How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo


How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Fliselinic wallpapers consist of cellulose fibers and polymer binder fluid wallpapers are considered universal coating, and externally, and they will qualitatively "to taste" to the average tool. True, he immediately may have questions, and whether the fliseline wallpaper will be difficult, will it be possible to cope with their own hands, is it easier to glue meter or standard wallpapers? And how to prepare for sticking the surface of the walls?

How to glue Flizelin Wallpaper: Important moments

Big plus is that Flizelin for walls in special care does not need. If it is under painting, then dispersion and acrylic dyes will look at it perfectly. Most of these wallpapers are not afraid of humidity, so you can wash with the use of a soap solution.

As for the preparation of walls before work, it is very important that the entire surface is uniform color and, if it is possible that the color does not contrasted with the color of the wallpaper.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

If fliseline wallpaper will break correctly, they will look like a solid coating and seams will be invisible

Some important moments in the shook Flizelin Wallpaper:

  • Good phliselin wallpaper is characterized by high-quality edge, which allows you to glue this wallpaper. And the neighboring canvas appearance will look like a solid coating, and the seam can not be said to be visible.
  • Preparation of wallpaper is only after checking them for marriage. Stick this rule always: first inspect the entire deployed roll, and only then cut.

After that, make up the preparation of tools for sticking.

Fliseline wallpapers: how to choose (video)

Flyselin Wallpaper Tools

Everyone who glues wallpaper himself, with their own hands, has its own list of necessary tools. But if you do it for the first time, or dissatisfied with the past experience, you can use the next universal list.

Tools for sticking:

  1. Construction level (if there is laser - perfect);
  2. Roller with a long pile;
  3. Roulette in 5 m;
  4. Plastic spatula for clerk of wallpaper;
  5. A sharp knife to cut the wallpaper;
  6. Narrow spatula (metallic);
  7. Pencil;
  8. Sponge of foam
  9. Bucket for glue and bucket for water.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Basic tools for comfortable blowing fliesline wallpaper

Perhaps some additional tools may be needed to prepare walls. Wide wallpapers are glued using the same tools.

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How to beat flieslinic wallpaper

Fliselin Wallpapers are noteworthy that it is possible to glue them in fact on any surface - on plaster, wood, drywall, chipboard, paper, concrete. Be sure to clean the surface of the walls from the former coating, if the wall is painted - the paint also needs to be removed. If we have already found good reasons for paint not removed, at least to cultivate the painted wall with sandpaper so that the wallpaper is easier to clutch with the surface.

Is it possible to glue phlizelin wallpaper on old wallpaper

Theoretically, it is possible, but there are nuances.

How to glue fliseline wallpapers for past wallpapers:

  • The previous coating should be paper and thin;
  • Old wallpaper should be firmly held on the surface of the walls;
  • Old wallpaper can not be much darker than new ones.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Before sticking phlizelin wallpaper, it is recommended to remove the old coating.

It is worth notifying that the risks of the occurrence of defects in this case are great. For example, bubbles may appear under wallpaper, or wallpaper will begin to settle. It is believed that the use of a new coating from such a sticking decreases.

Do I need to smear glue phlizelin wallpaper

It happens, during the repair of a person, doubts are overcome, and it still flashes the strip, and the wall. If, it happened, you have already smeared the strip, then you don't need to apply glue on the wall. Just wipe it with a cloth in the joints of the joints.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

It is not necessary to smear glue directly wallpaper, it is written on this and on the label, and on the wallpaper. Glue apply only on the wall

But to apply it easier to the wall, and then glue the prepared strip. Errorery many smear the entire surface of the walls, and only the zone of nearest work is needed. If the meter wallpaper, this zone increases.

Can Flyselin Wallpaper on Flizelin Wallpaper

It is not recommended to do this, especially with your own hands. In extreme cases, if you don't want to remove the wallpaper completely, you can only remove the top layer or make it as follows.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

It is extremely recommended to glue phlizelin wallpaper on top of other phlizelin wallpaper. The risk that wallpaper will fall out - great

The needle roller walk over the surface so that as many holes as possible formed on old wallpaper, then the hitch with new things will pass better.

Is it necessary to progress the walls before sticking fliesline wallpaper

Pruning, of course, is always worth what wallpaper you are not glued. And the phlizelin wallpaper uniquely needs to be glued to the primed wall.

The primer is not needed only in the case of:

  1. If the repair is temporary, and the wallpaper is not intended in principle for a long service;
  2. Wallpaper light and paper.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

If the surface on which wallpaper will be glued is a defect, it must be projected

What is the primer of the walls? It's simple - it increases the adhesion (that is, the clutch) of materials, they will be better glued to the base.

Is it possible to glue phlizelin wallpaper on a concrete wall

Right so, to concrete glued, of course, no need. First, with your own hands, align the surface, swipe and primer.

How to primrate the concrete wall:

  • Take a liquid adhesive solution. In the first layer, apply exactly the glue, and in the second layer, the adhesive solution should be waught.
  • Double coating will increase adhesion, which guarantees successful stagnation of wallpaper.

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How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

It is not recommended to glue phlizelin wallpaper on a bare concrete surface. First you need to handle the wall of a special primer

Without primer, it is still relatively successful you can cope with paper wallpaper, but it is necessary to glue heavy flieslinic wallpaper with a pre-primer.

