Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself


Many of those who decide to repair the apartment starts it from the bathroom. And one of the first problems, which arise in the process, is tile, plumbing and plaster under the tile. We suggest you pay attention to the trim of the bathroom with decorative plaster, which was recently impossible. But today it has become quite fulfilled, as new building materials appeared, intended for plastering walls in different wet rooms.

Now you do not need to think than plastering the walls in the bathroom under the tile or wall panels than to paint everything. It is enough to apply a decorative finish. As you know, humidity is the greatest problem for everything that is located in the bathroom. After all, all items and building materials here have or direct contact with water, or with its evaporation. Therefore, when choosing building materials, it is necessary to take into account this feature and not pick up what is like, but what is intended for use in such premises.

We want to note that the plaster under the tile in the bathroom and the ceramics itself leave gradually into the past. We have a desire to familiarize you with the material that has been in the market for a long time, but for wet premises began to be applied recently. This is a decorative plaster. Consider both its advantages and disadvantages. Special attention will be paid to the use, use conditions. Also share the secrets of applying it on the surface.

Decorative trim in the bathroom: all "for" and "against"

Decorative plaster is a modern finishing material, quite easily in contact with water and its evaporation. Such a feature of this decoration gives an acrylic basis, as well as special additives. Due to the special composition of the material, the finish is quite persistent with moisture. In addition, during the operational period, it does not lose its original appearance. It also successfully withstands fluctuations in temperature and moisture drops.

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plating walls in the bathroom

It is interesting that this material is not only resistant to certain conditions, but also creates the following additional comfort in the room and care for it:

  1. High-grade . Surprised that such material is suitable for the bathroom? Explain: this finish absorbs the entire excess couple, which appears in the bathroom during washing, and when dry in the air, the reverse process begins. This allows you to create a favorable microclimate indoor. For comparison: when the bathroom is covered with ceramic tiles, then during washing the room is quickly filled with steam, which settles on the walls and flows.
  2. Caring for plaster . He is unpretentious, as it is a resistant coating. Decorative finish is opposed to many chemicals. It can be put in order by applying ordinary household chemicals. In addition, most types of finishing have an antistatic effect. And this means that the dirt is not particularly on it and settles.
  3. Creating a unique interior . Using decorative plaster, you can really create an unusual interior. It perfectly imitates many natural materials. Applying it, it is easy to create even a full-fledged picture. Of course, the quality of the work performed unequivocally depends on who does it. Experience and skill here are the main criteria. Therefore, if you have never had things to do with this material, then you should not wait for the creation of artwork.

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Decorative stucco walls in the bathroom as a finishing material is quite interesting. Its main advantages are originality, a chic interior and an incredible appearance. In order to achieve this, you only need to adhere to certain conditions. Now the question of which plaster under the tile to choose for the bathroom, goes into non-existence, because the time of decorative decoration comes.

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plaster in the bathroom - wall design

What you need to use decorative plaster

After acquaintance with the features of the decorative finish, many it seems that it can be easily applied to any surface. This is an incorrect opinion. The walls on which this material will be applied should be prepared by a special way. Only in case of compliance with all technical conditions, the finish will have a high degree of moisture resistance. To begin with, it is required to align the walls using a sanitizing plaster. The usual plaster for the bathroom under the tile in this case is not suitable.

Sanipulating plaster is a solution consisting of sand, cement and components that give the walls to which it is applied, such properties:

  • Waterproofing (the plaster ultimately forms something like a moisture content film on the wall);
  • Resistance to the fallout of such a component, like salt (this ability gives material resistance from possible destruction as a result of evincibles);
  • Adjusting the microclimate (the front side of the finish absorbs and gives moisture if necessary).

Examples of interiors where decorative plaster in the bathroom applies. Reviews, the photo suggests that this material conquers more and more sympathies. Despite such features of the sanctuating plaster, it is easy to apply on the wall surfaces. It is even unprofessional. Therefore, this type of work you can do yourself.

