an adhesive baseband made of polymers. This material is distinguished by high resistance to the effects of various resistant chemicals and acids. In addition, such a decor is hydrophobic and does not contribute to the emergence of harmful microorganisms on its surface.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

This is the self-adhesive border tape for the bathroom.

Such a sealant has an affordable cost, it is easy to install and dismantle it if necessary. In addition, the material has a rich color palette and looks very attractive throughout the life.

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The scope of application of polymer strips is very wide. They can be used in almost any rooms with different functional purposes. Therefore, purchasing a product, check, where you plan to use it. In the bathroom, border decors can make seams between the walls and any plumbing, including shower boxes and washbasins.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

The product is produced in small rolls with a length of about three meters

Produce a product in convulsions. The length of one such rud is about three meters. It may vary the thickness and width of the decor. The entire outfit surface of the strip is impregnated with butyl adhesive composition, which will allow her hermetically to install it on a problem area. The material itself is quite hygienic, although it is impregnated with antifungal additives to reliability, excluding the occurrence of mold on the site of the docking seams.

Among the polymers presented for these purposes, decorative borders will become the best choice. Other plastic plinths will not be able to effectively resist the reproduction of fungal microorganisms. As for the capital focus of the joint with a cafeter or a stoneware, such an event will require long-term work and certain skills in cladding. In addition, this material will cost much more expensive, and will require additional measures to seal seam.

Types of border stripes

Despite the not very rich assortment of this material, yet, there is a choice. First, this is the width of the tape and the number of strips on it. There are borders that can be bent in half either into three parts. Accordingly, it will give a different geometry of the close-up slot.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Maximum width of the border tape reaches six centimeters

As for the width of the product, the optimal solution will be the purchase of ribbons with a small margin, for example, 5 mm more than the lumen that needs to be closed. Too wide stripes will not look very aesthetic, but narrow - they do not disguise the slot. Therefore, before you make a purchase, dimming the dimensions of the seam.

It must be said that the standard decor size varies from three to six centimeters, and its thickness reaches two millimeters. When opening up to five centimeters, it is usually enough of one meak tape to arrange a slit from three sides of the installed bath.

Secondly, you can pick up the decor corresponding to the range of the bathroom interior. Of course, there are differences in the palette of shades of border ribbons. Most often on sale you can find white or blue-colored products. However, you always have the opportunity to purchase material and other tones by ordering the desired kolker in the catalog. As a rule, there are black, green, pinkish, cream and other popular shades.

Positive and negative sides of the material

Self-adhesive border tape for bathroom user reviews about themselves leaves most positive. After all, such a decor has a lot of advantages. The main advantages of this material are as follows:

  • affordable cost;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • versatility;
  • good stability to loads and mechanical damage;
  • sufficient strength and hygienicity;
  • Attractive appearance.

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All of the above properties are not an exhaustive characteristic of such a decor, but explain its popularity. In addition, polymeric sealing bands are resistant to moisture and high temperatures, which is so important for their use in the bathroom. They are very elastic, so it can be used not only on rectangular, but also rounded bath configurations. In this case, the junction line looks spectacular and gently.

An important nuance will be the possibility of self-editing tape. This will require special knowledge or experience of such work. It is reliably sealing the junction can even be unrestained in a construction business, who has no professional toolkit.

The wonderful reviews also received the stability of such a product to the effects of chemicals, so often used for cleaning the bath. The top layer of the coating does not react with aggressive elements. Accordingly, it does not lose aesthetic species and functionality throughout the service life. In addition, even with small surface damage, the tape will remain tightly fixed and will not cut off.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Looking like a similar decor can easily be able to any owner

Of course, these decorative strips have negative characteristics with all indisputable advantages. The first thing to mention is the briefness of such a material. Typically, manufacturers provide a warranty for the year of operation of the product, although in some cases, with a neat handling, the tape is up to five years.

The second negative property will be the possibility of an acid-based reaction with substances. This may lead to the loss of the initial attractive species and even the border peak. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse with such means when cleaning the bathroom.

In a word, the gap sewing with the help of self-adhesive tape is an effective and reliable, but temporary measure. Although, given the democratic value of the material, there will be no good work to periodically replace the old decor new.

Installation of the product - Recommendations and nuances

Before proceeding with the sealing of a junction with ribbon, experienced masters advised to fill the seam by Plumbing Silicone. To do this, it is better to choose a material on a neutral basis. Of course, after rejection of the sealant, it should be removed its surplus and clean the surfaces from dust and garbage. Next, you need to wait for a complete drying of the planes if the cleaning was wet. At this preliminary stage of preparation is over.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Fold the prepared element on the fifth lines

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Now your task is tightly and gently glue the decor to both surfaces. To do this, mark a piece of the required length. In this case, it is optimal to start pasting with a long side of the bath. Prepared the element, bend on the outlined lines with a glue part outward. Of course, for inexperienced masters, the optimal option will be the two-band ribbons.

Next, remove about 6 centimeters of the protective layer and tightly press the decor to both planes. In the same way, gradually pressing the tape and at the same time removing the film from it, carefully fall down the entire length of the container.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Gently stick to the ribbon to the surfaces, well pressing it to them

On the same principle, the side edges of the bath. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the junction of two bands in the corners. To do this, cover the material of the Van.

Having completed the processing of the lumen, leave the material to dry. It does not recommend using a bath or sink during the day. After this time, check the quality of sealing. If in some parts the band was bluffing poorly, it is advisable to fix it with liquid nails or other adhesive.

Remember that all work needs to be carried out on a dry and clean plane at room temperature. It is also important not to use the material stored for more than two years.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

The joint, designed in this way, guarantees reliable protection against leaks and the appearance of mold for several years.

As you can see, the installation of a border tape does not represent a special complexity. At the same time, you will get a flawlessly decorated and sealed joint of the walls and plumbing, which prevents the appearance and reproduction of mold. Even despite the relatively short service life of the product, this method of sealing of unsightly cracks will be quite appropriate. After all, the low cost of such a decor will allow you to easily replace it when it will be necessary.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Looking like a similar decor can easily be able to any owner

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Maximum width of the border tape reaches six centimeters

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

The joint, designed in this way, guarantees reliable protection against leaks and the appearance of mold for several years.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Gently stick to the ribbon to the surfaces, well pressing it to them

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Fold the prepared element on the fifth lines

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

The product is produced in small rolls with a length of about three meters

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

This is the self-adhesive border tape for the bathroom.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

If you do not seal the seam between the bathroom and the wall, sooner or later the fungus will appear at this place

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Using a knife, you can carefully draw the corners of the joint

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Burgundy tapes are two and three stripes.

Border tape for bathroom: Masters reviews

Border tape - universal and inexpensive material

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