Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples


In our difficult time, people often lack finances. But repair is still needed. And it is desirable that the bathroom has a decent appearance and at the same time served five to seven years. In such situations it will be useful to learn how to make the repair of the bathroom, spending the minimum of funds.

DIY repair of the bathroom: how to choose budget materials

Today, the industry produces building materials of all sorts of price categories, calculated on the consumer of the most different level of wealth. It can be the goods of economical, standard and elite classes. There are very cheap materials on sale, but their advantage is only in a low price. The quality and appearance of such products do not withstand critics.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Performance of dismantling work will independently help reduce costs.

Many works can be made independently, not attracting specialists. For example, the ceiling under the ceiling with plastic lining does not require any special skills. Installation of plumbing is also not difficult. Toilet bowl, bath, washbasin - it can do everything alone. It is only important not to hurry, carefully examine the range, calculate all the stages of the work performed, then the successful result will be provided.

As for building materials, it is more expedient to choose the goods of the economy-class and the standard price segment. Both of these types of materials are practically no qualities. The same manufacturer can produce similar products under various trading signs. The first will be considered a product of the standard class, and the second is an economical option, and they will only be worthwhile. World standards provide certain quality criteria, for example, the density of building mixtures to frozen should be not lower than a certain threshold. In economical materials, this indicator will be closer to the lower value. This statement is true in relation to consumables.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

You can do without buying new plumbing, but to restore the old

As for the finishing materials, plumbing devices and other things, the low price is completely identical to poor quality. It is only necessary to take into account the load mode, which will be subject to the product. For example, an outdoor tile should be stronger wall. With proper selection and installation, the tile in the bathroom can serve more than fifteen years.

If you have decided to carry out budget repairs of the bathroom, the photo of which can be seen in the gallery of this article, should not be purchased building materials of elite classes. Their quality is not higher than that of budget products, and they only won due to their aesthetic.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Painted walls and well-chosen to them in the tone accessories will make design flawless

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Ability to perform economical repair

In order for the result of the work performed, it is necessary to carefully work a preliminary project carefully, well think over possible finish options and choose the most suitable you.

The main part of the costs make up the following items:

  • the price of the work carried out;
  • The cost of building materials and transport services.

Thus, it is quite realistic to reduce repair costs, and can be saved at both points. If you carefully examine the information how to make a budget repairs in the bathroom with your own hands, it can be concluded that most of the work is fairly easily performed independently, significantly reducing costs.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Many repair work can be performed with their own hands.

It makes no sense to resort to help professionals only for complex moments, such as electricity gasket, water supply device, and tile laying. It is very important that work on electrical engineering is performed only by specialists.

Please note that the cable must be a good and well-surrounded. You can use only one-piece wire segments, and the distribution box must be placed exclusively outside the bathroom.

Useful cost reduction tips

The question is how to make a cheap renovation in the bathroom with your own hands concerns many owners. To express priorities between savings and quality of the design of the premises, such recommendations should be followed:
  1. Work work with your own hands . Most of the repairs are desirable to perform independently, since the rates for specialists can exceed the cost of materials. All work on dismantling is better to spend on their own.
  2. The presence of your own tool. It is necessary to think over the design features of the repair in such a way as to reduce the dismantling work as much as possible. Easy and speed up the task will help the basic set of tools. In addition, it will significantly reduce financial costs. It is recommended to get at least a minimum set, which will include a drill with a set of drills (desirable shock), a bits perforator, a cutting grinder with metal and concrete disks.
  3. Economical materials. Significantly saved the acquisition of budgetary building materials. But there are things on which it is not worth saving, because the subsequent replacement can do the most expensive purchase of high-quality products. But in some cases you can reasonably reduce costs.

Reducing the financial cost of repair of the bathroom

If you need to repair the bathroom cheap and efficiently, pay special attention to the scrupulous cost planning. Detailed estimate will help you to save money. It is necessary to carry out a thorough comparative analysis of the price policy market. In addition, on the Internet, as a rule, many materials with a substantial discount can be purchased, especially when purchasing wholesale.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Even from inexpensive, but high-quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior.

To revive the boring interior and diversify surface statics, experts recommend buying inexpensive accessories and little things that will add comfort to comfort and become an appropriate addition to the design. Shelves, hooks, soaps, rubber mats, curtains and other decorative elements can become additional convenience and decoration.

