Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video


Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video

Fliseline wallpaper looks much more original than their paper alternative popular view of the facing has always been paper wallpaper: a cheap wallpaper layer has always perfectly decorated the interior of any room. Naturally, they have a number of significant drawbacks: therefore, many specialists have an idea-Fix idea - to invent a new material that is deprived of many of the shortcomings of paper wallpaper, and at the same time, they would have their advantages for which paper wallpaper fell in love with many people.

It's time, and finally found that material that could be called "improved paper", his name is Flizelin. This material has a similar structure with conventional paper; At the same time, fluzeline wallpapers are much more advantages than paper: fire resistance, high strength and others. It is logical that for a new type of wallpaper, you need and glue, thanks to which wallpaper will be attached to the wall. In order to choose the appropriate glue for fliesline wallpaper, you need to spend a lot of time, but the result justifies yourself: you can enjoy all the advantages of "improved paper".

What better glue for fliesline wallpaper: choose options

Before walking the desired wallpaper, first, you should buy glue. The person who first faces flieslinic wallpaper, is unlikely to choose the most appropriate option: for this you need to have certain knowledge. Naturally, you can trust the seller right in the construction store, and ask him what glue is the best today. Unfortunately, not all sellers are conscientious, and there may be such a situation where the seller simply begins to recommend the most expensive glue: because it is most important for him - it is to sell the goods; Therefore, it should be independently examined by the wall of the adhesives for wallpaper.

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Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video

The choice of wallpaper glue will be directly dependent on the type of your wallpaper.

First of all, you should find out what kind of fliseline wallpaper is. There are two types: light single-layer and heavy multi-layered wallpapers.

After that, you can choose the appropriate glue. Adhesive for heavy wallpapers in no case is not suitable for light wallpaper: In order not to spend the money in vain, you need to know what specifically you have a type of flieslin wallpaper.

The first brand on which attention should be paid is methilane: this glue is not quite cheap, compared to many of its competitors, but the price justifies the present German quality: this is one of the most popular adhesives. It can be noted that it has a special pink indicator, which allows you to more evenly and economically apply glue. His main competitor is Quelyd glue: he is also expensive and high-quality. This glue is devoid of unpleasant odor and has positive feedback. By the way, the kilit is enough to apply only on the wall: you can not apply it to wallpaper. Adhesives that have been described earlier - foreign production. Among foreign adhesives, you can still note the adhesives of Swedtex and Kleo, they close the ranking of the best adhesives: like Quelyd, Cleo is also a French company.

Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video

Metylan and Quelyd are the most popular glue mixes for wallpaper today.

In our country, they also make high-quality and good glue: it easily proved the glue producer moment. This is a famous brand in Russia and nearby countries: it is famous for its quality and durability. In the closed dishes, this glue can be stored up to 7 days, which is an undoubted advantage. It is easy enough to prepare literally in 15 minutes.

How to make glue for flieslinic wallpaper

The algorithm for the preparation of glue does not differ much from various manufacturers.

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Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video

Dilute wallpaper glue can be in an enameled bucket or plastic container

For its preparation you do not need to make special efforts:

  • At first, future glue should be poured into the enameled bucket - a special dry matter.
  • The next action is to pour all the dry matter with warm or cold water: it is undesirable to use hot water for this.
  • We stir this mixture before the thick mass is formed.
  • If you want liquid glue, then you can add water. Her consumption: 150 grams per liter.
  • After thorough mixing, glue is ready.

Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video

It will take about 15-30 minutes for the preparation of glue.

If you have questions or problems associated with cooking, you can see all information on the network. In addition, an instruction is always attached to the adhesive, where everything is more detailed: cooking technology, substance consumption for 1m2 wall surfaces.

How to cook glue for wallpaper (video)

What wallpaper can be glued on flieselin glue

Adhesive for flieslinic wallpaper can be called universal: it can be used for fliseline, and for paper, and even for vinyl wallpaper. If you decide to glue paper wallpaper with the help of fliesline glue, it follows it with a large amount of water.

Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video

If you already have glue for phlizelin, but you need to punish paper wallpaper, then you should not despair: this glue can be applied to paper wallpaper

All adhesives for wallpapers are one base: they differ only in special additives.

And at the same time, glue for paper wallpapers can not be applied to Fliselinov: It is important to consider when choosing a suitable glue.

Sticker Fliseline Wallpaper do it yourself

Before making the wallpaper shook, you should measure the height of the desired wall: a few more centimeters should be added to this value in order to cut off the wallpaper with a small margin. Glue such wallpapers from the angle, catching the glue to the surface of the wall. In order to stick the wallpaper Exactly, you can draw a vertical line, and it is already parallel to it to glue. After you blended the first strip, it should be smoothed with a cloth or roller to get rid of bubbles. The next sheet should be applied to the first: algorithm of sticking subsequent sheets does not change.

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Adhesive for fliesline wallpaper: What is better, good methilane, Cleano consumption, instruction, is it possible to glue paper, how to breed with your own hands, video

When sticking wallpaper, special attention should be paid to the corners.

It is important to monitor the wallpaper pattern so that it corresponds to the desired figure.

If there is a little glue near the junctions, then it can be wiped with a rag.

How to glue Fliseline Wallpaper (video)

Flizelin wallpaper is an excellent choice for those who prefer classic paper wallpapers: it is just an improved option of ordinary wallpapers, devoid of many paper flaws. Would you like to have old-kind wallpapers, but in a modern "shell"? Then the phlizelin wallpaper is just for you.

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