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Interior design of the bathroom decorative plaster

Remember that this plaster is not decorative. It is a draft mixture. With it, it is only conducted by alignment of the walls and the properties of which are described above are given.

Varieties of decorative decoration

Preparation of wall surfaces before applying decorative plaster - an important stage of work. It is the lower draft layer that holds moisture and makes it possible to use any plaster in the subsequent process. But, as you know, each decor has its own characteristics. Here and try to figure it out now.

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Decorative plaster, giving a smooth surface.

The most common is Venetian. If you need a decoration of walls in a bathroom with decorative plaster, then it fits most of all, as it has a special gloss, which contributes to waterproof. Plastering appearance imitates a natural stone. Most often she resembles marble. The variety is not particularly large on the imitation of the structure of the stones, but the special accent can be made unlike the color range, as well as giving the surfaces of the flourished look.

If the master is not alien to creativity, then the use of the stencil or the creation of the drawing can make the wall with the work of art. But in this case, the price for their work performed will be significantly higher.

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Interior design in the bathroom decorative plaster

Stucco, giving a structural surface.

The most common is "Coroed", "Cameshkovaya". A distinctive feature is considered to be applied to the walls ordered relief. Such surfaces have a disadvantage in the form of depressions, which are inherent in their structure. They can delay water. If the prospect of using such plaster is not very long-term, there are no special problems in this. But still, such a type of finish has a much smaller service life than those inherent in the smooth surface.

While choosing the mixture itself, which will be applied, we recommend paying attention to such nuances:

Manufacturers offer both ready-made compounds and dry building mixes.

We recommend using a dry composition, since the finished mixture cannot be adjusted with water with water, so it will be quite difficult to work.

There are mixes with different fillers on sale.

We recommend not to use a machine method of applying plaster if the filler is large. In addition, it is most difficult to apply a mixture that has a heterogeneous filler. If you are not enough experience in such works, and you want to do everything yourself, it is better to abandon such plaster.

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Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plaster in the bathroom - Interior design

Decorative plaster happens on different bases.

We recommend using those that are not water-based. Although there are disgraceful opinions here. Plasters, divorced by water, are considered harmless absolutely, but moisture resistance is lower. You can get out of the created position only in one way: when the main layer is dry, covered with the wax.

Now you have to decide on how to plaster the walls in the bathroom.

Application of Venetian plaster in the bathroom

As mentioned above, Venetian is most often used to decorate walls in the bathroom. The ability to simulate the appearance of marble gives the walls of wealth and uniqueness.

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plaster in the bathroom do it yourself

How is the Venetian plaster apply? Consider the whole process in stages:

  1. First, the surface of the walls is leveled with a reducing plaster or a mixture for cement-based plaster.
  2. After complete drying of the walls, the basic layer of the selected decorative plaster is finely applied. It is necessary to monitor that the lines remain after the spatula passed.
  3. Let dry the first layer and then apply the second.
  4. Then, on the resulting layer with a narrow spatula, we make strokes, which will form the necessary texture. It is a narrow spatula that will leave those stripes that will create a unique picture.
  5. Again there is a complete drying of the surface. After that, with the help of sandpaper, we process the resulting factory layer.
  6. The last step becomes the coating of the walls with a wax composition, which is suitable for processing decorative plaster.

The end result after the fulfillment of all works will impress any: after all, the walls, additionally treated with wax, will be very reminded by structure, and the gloss has a natural polished stone.

So, the myth that the decorative plaster for the bathroom is not applicable, completely debunk. As you can see, the decorative finish is quite suitable for use in any wet rooms. If the master will not violate the application technology during work, the operational period of such a coating is equal to the tile service life.

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Bathroom decoration with decorative plaster

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plaster, as an option for placing a bathroom

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plaster in the bathroom do it yourself

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plaster in the bathroom - Interior design

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Interior design in the bathroom decorative plaster

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Interior design of the bathroom decorative plaster

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plaster in the bathroom - wall design

Decorative bathroom plaster do-it-yourself

Decorative plating walls in the bathroom

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