Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews


Walls in the bathroom at design deserve special attention, because they are presented with requirements other than those who have to match the walls in all other premises. The reason for this is primarily special "climatic conditions" in the room - elevated humidity, raininess (water splashes), not always good ventilation, etc. When choosing finishing materials for walls, the owners of apartments are often wondering if liquid wallpaper can be glued in the bathroom. Let's try to figure it out.

Than good liquid wallpaper

In general, the ceramic tile was and remains the most versatile material for covering the walls in the bathroom, the owners of the apartments are accustomed to it and it is most often suitable for various interiors. But liquid wallpaper is gaining increasingly popularity. Those who follow the fresh trends and innovations in the field of building materials and designs, have long managed to evaluate their quality.

Attempts to have a bathroom have a long time ago, but ordinary wallpapers are not at all suitable for this room. Of course, they give a more original view of the room, but retain their aesthetic properties a very short time. Due to the constant impact of moisture, paper ribbons will constantly swell and move away from the walls, which will require too frequent repairs. It is inconvenient and unprofitable.

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Bathroom decoration with liquid wallpaper

Recently, many owners have given preference to this type of cover as washable bathroom wallpapers. Reviews, unfortunately, were also not very positive. The owners, of course, liked that the coating was easily cleaned, it can be wiped and even washed, but there were certain disadvantages that adversely affected the desire to apply this material in the future. The main minus was that washable wallpaper hold on the walls is not much better than usual. That is, under the influence of heat and moisture they fall off, and it is necessary to glue something all the time. It turns out that, wanting to save on the tile, you get more expenses for glue and new wallpaper rolls.

So it would be left the impracticable dream of those who want to see the bathroom of the salary, if there were no fundamentally new liquid bathroom wallpapers.

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Advantages of liquid wallpaper

This material appeared not so long ago and its properties are not so well known to ordinary consumers, therefore it is worth describing its advantages.

  1. In the manufacture of liquid wallpapers, the most modern materials are used. They perfectly carry the impact of moisture, which is observed in the bathroom almost constantly, and for a long time they do not lose their properties.
  2. The durability of use is also achieved due to the fact that when a small part of the wallpaper is damped, you can quickly eliminate the shortcomings and for this you will not need to buy a whole roll and energize half the wall. It will only be enough to remove the spoiled part and make a cosmetic repair, applying a new layer of material. It does not need to pick up and cut the drawing, as the coating is obtained seamless.
  3. Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom (photos can be viewed on our website) prevent the appearance of mold, microbes and bacteria. The fact is that the components of the product are natural substances that do not allow harmful microorganisms, as well as insect to multiply on their surface.
  4. Also in the composition of this material there are antistatic substances. This means that dust will not accumulate on the walls. Such a property will appreciate those who among family members there are people suffering from allergies.
  5. Apply liquid wallpaper is very simple and easy. For this you do not need to possess some unique skills and with the procedure it is possible to cope alone.
  6. Liquid wallpaper due to its density perfectly retain heat.
  7. Smells in this material are practically not absorbed.
  8. These wallpaper soundproof.
  9. They do not fade and do not fade under the influence of sunlight. It becomes an important property, as the bathrooms with one or even several windows are equipped increasingly in the apartments.
  10. The manifold of shades allows you to choose a product for any interior.

By the way, liquid wallpapers can be used in other rooms. On any wall they will look stylish and modern.

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

Let's summarize: the main pluses of liquid wallpapers are a long life, ease of application, the possibility of rapidly replacing the damaged parts, environmental friendliness, dust, moisture, moisture, water and sun rays, elasticity, seamlessness, thermal insulation and sound insulation. Such a set of qualities quite allows you to make a choice in favor of this material to cover the walls, refusing already boring tiles or ordinary paint.

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Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom, the reviews about the use of which can be studied on our website, according to its properties similar to the glass. But here they benefit from the environmentally friendly, which their "colleagues" can not boast.

Many believe that liquid wallpapers in the bathroom (see the photo gallery) are inconvenient because they need to cover the layer of varnish when applied. This information is outdated, since such a procedure was required at the very beginning of the development of their production technology. Modern models do not require additional coatings.

Also outdated are the information that liquid wallpapers in the bathroom (the reviews should be looked over for the last 2-3 years) swell and lose an attractive appearance. Such a disadvantage had the very first models, one of whose components was cellulose, the properties of which did not allow it to withstand the constant impact of moisture. Modern manufacturers ensure that their products can be glued in any rooms regardless of the humidity level in them.

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid bathroom wallpapers with their own hands

Components of liquid wallpaper

In appearance, this material is largely reminded of paint or decorative plaster. It is applied almost as well. But nevertheless there are differences and essential.

Liquid wallpapers are not sold with rolls, but packages. The appearance resembles a dry powder, with a large amount of substances in the composition. For example, the wallpaper of various manufacturers may include:

  • cotton fibers;
  • cellulose;
  • dyes;
  • adhesive basis;
  • mica;
  • Dry algae;
  • Woody crumb, etc.

The last few components do not affect the properties of wallpaper, and just give them a specific fragrance.

Applying liquid wallpaper

Everyone knows that before gluing wallpaper, it is necessary to preliminarily prepare the walls. The surface must be cleaned from other materials, align, get rid of bacteria and fungi. Liquid wallpapers do not need any of these procedures, with the exception of eliminating the previous coating, which saves time and allows you to spend less means.

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Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

We highlight the main stages of work:

First, the walls must be braced by a special composition.

Secondly, to fix the primer, it is necessary to cover the walls with colorless varnish. As a rule, it is water repellent and practically does not smell.

Thirdly, powdered liquid wallpaper is bred in accurately in accordance with the instructions on the package. A properly divorced mixture should look like a middle-sized sour cream.

Fourthly, the walls are covered with a smooth wallpaper layer. At the same time, you can choose the most convenient way of available:

  1. For applying, you can use a sprayer with a plastic grater. To do this, a slightly mixture is placed on the grater and gradually applied to the surface. In this case, the angle of the arrangement of the grater should not exceed 15 degrees.
  2. Another option is to rolling the mixture with roller. The roller is selected depending on the size of the room.
  3. Pistol for applying liquid wallpapers. This method can be used if, on the idea of ​​the wall designer in the bathroom should be uneven.

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

A few more useful tips that will help achieve a better result when covering walls with liquid wallpaper:

  • producing material costs from a light angle to a darker;
  • After the mixture is slightly dry, you can repeat the procedure, wetting the wall with a small amount of water;
  • Work should be done if the room temperature is lower or equal to 15 degrees.

If you still find it difficult to make a choice between tiles, paint, liquid wallpaper and other materials, then it is necessary to get acquainted with all the benefits of liquid wallpaper, study the reviews and consult on the forums with those who have already used this material. Most likely, the desire to see his bathroom with stylish and modern, which will reinstate the opportunity to save and avoid problems with mold, swam mirrors and other unpleasant effects of high humidity.

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Glue liquid wallpaper in the bathroom

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom do it yourself

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom - option

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid bathroom wallpapers with their own hands

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Liquid Wallpaper in the bathroom

Liquid wallpapers in the bathroom: Operating reviews

Bathroom decoration with liquid wallpaper

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