Bathrooms projects - design and design features


Bathrooms projects - design and design features

The bathroom is a special place in the whole house, because it helps us to wake up in the morning, and will also relax after a difficult day. Therefore, the bathroom design should be made to make it a multifunctional and sought-after room.

Design features

If you correctly design repairs in the bathroom, then in the future you can greatly relax and relax. After all, it is taking a bath, so I want to plunge into the atmosphere of calm and comfort.

When designing bathrooms, it is necessary to take into account the wishes not only women, but also men. Representatives of the strong floor also love to spend a long time in this room to relax the body and soul. Therefore, all family members should participate in the creation of the project so that everyone can express their wishes and preferences.

Highlights in creating a bathroom project:

  • Create lighting near mirrors and shower. You can immediately buy mirrors with built-in backlight.
  • The heated towel rail should be placed in such a way that when opening the door, he was not behind her.
  • Depending on the growth of family members, it is necessary to select the size of the shell.
  • Tile should be purchased with a margin of about 10 to 15 percent, since it is usually on the extreme rows it should be written.
  • The dimensions of the ceramic tile may differ from those written on the package. To begin with, the tile should be measured so that in the future there is no problem of its lack.
  • It is not recommended to use a natural tree in the interior of the bathroom. But if you have wooden furniture, then the heating elements of warm floors should not be directly under the furniture. Wooden interior elements can be installed at 10 - 20 cm from the floor.
  • The presence of an acrylic bath involves the design of the frame for it, since the board are rather fragile.
  • In a small room, preference should be given to lamps that are not afraid of high humidity. The best solution will be the lamp with a closed cartridge.
  • It is impossible to lay a porcelain stoneware on the floor, this option will be very slippery. The most common tiled for floor covering is laptic.
  • To put personal hygiene tools, you can purchase mounted lockers.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

See what denotes the conventions on the tile.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Note the following features:

  • The color palette of the walls affects the lighting of the room. Light tones are better suitable for the bathroom, make it lighter.
  • For the ceiling it is better to use stretch ceilings that will not lose your kind, if you suddenly flood the neighbors on top. Plasterboard ceilings do not use much popular. Their installation is possible only indoors with good ventilation.
  • Create a small door in the tile so that you can get to the bath in case of breakage.
  • Corner bath accommodation is mandatory for small room. If the bathroom is large, then there are no restrictions.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Select design

The design of the bathroom can be made in the same style as the whole apartment or house, or to realize a completely different style in this room. Of course, it is increasingly depends on the area and shape of the bathroom, but, nevertheless, you can create any style by attracting a professional designer.

The bathroom can be represented in a variety of styles, like a classic, minimalism, high-tech and much more. To create uniqueness, you can harmoniously connect several directions in different elements of space. The style of style is completely dependent on the taste of the room owner.

If it is difficult to determine the choice of a particular style direction, then you can start viewing various directories with projects of bathrooms.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

To imagine what a bathroom will look, taking into account the selected details, it is better before proceeding to repair, create a visualization of the room. This will help to see the end result.

Any style of your bathroom with floor tiles will be transformed, add originality. An excellent quality will only delight and will not deliver unnecessary trouble. All dreams will be able to be implemented in the color palette, and in a drawing or mosaic. Even geometric shapes on your semi can underline the uniqueness of the interior. The tile fits the light well, which will fill your room with light and make it visually more.

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The choice of ceramic tile size depends entirely on the area of ​​the bathroom. For example, a large space allows combining different tiles with marble columns, and can also be used in the interior mosaic tires with any pattern, or create a unique pattern.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Selection of sanitary ware

If the room has small sizes, then with particular attention to the choice of plumbing, it should be used rationally.

To visually expand the room, you should adhere to several rules in the choice of modern design of sanitary equipment:

  • Models must be compact and small. The same rule concerns and choosing a washbasin or toilet.
  • A good solution will be corner models of baths, dushkabin or washbasins.
  • The use of hydrobocoxes is welcomed, because they replace the bath and shower.
  • Usually in small rooms do not put the baths, and preference is given to the shower cabins. With their help you can save the bathroom space.
  • All pipes and sewage pipes should be hidden over the wall or under the floor.
  • The shower cabin should be chosen with the opening of the door inside to get an additional space.
  • Instead of ordinary doors, you can use sliding doors.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Zoning space

To optimally place all the equipment in the bathroom, you should visually separate the space on the working area and the recreation area. If the size of the bathroom allows you to separate the toilet zone from the rest of the room with the help of the partition. It will be a convenient and hygienic solution.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

The zoning of the room is produced to achieve certain purposes:

  • Convenience and comfort in using all space
  • Use of modern techniques in interior design
  • Visual increase in the room.

