Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video


Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

With the help of the combination of wallpaper and non-standard solutions, you can achieve original visual effects Combining wallpaper - it is not only a bold, but also a practical solution. Repair rarely is ideal, and at the expense of wallpaper invoice, you can also beat even completely smooth shelves of the ceiling and walls. How to combine different wallpapers in the same room, so that it looked good?

Combining Wallpaper Two Colors

The interior has the same rules of composition as in any other artistic space, for example, on canvas.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Combining wallpaper way to highlight horizons harmoniously arrives in any designer style

What results can be achieved if you correctly pick a combine wallpaper:

  • Divide the room space on the zone;
  • Competently arrange accents in the interior;
  • Highlight a niche or a separate wall;
  • Hide repair defects;
  • Emphasize the stylistic direction of the premises;
  • Make a room personal, special, carrying an imprint of taste and character of the owner.

All interior details must either create a background, or attract attention. So that the guest, getting into the room, immediately got the right impression, it is necessary to clearly expand the emphasis on the walls. The wallpaper combination allocates one wall or part of it, and this plane becomes the main beacon. The rest of the walls play a minor role.

Examples of such a composite solution:

  • One wall - bright wallpaper, 3 other walls - light, neutral, without pattern wallpaper;
  • Part of the wall is highlighted with brighter wallpaper than edging.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination methods can include a variety of options, but it is necessary to follow the common design concept.

If the horizontal separation on the wallpaper of two colors is used, the lower part must be darker than the top. With a vertical separation, it should be borne in mind that light wallpapers visually expand the space, and dark - narrow and drip. Therefore, if the interior is built on contrasts, the vertical separation of the wall with wallpaper of two colors should be balanced along the composition.

Examples of the combination of wallpaper vertical:

  • Niche is saved with darker wallpaper than walls;
  • Wallpaper in the center of the wall is lighter than along the edges;
  • On the edge of the door or window opening - brighter wallpaper than in the rest of the room.

Before glue wallpaper, you need to successfully choose. For this, you must imagine in advance how accents will be placed in the interior. So that it can be clearly visible, you need to take paper and pencil, schematically draw the room and approximate where and what wallpapers will be pissed. To find the best option in composition, you need to try several different combinations.

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Wallpaper - Companions in the interior (video)

How to combine wallpapers among themselves: the principles of combination

Wallpapers are color and texture. In order for the combination of two colors among themselves, it looked good, the wallpaper should be the same thickness. Vinyl wallpapers need to be combined with vinyl, and paper with paper. Washing wallpapers are used for room pasting from below, for example, in the nursery. In the thickness of the canvas, they must coincide with the basic, otherwise the ugly ledge will be visible in the place of docking. In addition to the color, the wallpaper canvas can have a drawing.

What rules need to be observed that the combination looks successful, not only on paper, but also in the interior:

  • Use not more than 1 bright pattern;
  • Background walls coated with neutral wallpaper;
  • If 2 or more patterns are used, they must be similar to style and by color.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Vertical patterns visually lengthen the walls and raise the ceiling

Horizontal patterns visually expand the wall plane, increase the volume of space. It is not recommended to combine vertical and horizontal patterns, especially bright and contrasting colors. If a guest is in such a room with epilepsy, he can start a seizure.

In order for all guests to be comfortable, it is best to use not bright, only vertical or only horizontal patterns.

Successful combination of wallpaper in the interior

Some people get tired of the saturated color of the walls. The design in the interior is built on harmony and accents, so in the room there is always a cozy, it is worth sharpen attention to no more than 1 wall.

How to choose the main and background wallpaper:

  • The wallpaper of two colors should be either warm or cold shades, for example, light blue and green, gentle pink and peach;
  • The wallpaper of two colors should be the same in shine, or glossy or matte.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper - companions should be a single color direction, otherwise the design will be dissony

It is necessary to combine the wallpaper of two colors in shine, on this principle all design series of wallpapers are based. In the interior, the matte combined wallpaper simple texture looks.

How different wallpapers in the same room change the space

The room with an unusual wallpaper arrangement should be harmonized with all other repairs in the apartment.

Where appropriate to use the combination of wallpaper of two colors:

  • In a small room to visually expand the space;
  • In the hallway to protect the bottom of the walls from pollution;
  • In the nursery, use washable wallpaper on the bottom edge of the wall.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

In a narrow corridor or one-room apartment with a small area will be very relevant combination of wallpaper of two colors

Thus, it turns out that this is not only an interesting, but also practical option for design walls.

Wallpaper Combination Options: Harmony and Contrast

The color and texture of the wallpaper is a certain information about the owner's taste, so you need to pick up the design in the interior in accordance with your own preferences. Then the room will be pleasant.

