Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video


Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Trend 2019 - 3D and photo wallpaper arrival of the new year, the desire to update their accommodation. Now people who are engaged in repairs this year, this information will be very useful. In creating a stylish and unique interior design, the main role is played on the walls on the walls. In 2019, fashionable wallpaper of light and pastel tones remain fashionable, and in order to create a trendy design, relevant to use bright, decorative wallpapers and wallpaper with an ornament.

What fashionable wallpapers for the hall in 2019

Wallpaper ideas for the hall are diverse, but specialists in the field of interior design and repair assure customers in the fact that in 2019 the fiery monkey, the wallpaper of bright colors and shades will not only become relevant, but will bring success to the owners of such an interior.

Fashion trends in the design of walls by wallpaper this year such:

  • Wallpaper pastel tones in combination with bright colors;
  • Wallpaper with drawings, patterns and ornaments;
  • 3D wallpaper;
  • Wall mural;
  • Textile wallpapers.

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

For the living room, the wallpapers are most suitable, which are capable of impressing guests: 3D wallpapers are perfectly coped with this role.

For the hall, any of the options offered by experts is perfect, it is important only to take into account the size of the room, the color of the furniture and the taste of the owners.

Interesting ideas of wallpapers for the hall: Trend 2019

The hall is a universal room, the family rests here, guests gather, passes leisure. Therefore, for the hall, wallpapers are needed, which will not be annoying to act on the state of a person, but on the contrary, they will have rest and relaxation.

In 2019, for the walls of the hall, the fashionable background wallpaper pastel and bright tones and wallpaper with ornaments for finishing some rooms of the room.

Also, remain relevant photo wallpapers, textile, imitating and 3D wallpapers. Wallpaper color is selected according to the room area. For example, you can combine wallpapers, with the help of this, divide the zones of the room. The furniture zone is better to highlight with light wallpaper, and to create a visual increase in the room and for the central wall, the bright color of the wallpaper is perfect.

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Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

For the Hall, you should choose a photo of nature or animals: they greatly increase the mood and allow you to relax

For the walls of the hall with a small area, the wallpaper of pastel colors, which visually increase the area of ​​the room and the space in it, and for the decoration of some functional zones of the room and to create a fashionable design, bright wallpaper are perfect. They can be issued a niche finish in the wall, visually highlight the recreation area, where the upholstered furniture will be located and highlight the focus for the existing technique: TV, the acoustic system dr.

As for the hall with a large area, the background wallpapers will turn the room into a single whole. Even contrasting furniture will not be able to create a feeling of comfort and comfort. In this case, you can safely choose a wallpaper with an ornament, wallpaper bright tones, as well as background wallpapers for finishing some zones. A good option for the large hall, the combination of wallpaper of bright tones with more rich shades, highlighting the center of the room and the functional zones.

Trendy colors of this season:

  • Red and its shades;
  • Blue;
  • Purple;
  • Beige and sandy wallpaper.

Wallpaper with ornament remains out of competition among trends in 2019 and 2019. They fill the space of the room, create a rich style and are well combined with furniture of any color and style.

An interesting idea of ​​wallpaper for the hall will be the use of textile wallpaper, such wallpapers create a cozy atmosphere, fill the space and do not require an additional decor for walls.

If the room involves being in oriental style, you can use the wallpaper imitating brickwork, concrete or wood. Perfectly look at the wall in the hall there will be 3D wallpapers, they can be placed both on the central wall and in a certain zone of the hall. Determine with the choice of wallpaper for the hall, the style of the future room will help. Minimalism assumes a modest interior design and the use of pastel wallpaper tones, a baroque style and an oriental interior design involves bright wallpaper, contrasts, ornaments.

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Fashionable ideas of plating wallpapers in the hall: what's new in the coming year

To make the walls of the hall and the stylish room and fashionable, you can apply the method of combining wallpaper. For this, the bright color wallpaper is used and brighter, the contrast of two colors visually noticeable. Wallpaper glue strips alternately, bright with light, or highlighted certain zones with contrasting wallpaper.

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

One of the most modern and fashionable wall pasting methods is a combination of various wallpapers.

Some subtleties:

  1. Fashionable 3D wallpapers are used in combination with pastel wallpaper on the walls.
  2. 3D wallpapers are glued to the central wall and attention is focused on 3D drawing or image on wallpaper, pastel wallpaper performs tone for the pattern.
  3. Modern wallpaper with an ornament and pattern can be used both for the entire surface of the wall and for finishing certain functional zones.

Using such wallpapers for the walls of the entire hall, you can create an oriental style room, and if you use the wallpaper for finishing certain zones, it will give the room a complete view that does not require an additional decor.

Pocking textile wallpaper is possible in combination with wallpaper with ornaments and patterns, as well as with photo wallpapers. It is important to choose the right color and shade of combined wallpapers.

Wallpapers that mimic a certain look: concrete, wood, brick, can be combined with 3D wallpaper. This combination gives the hall a trendy design and allows you to use any furniture in the room.

So that the combination is fashionable and beautifully looked at the walls of the room, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room and choose the right color and tone of the wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the Apartment: 2019

The interior design trends in 2019 are not significantly different from the fashion directions of 2019, in 2019 they became trendy bright colors of wallpaper and its shades. The choice of wallpaper for the apartment in the apartment is difficult, because it is necessary to choose the right color of the wallpaper, so as not to donate the room, choose such wallpapers that will not shine space.

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

For small rooms, it is not recommended to use large images with a lot of small parts.

To visually enlarge the area of ​​the apartment, you need to glue the wallpaper of light and pastel tones, the wallpaper with a 3D pattern will increase the area of ​​the room, they can also be used for sticking in apartments.

The most fashionable idea of ​​sticking wallpapers in the halls of the apartments of 2019, became photographers and wallpaper pastel tones, including textile wallpapers. But the textile wallpapers for apartments are not entirely practical, they do not tolerate excessive humidity in the room, quickly smeared and do not be treated with detergents. Therefore, their putty was made in large-sized apartments. At the end of 2019, the designers have entered the wallpaper of bright colors and shades and combining them with calmer tones, each lover of a beautiful interior, received a specific design hall with the help of wallpaper of various textures and colors.

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What in fashion wallpaper for the hall now

The abundance of wallpaper variations in stores, allows each person to choose those wallpapers that will benefit the room and hide the shortcomings of the walls or the ceiling, if there are such, create a fashionable design of their own dwelling.

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

There is no guarantee that 3D wallpaper will look like this is planned: for wallpaper of this type, special lighting and placement of furniture should be organized

It is necessary to approach the walls of the hall of the hall of the hall with special care, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room, its functions and the presence of natural lighting.

If the hall is a room for a shared rest, then its design should be easy and interesting for perception. Since now fashionable bright wallpaper trends in the hall, then designers recommend using them for sticking. It is a red wallpaper and its shades, the color of eggplant, Bordeaux. Fans of calm colors, you can combine bright colors with pastel and it will be fashionable to look at the walls of the hall. Very stylish in the hall will look like wallpaper with pattern and ornament, fashion patterns on the wallpaper visually fill the space of the room, give the view of the completed design.

3D wallpapers for walls (video)

Observing fashion trends in 2019, you can create a cozy interior and a fashionable home design without the help of professionals.

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019 (photo)

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

Wallpaper for hall photo Design 2019: in the hall is trendy, modern design, ideas, how to shove in the apartment, sticking, for walls, what fashion, video

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