It is not worth buying building materials and techniques of well-known manufacturers, because you will have to pay extra charge. Brand things a priori are more expensive. Much more profitable will be acquired by building materials issued by domestic companies, as well as the production of our nearest neighbors - Poland, the Czech Republic, Finland. These will be high-quality, certified products. Of course, we are not talking about the products from China the lowest price segment. However, their average cost products will be quite good. Remember that it is impossible to sacrifice the quality and aesthetics for the sake of savings.

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Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Casting walls with glass windows will save money on the repairs of the bathroom

Save on repair ceiling

To arrange the original and unusual interior of the bathroom, and at the same time save funds, it is first of all to pay attention to cheap methods of finishing the ceiling indoor.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Smooth ceiling can be simply painted in any color.

Stretch designs look attractive and rich, however, they differ in high cost. However, the appearance of plastic panels is no worse. An important advantage of suspended systems is that with their help, any irregularities on the ceiling plane are easily leveled. In addition, this type of finish allows you to create multi-level structures. PVC lining refers to moisture-resistant materials, that is, you can not be afraid of floodings. Inside the rack ceiling easily pave an electrical cable and mount the lighting. The price of such a system comes out quite budget. Economical options for repairs of the bathroom, photos of which will demonstrate the feasibility of such actions, are presented below.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Rack ceiling made of plastic in its practicality, a little inferior to the stretch

If the ceiling has only minor irregularities, it can be simply painted. To do this, it is necessary to remove the old top layer of the coating, impose a putty, sanding irregularities, and handle the primer. After that, the paint is applied in several layers. This finish will cost completely cheap, but looks quite attractive.

Blood Flooring

The specifics of the bathroom consists of constantly high humidity with insufficient air exchange. Therefore, the flooring should be resistant to moisture, as well as wear. The ceramic tile is best answered by these requirements. If you are considering a budget breakdown of the bathroom, you should not buy an expensive tile of elite classes - it is quite possible to do with domestic analogues. In our country, the industry produces a lot of such materials, the value of which will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, sales and stores are often held sales, where you can buy facing products with a significant discount.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Waterproof Linoleum will be a reliable coating for the floor of the bathroom

There is an even cheaper floor finish option, such as linoleum. The market presents a wide range of such coatings of all kinds of colors and textures. There are even water resistant varieties of PVC linoleum. The main advantage of this material will be that it is possible to put it literally for several hours. Linoleum does not require sticking - pressed by plinth, he will smooth and leveled himself.

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Wall finish options

The domestic tile, which can be bought from the remains in the market or stock, will be optimal at the ratio of price and quality. By purchasing the discounted goods can be saved fifty percent of the cost or even more.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

The tile of domestic production will cost cheaper than foreign analogues

A monophonic tile, decorated with friezes or decorative inserts, will look quite decent. And the price will be released at all.

Inexpensive renovation in the bathroom, the photo of the samples of which are presented in the gallery of the article, can be performed by putting the walls with PVC panels. There is a huge selection of domestic and foreign samples that take attention. Plastic lining is produced all sorts of colors and textures. There are also panels with imitation tiles, marble or wood.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Plastic panels can be made and walls and a bathroom ceiling

Professionals recommend choosing materials intended for external work, since the plastic from which they are made are much thicker and stronger, and therefore will serve much longer. PVC panels can be easily mounted independently. Such work will not require special skills and takes a very little time.

With the right approach, reasonable planning and competently compiled estimate, it is quite realistic to carry out budget repairs of the bathroom. Significantly reduce financial costs will help the rational selection of building materials and independent execution of the maximum part of the work. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, the beautiful interior will cause the admiration of your guests and please you for more than a dozen years.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Painted walls and well-chosen to them in the tone accessories will make design flawless

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Many repair work can be performed with their own hands.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Even from inexpensive, but high-quality materials you can create a cozy and stylish interior.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Casting walls with glass windows will save money on the repairs of the bathroom

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Rack ceiling made of plastic in its practicality, a little inferior to the stretch

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Waterproof Linoleum will be a reliable coating for the floor of the bathroom

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

The tile of domestic production will cost cheaper than foreign analogues

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Plastic panels can be made and walls and a bathroom ceiling

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Smooth ceiling can be simply painted in any color.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Performance of dismantling work will independently help reduce costs.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

You can do without buying new plumbing, but to restore the old

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

PVC panels on the walls will protect them from water splashes and serve for several years

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Seamless glossy lining creates a visual effect of a monolithic plane

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Pre-drawing up a project and work rate guarantees a successful result.

Bathroom Bathroom Repair: Photo Examples

Walls of the bathroom can be painted acrylic or enamel waterproof paint

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