If the bathroom is a bathroom, it is better to protect it from the relaxation zone, to which there is a bath or dushkabine, as well as a washbasin.

This can be done quite simple. Gypsumboard is used to create a partition. The separation should not be carried out completely from the floor to the ceiling, otherwise this layout will "put pressure" on you. The height of the partition can be up to 1.5 meters, then there will be a separation, and the space will not diminish.

Features of the design of small bathrooms

The correct interior design can create a beautiful, cozy and comfortable atmosphere even in small bathrooms.

In designer projects, many mirrors are often used to visually expand the space. Designers prefer light shades to create an atmosphere of relaxation. The presence of stretch ceilings will help make the height of the room visually greater, because the glossy ceiling remarkably reflects all the bodies.

For small bathrooms, you can create a functional zone in a niche, where the washing machine is located, the boiler, the shelves for personal hygiene and household chemicals. The created partition will help visually expand the room and improve the aesthetic side of the bathroom.

The top of the room is better to make white, then the space and height of the walls will increase significantly. Before Niza, you can use dark color, which will expand the room below.

Contrast materials should be used for the decoration of walls and gender, minimalism is also welcomed with respect to the furniture.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

To place hygiene and household chemical products, you can make several glass shelves. They are not afraid of high humidity and give additional radiance.

Read more Our article on the design of a small bathroom.


To redecessing, you should start making repairs in the bathroom with scratch. A very important stage is the preparation of a plan for the bathroom, a clear thinking of all elements and alignment of plumbing. It will not be superfluous to draw a bathroom plan on paper or in a special program.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

If you plan to combine the bathroom and the toilet, read our article on the design of the combined bathroom.

To begin with, replace the entire system of sewage and water supply, and then check its condition so that after repairing an unexpected accident occurred.

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Repair begins with alignment of walls and laying tiles. Then the bath or dushkabin is installed. For small rooms, the shower will be better suitable, which can be installed in the angle. Then the entire plumbing is installed. The final stage is the installation of the toilet, so that during repair it does not scratch it or not break.

Before installing all the above plumbing elements, we should design the redevelopment to use the room at the maximum. This will help make a bathroom functional. First consider where all the elements will stand, and only then install.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

For example, for a rectangular room with dimensions of 1.7 m by 2.3 m in the left corner from the door, you can put a shower cabin, and on the right is a washing machine. To save space, it is better to get a washing machine with vertical loading of linen. Near the washing machine to install the toilet and make a low partition to separate this part from the entire space. In one of the corners, place the shelves for all necessary hygiene and cleaning facilities. Near the opposite wall from the door to put the washbasin. This option will help save space and make the room multifunctional.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Design projects in various color solutions

Already traditionally, many people in the design of the bathroom use a combination of white and black. You can create a fabulous interior, working only with these two opposite tones.

Light shades in the interior of the bathroom can occur with point lighting and lamps near the mirror. To emphasize the game of the color gamut, you can use these shades in decorating items. For example, it will be a relevant small rug with black and white flowers. Such a decor will give the premises of modernity and uniqueness. You can make a contrast of gray-beige and purple color, which will appear on the walls and plumbing.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Popular is beige, white and light gray color shades.

Read more Our article about the design of a white bathroom. It will be stylish and modern. Just be sure to dilute the white color of bright accents.

If you want a cozy bathroom, read our article about a beige bathroom.

If you like a bright color, then you should consider a few moments in the design of the bathroom:

  • all the walls to make in one color;
  • Combine two colors. One wall is bright color, usually near this wall is a washbasin, and the rest - to do in beige, gray or cream tone;
  • Create the desired style with the items. Then all the walls will be in neutral color, and all the details are used only in bright color. For example, buy purple towels, shower curtain, mirror frame.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Also read our article on the design of the purple bathroom. The bathroom in such a color will look noble.

