Bathroom stencils


Bathroom stencils

In Soviet times, the walls of the bathroom painted with oil paint using a maximum of two colors. Then it became fashionable to glue the walls with tiles. Now designers offer a lot of options, how to make the usual room bright and unique. One of the available and creative ways is a screen painting - great for decorating the most wet room in the house.

Bathroom stencils

Features of the application in the bathroom

The main feature of the bathroom and its problem - water, or rather a lot of water in a small space.

Hence the nuances of work:

  • Use for painting you need moisture-resistant paints. Since the room is closed, it is better that the paints quickly dry. The same requirement and to the main wall covering.
  • A small space requires a thorough approach to the choice of drawing and its position. Using the correct size pattern, you can increase the size of the room.

Large drawings are good where there is a feeling of emptiness, which cannot be filled with volumetric items.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Preparatory work

Stencils can be applied to smooth prepared walls, on an existing tile, a mirror surface or locker doors. The main condition: Clean the surface. If you apply on bare walls, then aligned and prepared under painting, if on other surfaces, it is worth walking with a soap solution for cleansing and degreasing. Otherwise, the paint does not fall or starts to go to the stains, and after drying it will quickly come down. Clean surface will ensure the adhesion and durability of the drawing.

As for the stencil, the preparation here is divided into choosing a pattern or creating a picture, as well as transfer it to the template - a kind of workpiece. About this - a little later.

Bathroom stencils

Types of application technique

Painted paint An occupation is fascinating, especially for creative people. However, even pragmatic parties can find their joys in this lesson and make a hobby from this.

How can I draw patterns:

The easiest way is to single-color flat drawing on the template. According to the harvested drawing, you need to walk in just one color. Perfectly suitable for first experience. So you can create simple ornaments and complex pictures. The difference is only in the templates used.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Option for patient - multicolor pattern in which two colors are used or more. This option allows you to get a more expressive or cheerful picture. It is assumed that the process of preparing and selecting the picture will take more time as its application. At the preliminary stage, there is a choice of color palette and planning, how to use it on the very pattern. You may need several blanks for each color.

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Bathroom stencils

Volumetric stencils - art for professionals. The template acts as a standalone for the location of the patterns of the pattern, to give a single form. Relief image will help plastic masses or special putty. It is also not excluded work with color. Thus, you can make beautiful bulk images (ships, clouds, mermaids), creating a certain style and atmosphere. Of course, the time will go to such a lot of work, and you can make the bas-relief, if you first work. The first time work may fail.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Reverse stencil (negative) - a tricky reception when you need to paint the area around the template, leaving the selected drawing in the original color. It helps to work with contrasting colors and textures, an interesting deep and multi-level drawing is created. Also an option for sophisticated, it is often used in a multicolor format.

Bathroom stencils

Selection of paint

For painting in a humid premises, paints on a silicate basis or quick-drying acrylic are well suited.

If the selected composition is not distinguished by persistence, then the durability of the drawing can be achieved by fastening the result of the work. The same trick will help when working with bas-reliefs, extinguishing their lives.

How to apply coloring formulations? Choose, based on personal preferences: brushes, rollers, sponges, cans. There is no hard canons in this matter.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Choosing a place

Best stencils look at large spaces free from furniture and details (on the wall above the bathroom, for example). Small patterns help to give an elegant look at the room where there are no bright color accents. So you can not only decorate the inevitable or bulky, boring items (ventilation, socket, shelves, mirrors and lockers), but also beat them, combine with the rest of the interior using one topic (fish, butterflies, vegetable pattern). Drawings will help to hide and some wall defects.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

How to make stencils with your own hands?

In addition to purchased options from the construction store, you can use homemade patterns for drawing. The drawing itself can be found on the Internet by setting the topic of interest in the search engine, or create yourself. The last option is better to use if you clearly imagine the idea or possess some work experience. Apply a paper sketch if it is complicated, then simplify the idea to make it easier to implement in life. If the silhouette is increasing or unrecognizable, make it stylized. Ready drawing transfer to vinyl or other resistant material (plastic, cardboard). Cut the drawing on the office by a construction knife or scalpel, observing precautions to not be hurt.

Bathroom stencils

Stencil drawing

Before applying paint on the wall, you should make sure that the result is close to the idea. Samples on old wallpaper or big piece of paper. This will help and remove a little excitement before the first experience, adapt to the tool. Check that the place for the drawing is dry and clean.