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Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Throwing contrast between rich and faded shades of one color - one of the current principles of the combination of wallpaper in the interior

The combination of two colors in one room should be built in 1 of the following principles:

  • The contrast between saturated and unsaturated color;
  • Close on the palette arrangement of colors, shades of one color;
  • Variations inside a warm or cold gamut;
  • Close or identical color wallpaper with different pattern.

You can find not only flat, but also relief wallpapers. The relief animated walls, however, that the composition looks good, in one room there should be 1 or 2 relief maximum. If 2 relief is used, the wallpaper should be the same in color.

Combinations of wallpapers on the walls (video)

Ready solution: Paired wallpapers for walls

Many collections immediately provide a line of options for wallpaper combination.

What pluses of paired wallpaper from one manufacturer:

  • Do not doubt your taste, you can use the already selected combination of two colors;
  • No need to think over the composition, the designer has already calculated everything in advance;
  • You can proudly show the guests to repair and be sure that everyone will appreciate him.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Combining wallpaper ready-made canvases allows you to save time and get a guaranteed good result

Often, steam wallpapers are trimmed in advance in the desired way, and the allowance is indicated so that the seam is smooth. The instructions show how to properly glue the wallpaper, as located canvas on the wall relative to each other. The only minus of this option is the lack of a creative component.

Practical wall design with various color wallpaper

Washing wallpapers serve for a long time and delight the simplicity of care. Therefore, if the question arises on how to decorate the bottom of the wall, the best solution is the combination of wallpaper with a washing texture. In the hallway, the kitchen and children's horizontal separation using the washing of the lower canvas will save a lot of forces, nerves and money.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

In order not to update the repair every 2-3 years, you can easily facilitate my life and think over not only the design, but also the domestic part of the issue

Beautiful washable wallpaper can close the space for a height of 1 - 1.5 m from the floor baseline. It is this part of the wall most often gets dirty, scratched and subjected to wear. Thinking through the wallpaper combination is always better in advance on paper, but only then embody in the interior.

How to glue combined wallpapers: fineness of skill

Smooth junctions between the canvas are a prerequisite for the neat and attractive appearance of the walls. It does not matter how the wallpaper is combined, vertically or horizontally, if it is planned to use 2 and more canvas on one wall - you need to mark. With the help of roulette, level and pencil should be distinguished by the zones.

It is undesirable to glue the wallpaper, gradually the seams can move, swell and lose an attractive look.

Smooth docking on the wall markup is performed in four hands, with an assistant. Previously, it is necessary to clearly place the canvas itself, cut it off the required length. The most difficult version is a horizontal location, because you need not just shove the wallpaper from the corner or from the ceiling, but exactly from the central part of the wall.

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Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Some wallpapers are stretched with impregnation with glue. If the repair is really expensive, and there is little experience in sticking, you need to first find out how stretching the canvas is, and how much it will be squealing

Punching in order:

  • With a horizontal arrangement of two colors - first top, then the bottom;
  • With vertical - first the left cloth, then right;
  • Blowing niche - first niche, then the walls;
  • Casting diagonally - first top, then bottom.

There is even a 0.1 mm gap between horizontal joints, therefore the exact calculation is the basis of quality repairs. Before sticking, you need to carefully read the instructions for the wallpaper, use the appropriate glue, try to take into account the allowance. If there is no experience in such a matter, and the repair is needed high quality, it is better to trust the complex pasting of the room by professional builders.

Combining wallpaper and painting of walls: convenient and original

Painting with a tinting is actively used on smooth walls. But what if the repair is not perfect?

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

With the help of a combination of paint and wallpaper, you can hide all defects and give the room stylish and attractive

Combining paint and wallpaper of two colors, ideas:

  • Contrast, light paint, brighter wallpaper or colors paint, background wallpaper;
  • Harmony in color, similar flavoring flavoring and paint;
  • Pasting one wall with wallpaper, painting the rest of the walls;
  • Selection of walls of painting, pasting the rest of the walls;
  • Vertical or horizontal separation of the wall on the painted and the salaled part.

The room can look different with artificially and with natural lighting, so it is better to try on a low-wing wall, evaluate the result, and then apply all over the apartment.

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

To successfully combine paint and wallpaper, you need to use either glossy or matte on glitter texture

Carefully combine the paint and wallpaper can only if there is a gap of 1.5 - 2 cm in place of the seam. The paint should go under the wallpaper so that the canvas could even without flaws hide the joint. It is convenient to design the arches, niches and slopes of the window opening.

Wallpaper Combination: Designer Tips (Video)

The combination of wallpaper and paint gives space for creativity, because it is possible to originally and fresh to beat even the standard planning of the apartment. The design of two types of wallpaper or wallpaper and paint is suitable even for walls with a nonideal surface.

Combining wallpaper in the interior (photo)

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

Wallpaper combination: photo of two colors, how to combine each other, combination in the interior, different in one room, options, steam rooms, video

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