Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive


The bathroom is a space with a rather wet microclimate. And not all finishing materials will be appropriate in such conditions. That is why starting to repair in plumbing premises, there is a choice of facing for walls. The modern construction industry offers a variety of options, but the most common products are still the products like a tile, PVC panels and wallpapers. Of course, speaking about the wallpaper canvases, it is worth knowing that not all of their views can be applied. The optimal solution will be waterproof wallpapers for the bathroom.

Choose suitable canvases are not easy. To do this, you need to know about the existing diversity, their positive and negative qualities, as well as on the rules of using them in the interior. It is about these aspects that will be discussed, and it should be started with the consideration of suitable types of wallpaper.

Varieties of wallpaper

Of all the types of wallpaper presented in the construction market, it is necessary to stop their choice only on moisture-resistant variants.

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

What wallpaper to choose

In particular, it can be:

  • Acrylic canvas - the upper layer of such products consists of acrylic spraying, however, due to the fact that the polymer is punctured, and not throughout the surface, the coating has medium moisture resistance;
  • Vinyl wallpaper on Flizelin - This species is rather resistant to the conditions of high humidity, the canvas calmly transfers and water vapors, and direct contact with water, of course, for such high characteristics and pay significant;
  • liquid wallpaper - Such products can be attributed to the species of plaster, their main mass is cellulose, and fibers of silk, cotton, acrylic and some types of technological additives are added;
  • Fiberglass wallpaper - these are canvas consisting of twisted threads of glass, there are no paper or other components susceptible to moisture, so they perfectly carry the conditions available in the bathrooms;
  • adhesive tape - this is the easiest option, since when using this type of wallpaper, you do not have to spend money on glue;
  • Cork coatings - Such material is distinguished by excellent performance, it does not absorb smells and is not afraid of high humidity, is bactericidal and antistatic, but, in addition, it will become an excellent heat and soundproofer, however, its price is capable of scarying many users.

Also, a good option for the bathroom can be the use of photo wallpapers. Of course, it is necessary to choose only those products that have a phlizelin or other moisture-repellent basis. In this case, the image may be the most different, because it is quite necessary that it will be underwater beauty, fish or ships. It all depends on the imagination of the designer and personal preferences.

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Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Registration of the interior of the bathroom wallpaper

Almost all of the listed options are washing wallpapers for the bathroom, that is, when cleaning them, it is quite possible to wipe with a wet sponge. However, it is important to take into account that some species are poorly tolerated cleaning products, so apply them worth with caution. What positive parties has the decision to separate the bathroom with wallpaper?

Advantage and disadvantages Applying wallpaper

Considering the washable wallpaper for the bathroom, the photos of which are presented in this article, it can be noted that they can noticeably transform space, make the room more individual and aesthetically attractive. But all this is true only when the choice is made in favor of quality materials. So, what advantages can be noted?

First, the low cost of the canvases themselves and consumables, secondly, it can be pasted on their own, without resorting to the help of expensive specialists, thirdly, rich design selection, that is, the user has a wide range of colors, drawings and textures and, in -that, it is fairly easy to change the interior, for example, having embraced the surface into another color or, replacing some products by others.

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Registration of the interior of the bathroom wallpaper

Of course, do not forget about the negative points. In particular, not all types of wallpaper can be used in the bathrooms, it is precisely necessary to abandon the canvas on a paper basis. It is also important to select the material with a dense structure, since otherwise the glue can be manifested on the surface under the influence of a warm and wet microclimate or the edges will begin to disperse, why the aesthetics will decrease significantly.

Of course, prevent such problems are quite real. It is enough to acquire special types of products, such as liquid bathroom wallpapers, which are pictures here. You can also advise not to stick them in places most affected by water. Such sites include the surface over the sink and bathroom, here you can use ceramic tiles or PVC panels.

Rules Wallpaper Stickers in the Bath

When buying wallpapers for the bathroom should be borne in mind that different types of them are needed and stroke differently. In this case, the surface of the walls is prepared almost identical way. That is, the base should be smooth and dry, and should also be additionally treated with its primer composition, which increases the adhesion to the subsequent finishing materials. It is best to perform repair procedures together, since the canvas are quite heavy, especially if you have to miss them with glue.