Check out the level of the pattern, make the lungs of the pencil queue if required, fasten the stencil with a painted tape or special unstable glue (so as not to leave tracks on the surface and easily moved away from it). "Hide" with a scotch and paper, those part of the interior that paint should not get. If necessary, cover the floor with a newspaper or polyethylene.

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Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Apply the first layer of paint. After complete drying, you can refresh the color of the second layer (as necessary and on the basis of the idea). The sponge and brush must be predicted, removing the surplus so that they do not be crushed over the edge. The paint from the canopy needs to be sprayed at a distance of about 25-30 cm (this will give a more smooth layer and will make consumption optimal).

Bathroom stencils

Further, the work depends on your imagination: change the color, transfer the stencil into the next place.

Bathroom stencils

When the work is ready, you can apply a locking layer of transparent varnish. When it is dry, remove the remnants of the scotch and paper, admire the creation!

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils


Despite the name (stencil, template) This technique makes the room the only one in its kind. In order not to spoil the work, and then the mood, enjoy your work, it is worth paying attention to the recommendations:

  • The less experience, the less tricks worth using. Use purchased workpieces, they simplify the task. Large clear lines are best transferred on the surface, small features, a large number of angles are complex for transfer and often "cut".
  • The size of the pattern must correspond to the possibilities of space: large compositions are appropriate on a large area, in the design of parts and small areas - small stencils.
  • The pictures made in one technique are elegantly, or supporting one topic, the number of colors can be arbitrary. The topic helps combine the elements of the room, create your own style.
  • Reverse stencils help create the effect of depth, bulk space. It is better to perform them with the help of aerosol paint. Antislems are good when creating landscapes - leaf fall, branches of trees, fireworks, waves, horizon lines. Natural materials can be used as a stencil: expressive branches, large leaves (for example, fern, maple, birch branches). This reception is better to first work out to catch a good "Rakurs": from different points spraying will give new "shadows".
  • Favorite themes for templates in the bathroom: stylized flowers, plant ornaments, Greek, Roman and Egyptian patterns, marine theme (fish, shells, anchors, etc.), landscapes, African motifs, animated characters. Choosing colors, stop on bright, juicy, pleasant eyes shades and combinations. Dark, black and dirty shades - the prerogative of experienced masters, newcomers can overdo it.
  • Drawings can decorate the room, zonail, decorate flaws, combine scattered parts.

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Bathroom stencils

It is not always possible to accurately implement the idea. This is not a reason to upset, because the bathroom has gained his face and becomes recognizable for your guests. Small errors are the raisins that were so thought. Let others think so.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils


You can decorate the walls and furniture of the bathroom without a stencil. For example, a simple painting, without a template. Nevertheless, it is better to estimate the sketches on paper and pick up the color so that the final result does not upset. Professionals create real masterpieces that sorry to lose due to new repairs. True, there may be a lot of time for this option.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

There is a simple and exciting method, where it is not necessary to paint perfectly in perfectly, it is called a decoupage. This is a useful design skill, which is perfectly combined with country styles and Provence, makes the interiors with cute and close heart, deprives them of a cold gloss and adds comfort. It is often used to decorate individual interior items and combined with other techniques to achieve a special expressiveness and effect of the "cute ancient thing."

Bathroom stencils

Decoupage is based on a finished pattern applied to fine paper or a napkin. In needlework stores you can find ready-made sets for decoupage. Decide where and what pictures you want to put, prepare the surface. If the napkins are too dense, they can be slightly twisted that the upper colorful layer moves faster. Gently press it to the desired area of ​​the wall, over the picture, pass the brush with PVA glue. Do not be afraid of torn edges and irregularities - it creates a charm, the view of the "long-liver", things with a story. The glue will help stick to the surface, and when the drawing becomes dry, you can protect it from the humidity acrylic varnish. Very thin paper with a picture you can glue dry.

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom decoration is a matter of course troublesome and to taste not to every owner. At the same time, it reflects your true attitude towards myself and your home, shows how much you love households, seeking beauty even in trifles. And this is an excellent way to revive the freshened interior without significant expenses. If you attract the other family members to this case, you can create an excellent family tradition or hobby!

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

Bathroom stencils

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