Is it possible to glue fliesline wallpaper

If you are not glued with your own hands in this way, you can take advantage of the workshops. They glue fliesline wallpapers, and then as glue absorbing, cut the line by the stationery knife along the level so that an unnecessary tape is filmed from neighboring wallpaper.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

The technology of pasting "Vansel" is a way of sticking wallpaper, when the uncircumbed edge of the canvas is covered with the following piece of wallpaper

It turns out that the joke will come out perfect, accurate in the middle of the oversta. But, you still, so glue is quite difficult, so the best way is to join.

How to glue fliesline wallpaper on plasterboard

Somehow, this blowing will not differ. But there are features that it is worth considering.

How to glue fliseline wallpaper on the wall-plasterboard:

  1. On one wall, spend the vertical markup, and the flange from there;
  2. Gluing the first canvas on the plasterboard, make an adjustment in height;
  3. The second side of the phlizelin wallpaper is tested under the corner;
  4. If the wallpaper slightly protrudes over the plasterboard wall, they can then be trimmed.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Smoothing wallpapers on drywall is needed without delay, completely kicking air bubbles from under them

Surplus Wallpaper cut off with a sharp knife, and a flat spatula applied to the wall will be a bezen.

Wall pastry technology Flizelinov wallpaper

After the wall is primed, the vertical markup was carried out, you can begin to stick with your own hands.

Punning fliesline wallpaper by steps:

  • Sleep the wallpaper glue and roller apply it to the wall of the wall;
  • Rock up the cloth to the wall, start the pasting, or from the window, or from the angle;
  • Smoothing the canvas can be plastic spatula;
  • If vertical lines are performed on the wall, work will go faster;
  • Excess the floor cut a sharp knife.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

When the walls are caught with fliesline wallpaper, the canvas need to smooth out a special plastic roller or spatula

Well, if the wallpaper 1 liters 2 cm enter the plinth, which is first removed, and after the pasting is placed in place.

In order for the surface of the angles to be smooth, in the process of the shtlock, it is necessary to draw corners with plastic corners. If the surface of the angles is uneven, the wallpaper is the first to be flawed there.

How to Bloill Wallpaper on Flizelin Base (Video)


Even if in each instruction several times it will be clearly written how to glue, which glue, and in what sequence, people are often solved on "amateur".

Nevertheless: Always align and blast the wall. Always mark the markup and cut the web in advance. Always use special glue, without experimenting with its preparation.

Is it possible to glue paper wallpaper with fliseline glue

If there is a glue from the previous repairs, or for some reason you did not think glued with fliseline, but paper wallpaper, then use flieslinic glue.

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How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Adhesive for flieslinic wallpaper can also be used when sticking other types of wallpaper, but it is necessary to dilute such glue with plenty of water.

The point is only that paper wallpaper is thinner in its structure, therefore the glue for them should be easier. In this case, when we knead the flieslinic glue of water, it is necessary to pour more so that it is not so heavy.

Is it possible to stick on the fliesline wallpaper

It is not recommended to do this: extremely few chances for a good result.

Remove old phlizelin wallpaper will be needed, whether it is standard or wide meter. And you can remove them if needle roller go to wallpaper, and then moisturize.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Flizelin wallpaper is well removed by the steam generator, if you have such, this method will be the fastest

If we decided to use the steam generator, it is necessary:

  • Put on gloves (rubber);
  • Sleeves fuel into the gloves;
  • Protect the floor from water.

If the old wallpaper does not remove, then fresh glue will begin to get absorbed into the pores of old wallpaper, softening the old layer of glue, which can appear bubbles.

Why fliseline wallpaper

There are several reasons that affect poor-quality gluing wallpaper.

Why nevertheless, fleece from Flizelin:

  • Poor wall preparation. Even if there are small pits on the wall, wallpapers can turn out. All defects need to be removed, to align the wall and rebound.
  • The use of unsuitable materials. Not that glue - and all the work can get up.
  • Wrong sticker. Slide glue only the wall, and only the part of the wall that the near future will have to stick. Clay attack.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Flislinic wallpapers can be discharged if the surface on which they are pasted, was poorly prepared

Do not resort to forced drying, then unambiguously wallpaper will break. Sometimes this method is used if the wide meter wallpaper is glued. But such meter wallpapers are glued by the same principle, and forced drying is also afraid.

Bubbles on fliseline wallpaper after sticking

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper to prevent bubbles to prevent? They appear, as mentioned above, due to insufficient preparation of the wall.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper: meter, proper blowing with your own hands, videos, wall pasting, wide, how to stick, is it possible to glue, photo

Gently adjust the deformation after sticking phliselin wallpaper can be used with glue and stationery knife

To eliminate bubbles, you need:

  • Make an appropriate stationery knife on a bubble;
  • After that, try to accurately straighten the wallpaper, in the syringe, type glue and squeeze through the cut in the wallpaper;
  • Spread the wallpaper fragment well, and press it against the wall with a clean rag.

Wide meter wallpaper can also be with bubbles after sticking, do not bother to glue them alone, the risk of bubbles and detachment will be great.

How to beat the flieslinic wallpaper correctly (video)

If you understand how to glue the phlizelin wallpaper properly, the process itself will not be difficult. After good primer and correct marking, the bands will be easily stuck, and the process will not delay. Quality materials and good preparation of the wall will provide a good result.

Good repair!

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