By passionate ages, we suggest read the article about the Red Bathroom.

Design projects in various styles

Classic style is universal and never comes out of fashion. For him, it is necessary to select natural materials like granite or marble. You can also use high quality imitation, for example, moisture-resistant wallpaper can transfer to the texture of Sheocha.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

The selection of plumbers should be made round shape in a gold or bronze shade. Household appliances are better hidden under decorative panels. The highlight of this style can make a bath "on the legs", or in the decor used lamps.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

For extravagant and energetic people, the best option will be Eastern or Arabic style. It is characterized by the presence of warm and saturated color gamps. For example, you can safely experiment with red, gold, yellow, blue or turquoise. For this style, you should use a mosaic, and also a tile is just a small size. Another option implies a tile of standard sizes, but with floral ornament or with oriental motifs.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

A very simple and concise is a Japanese style, but it is not suitable for a combined bathroom, in addition, a shower is not used. For this style, it is necessary to raise the floor level to the edge of the bath to create the illusion of dive, only natural materials are used, and the color scheme should be calm.

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Bathrooms projects - design and design features

For a standard bathroom can fit the modern style. To create the design of the room in this style, you should use direct lines in the interior of the furniture and in the finishing of all surfaces, the household equipment can be not hiding, plumbing is chosen according to the principle of functionality.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

A very popular area of ​​the design of the bathroom is sea style. It fills the space of freshness, helps to relax, and also looks very organic in the bathroom. Therefore, many design projects have been developed in this style.

To create a marine style, white and blue color gamans are mainly used. The walls of the walls should be made in blue color, which transmits seaspaces. On the walls you can depict different marine animals or fish using photo printing. You can also use yellow color that will transmit the sand of the coastal landscape.

The design of the mirror can be created as the porthole of the underwater sea vessel. Its form should be round, and successful backlight will create an amazing game of the color scheme.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

A mosaic for marine style is often used to decorate walls, as well as for floor covering. Furniture will also help supplement this style. For decoration of cabinets, you can use decoration in the form of wavy lines. Glossy blue cabinet panels will help create imitation of underwater elements.

When finishing the walls, you can use narrow long inserts from ceramic tiles in the color of ocean water, and if there is still a hot tub, the effect will be simply amazing.

In the creation of a successful design project, each detail of the bathroom should be used, so that all the elements harmoniously complemented each other and created a single sea style.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathroom with window - design options

Very little bathroom owners boasts the presence of the window in this room, and the lucky ones can create a unique design due to natural lighting. Usually the bathroom with a window is available in private homes or in modern high-rise buildings.

The presence of a window in the bathroom has many advantages:

  • The premises designer has additional opportunities in creating a unique interior.
  • Room air can be carried out quickly and easily
  • Decorating space with the help of plants, which will always be comfortable on the windowsill under natural lighting
  • Beautiful view from the window will be you like a mood.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

The arrival of daylight into the premises gives a lot of advantages. Often, designers are offered to put a bath near the window, the owners, in turn, do not always support such a cardinal solution, because they believe that in the winter season there may be cold. But you should not be afraid of this if you have a high-quality window and a good air temperature is maintained in the apartment, the bathroom will always be cozy and comfortable.

There are many different design options for window openings, the main thing is to include fantasy to create an interior. The process of decorating the bathroom can be started from the room itself, and the design of the loan is left, as the final barcode. Another version of the decor can be started from the window and has already built the interior of the entire space from it.

Bathrooms projects - design and design features

To beautifully designate the availability of the window in the bathroom, you can hang rolled curtains. They will become a fashionable focus in any design and will not require special efforts in the installation, so this can be done on their own.

To harmoniously fit into the already created interior of the room, you can pick up textile curtains, but remember that they will not serve for a long time from high humidity. So it is necessary to carry out the root of the room to reduce the amount of moisture.

If there is details of the tree in the design of the bathroom, then wooden shutters are perfectly suitable for the window. In order for the window to become a unique detail and decoration of the entire interior, you can install stained glass windows by individual order.

You can use blinds that will become a functional element of your interior. They will help to regulate natural lighting, which will create additional comfort and comfort. A huge variety of colors allows you to choose a color gamut to any style of the bathroom.

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