Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video


Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

The frescoes are able to make any boring interior a little originality of the favorite room man is a considerable part of his time. But from time to time he wants to change something in it, adding bright accessories or dilute the sadness with cute little things. For help you will come fresco-wallpapers with beautiful landscapes or unusual inscriptions on the walls that will drastically change your interior.

Wallpaper murals on the wall: what it is

Fashionable wallpaper with painting is one of the alternatives to the photo wallpaper. The ability to apply any image in a short time and choose the desired texture is the main advantage of the wallpaper data.

Frescoes - wallpapers are made of canvas on fiberglass or phlizelin material. The size of such wallpapers is not limited and can reach five meters wide, they are also durable.

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

During the sticking of the wallpaper of this type, you should carefully monitor the joints: even the smallest irregularity can spoil the drawing

After stickers on the wall and drying, the frescoes wallpaper is treated with varnish to protect them from moisture. In the finished form, the wallpaper is folded into convolutions and tightly seal with a film for further storage and transportation.

Wallpapers of this type can be pasted on any surface, they will also fit for pasting ceilings. In the process of sticking such cloths, you need to follow the combination of the image at the joints. It is important that, when mounting and drying the wallpaper of frescoes on the wall, windows and doors were tightly closed, to eliminate drafts.

Fresco in the interior (video)

Wallpaper Frescoes in the interior: Stylistic compatibility

Such wallpapers can be chosen under any style, because their choice is quite large. Thanks to the frescoes, you can transform a sad monophonic room in an elegant living room.

Choosing frescoes in the interior, try to make an emphasis on his advantages.

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

The most common topics of wallpaper frescoes is the Middle Ages and Landscape

The range of wallpaper design of frescoes for the interior of the living room is diverse and wide. It can be an image of an architectural plan or bright beautiful pictures in an antique style. The frescoes on the wallpaper will harmoniously look in small rooms, the main thing is to correctly choose not a large and dark tones of the drawing.

The interior of the children's frescoes is also easy to fit through its ecology and non-brightness of paints. The frescoes choose corresponding to the child's age or already a teenager, it can be both cute children's ornaments and stylish compositions.

Wallpaper under fresco: high-quality imitation

Initially, the fresco was understood as a painting on a wet plaster, to date, this name implies any form of wall painting. Wallpapers under the fresco did not exception and are high-quality widescreen printing. Such wallpapers may have relief or vice versa to be flat.

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpapers for fresco distinguish from the original is quite difficult, since most of these wallpapers are made qualitatively: the manufacturer tries to do everything so that wallpaper themselves did not differ from the murals

There is another option of wallpaper for fresco - these are images on the plaster of flexible textures, which in addition are covered with a protective layer. Although such wall coverings can not be completely called wallpaper, but they do not infer at all classic tissue, paper and fliesline options.

Wallpaper with the effect of frescoes perceived very fashionable and stylish. They will revive your home, give luxury and comfort, and can also visually deepen or expand the space of the room. Competently selected wallpaper under the fresco will be in a harmonious combination with your decoration.

Wallpaper Frescoes for the kitchen: choose a drawing

Such wallpapers perfectly fit into the kitchen room, which should be warm and cozy. Since the kitchen is usually not only increased humidity, but also constant stains from cooking, then such wall coatings will fit perfectly.

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper Frescoes with landscape will be an excellent choice for the kitchen: nature paintings are able to excite appetite

When applying a dining room, you need to remember that the frescoes wallpapers do not beat the appetite from the owners and their guests, therefore, the choice of warm tones and drawings with various dishes, fruits or fragrant herbs will be an excellent solution. If your Provence style kitchen is recommended to use landscapes with a lavender field or the image of the facades of the cafe.

What wallpaper Pick to frescoes: perfect copen

In the choice of wallpaper for the fresco, the image can be completely different from the most complex portrait compositions, to simple abstractions or landscape. First of all, decide what room you want to use the fresco. If the large size room, the colors of the color scheme will be facilitated, as it is easier to place a beautiful fresco of large size. And if the room has no proportional dimensions, then you need to pick up such an image so that it helps to expand the narrow space, and the low ceilings in the form of the sky, decorated with delicate air clouds and sprigs of curly bushes. The fresco can be favorably beat the entire interior as a whole, even create illusions of different kinds.

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

In small rooms do not use frescoes with large images

The dimensions of the frescoes can also be the most different drawings on them. The canvas range from the most minimal to the maximum sizes that the drawing is applied and, if necessary, glue, in such a way that they are obtained seamless.

You can also decorate the facade of the building with fashionable frescoes, then the plaster must be of the highest quality so that the weather conditions cannot spoil art.

Frescoes on fliesline wallpaper: how to glue

The frescoes on the flieslinic wallpaper are made by covering the thin layer of plaster on the flieslinic material. The drawing is applied to the fresco of the printer. After covering the image, the master inflicts a special composition on it, which will give the effect of aging and microcracks. With a thickness of one millimeter, the fresco is easily pasted as fliseline wallpaper.

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

To avoid drafts, during the process of drying and sticking the wallpaper should close doors and windows

Phased applying frescoes on the fliesline wallpaper on the wall:

  1. The surface on which the fresco will be applied should be smooth, dry and clean. If necessary, it will be necessary to sand it and upload. Take the primer to take light colors so that the wall does not shine through the wallpaper.
  2. The storage of the frescoes occurs in the tube previously wrapped in hermetic film. When autopsy, wallpaper should be applied to the surface within five days. The deadline for storing the frescoes before the installation is a maximum of two years, provided that it will be in a tightly closed tube.
  3. After printing the packaging, the fresco must be deployed, measuring and transfer the size to the sealed surface.
  4. Next, the process of cooking glue, it should be thick of the norms. If you are covered with a wet room, then pre-process the wall by antifungal composition to prevent the appearance of mold, which can spoil the fresco.
  5. We put glue on the back of the fresco and the wall with a thin layer. After that, within five minutes, we stick onto the wall. Be sure to make sure that during operation and during the drying, doors and windows have been closed.
  6. Having applied to the surface of the fresco, begin to roll off the irregularities with a special roller for wallpaper, in order to leave excess air and glue and level the surface. After drying, all other irregularities will smooth themselves.

How to properly install frescoes (video lesson)

This type of finishes, as the wallpaper, can be used in any interior. Be sure that with the frescoes, your home will not go out and amazed with its uniqueness and charm.

Wallpaper murals on the wall (photo)

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

Wallpaper murals on the wall: photo in the interior, under the mural for the kitchen, what to choose, seamless in the house, phlizelin, fashionable with the effect of frescoes, video

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