How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?


Ceramic tile - classic material for wall cladding, floor or even a bathroom ceiling. It is optimally suitable for exploratory operations with such complex microclimate, because it has high wear resistance, moisture resistance, tolerance to the effects of fungal microorganisms.

How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

Facing a bath tile is quite traditional, the standard designer technique, however, by decorating it with pieces and set elements, it always looks fresh and new. In this article we will tell how to properly apply the tile decor in the bathroom to make the room visually more, more spacious.

Types of decor

Facing a bathroom with a cafeter is a traditional version of wall decoration, floor or even a ceiling of rooms with high humidity in which it is difficult to avoid direct contact with water. Ceramic tiles perfectly withstands the impact of moisture, aggressive household chemicals used for disinfection of the bathroom, elevated temperature and steam, therefore its service life exceeds 25 years. However, one-photon tile would look boring and monotonous if it was simply put on the rows. To decorate and visually change the perception of space, decoration of the room is performed using the following elements:

  • Decorative borders. Curbs in the form of rectangular tiles or corners of a small size use to flicker the joints between vertical and horizontal surfaces to highlight some semantic areas of the room. These elements typically differ in color, texture or pattern from the walls of the bathroom.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

  • Panel. Decorative panels are a picture or pattern applied to a certain amount of tiles. Usually they are placed in the center of the wall near the bath to highlight this area of ​​the room.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?


  • Mosaic. Mosaics - images obtained from a variety of small tiles of different sizes or color. These decorative elements can decorate walls, floor or bathroom ceiling. Laying mosaic is considered real art, so only the experienced master is under the power.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?


  • Piece elements. The piece decor with a pattern, pattern or texture is stacked in a certain order to visually expand the space, as well as diversify the boring monotonous walls.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

Note that each collection of ceramic tiles includes a floor and wall covering, borders and corners, as well as 2-3 types of decor, allowing you to create an individual design of the bathroom, taking into account the features of the room and taste preferences of the hosts.

Method of laying as a variety of decor

Bathroom finishing Tile can occur in different ways, so the appearance of the finished result of the cladding depends on the laying technology of the elements. The method is correctly selected that it is advisable to put the walls or gender, based on the shape and size of the tile, taking into account the geometry of the room. There are the following methods for laying ceramic tiles:

  1. Inline way. This technology lies in the fact that the tile on the floor or walls is placed with smooth rows without displacement, as a result of which peculiar cells are formed. This method of laying is suitable for rectangular and square tiles, however, it requires perfectly aligned walls.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

    Inline way

  2. With offset. This laying technology implies that when gluing the tile of one row, each element is shifted half of its width. As a result of such a cladding, a pattern that immigrates brickwork is obtained. This masonry option is also suitable for tiles of any shape and sizes.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

    Laying tile with displacement

  3. Diagonal. The diagonal cladding method implies that the tile when gluing is not exactly, but at an angle of 90 degrees, with the result that it acquires the shape of the rhombus.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

    Diagonal method laying

  4. Christmas tree. Laying "Christmas tree" is suitable only for rectangular tiles. The elements of the tile should be narrow and long to get a pattern resembling a park. This montage method is used to bind the floor of the bathroom.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

    Method "Fir-tree"

Important! The laying method affects the visual perception of the room. If the bath finishes with a tiled in a row method attracts attention to the slightest irregularities of the walls, then the technology of gluing a tile with a displacement, on the contrary, grows facing defects.

Color spectrum

The decoration of the ceramic tile can serve as a color scheme product. The times, when the only possible colors for finishing the bathroom were considered white, beige and blue irretrievably passed, now manufacturers offer a huge range of all sorts of shades, patterns and drawings. However, it is necessary to choose a color gamut of the tile:

  • For lining of spacious premises, you can use the tile of any shades, including dark and rich tones, which visually make the space closer, gloomy. If the size of the bathroom is large enough, there are great opportunities for decorating before the designer, as it does not provide any restrictions. To finish the bathrooms of a large area, you can use a panel, mosaic, textured tile and a large number of decoration, without fearing to overload it.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

  • For decoration of small-sized bathrooms, it is not recommended to use the tile of dark and bright tones, as it makes the room visually closer, squat and dark. If all such have to use saturated shades, they must be diluted with light, and also not forget about bright lighting. For small bathrooms, it is still more suitable for a tile of calm, pastel shades, a monotony with a dawn glossy surface, without a large amount of decor.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

Experienced designers believe that with the "game of contrasts", that is, the combination of dark and bright shades in one interior is easy to make a mistake, making the room even narrower, close. A relevant trend in the decoration of the bathroom is considered to share a tile, imitating wood or stone, with light beige or other natural shades.

Width and color of seams

Maybe you will be surprised, but the width and color of the interputric seams are also considered an element of the decor if the bathroom tiles are facing. The floor lined with the same tile, but using crosses of different thickness and with the use of different grouts will look as if different tiles were used for decoration. There are the following rules for choosing color and seam thickness:

  1. The wider seam, the more close and small looks looks. The standard thickness of intercinecy seams is considered to be a distance of 1-2 mm.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?

  2. The larger the size of the ceramic tile, the thicker it is possible to make seam between its elements.
  3. The seams of contrasting color make all the irregularities on the surface of the wall, focus on the flaws of the finishes, and also visually narrow the space indoors.
  4. Suts of the same color with tiled tiles make space single, free and open, which visually expands the area of ​​the bathroom.
  5. Wide seams between the cafeter in the bathroom are considered less convenient in terms of operation and maintenance, as they are a weak place to influence the fungus or mold.
  6. The optimal variant for the bathroom is the seams of medium thickness, mausated by grouting to the tile with antiseptic additives.

    How to choose the right decor tiles in the bathroom and separate it?


Bathroom is a room with high patency, so it is also often necessary to restore order in it. If the tiled floor of the bathroom contains light seams, then even with timely leaving, it will quickly darken. However, it is not worth separating it with dark tiles, as dust is noticeable on it, traces from water droplets.

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