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Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Registration of the interior of the bathroom wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl is considered the most practical option for the bathroom. After all, this material without consequences transfers hot steam and is not afraid of long-term exposure to water, and is also a wear-resistant product with a long service life. In addition, it has an attractive design, featuring a variety of textures and colors. Of course, for such high characteristics you have to pay a more expensive price, and the savings of this option practically does not imply.

To punish the material of this type, it is worth purchasing a special adhesive composition. Next to prepare the canvas, cutting them so that the allowance remains from above and below 5 cm. If there is a drawing, then the material will have to be customized, and for this you need to purchase products with a margin. This material is glued, that is, without entering the adjacent stripes. The glue is applied directly to the walls. It is best to smear a plot for one sheet at a time, increasing the width of about 10 cm.

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Vinyl wallpaper in the bathroom

For the first strip it is important to make a vertical mark with a plumb and level. Connecting the edge and line from above, gently glue a sheet along the entire length. In this case, it is necessary to carefully drive out air from under wallpaper, for this it is convenient to use a rubber spatula, as it does not damage the surface and is effective in operation. When the first sheet is already on the wall, you can move to the next, and thus stick the vinyl wallpaper in the bathroom, the photos shown here will show the process in all parts. Practically stigma and glass windows are pasted.

Liquid wallpaper

Such material is more like plaster. It is sold in a dry form and, before applying it on the walls should be dissolved with a mass of water. After completion completion, a sufficiently durable surface is obtained, immiting to moisture. In addition, due to the additional lacquer layer, it is possible to maximize the coating and extend its life.

Before proceeding with direct application, it is necessary to progress the basis of a specially selected composition. Then prepare the solution, for this, the dry substance is stirred with water to consistency sour cream. In the mixture, you can add coloring pigment or various shines, which are usually sold complete. It is important to leave a solution for several hours to make the adhesive carefully combined with fibers.

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Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

You can apply them on the walls using a sprayer or manually using Colevma. A mixture of a plastic grater or a painting roller is smoothed. The procedure resembles plastering, movements should not be directed in one direction, circular strokes will help achieve a more attractive final result. Also, at the end, it is recommended to go through the entire surface with a damp grater and smooth out irregularities.

Self-adhesive wallpaper

It can be said that self-adhesive wallpapers in the bathroom (photos presented in the article will help to choose the most attractive design). The peculiarity of such a material is that it does not require additional purchase of glue, since its back side is already impregnated with adhesive composition. That is, to stick the bands must be wetted with water and carefully press to the surface, or disconnect the protective film.

So, asking the question "Is it possible to glue the wallpaper in the bathroom?", It should be answered that "yes." In this case, this option will be not only externally attractive, but also inexpensive and quite durable. Of course, you need to adhere to certain laws of design. For example, in small rooms should not buy wallpaper with dark and large images, as it will visually reduce the dimensions. Also do not forget about the competent combination of materials.

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

What to choose wallpaper in a bath

In general, we can say that when sticking wallpaper it is necessary to adhere to the rules and requirements laid down by the manufacturer. Usually each roll is supplied with detailed instructions and care guidelines. It is important after stickers to withstand certain conditions within 24 hours, in particular, this concerns the elimination of drafts that can be destructively affected by the entire work done.

What to choose in the bathroom - wallpaper or tile, of course, solve only the owners of the house. However, sometimes you should not overpay for materials such as a tile, because it is enough to choose the right type of wallpaper.

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Choose a bathroom wallpapers

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Interior design Bathroom wallpaper

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

What to choose wallpaper in a bath

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

What wallpaper to choose in the bathroom

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Registration of the interior of the bathroom wallpaper

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Vinyl wallpaper in the bathroom

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Registration of the interior of the bathroom wallpaper

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

What wallpaper to choose

Bathroom wallpapers: washable, liquid, self-adhesive

Registration of the interior of the bathroom wallpaper

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