Luminaries with fluorescent lamps


Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

Could any thirty years ago, the owner of the standard apartment is to hope that he will have a choice of a light source, and what can he be able to neglect the usual incandescent lamp?! Fluorescent daylight lamps not so long ago perceived by consumers, as exclusively office, people began to move away from stereotype that a warm yellowish light is for the house, and the white cold is only an office option.

Yes, and modern lamps with fluorescent lamps have a decent spectrum - the choice of shades is exactly so much as the consumer needs. Focusing in color (light) gamme lamps each can be alphabetic:

  • LB - white light;
  • LD - daily;
  • Le - natural;
  • LCB is cold;
  • LTB is warm.

Colored fluorescent lamps are used to illuminate street advertising, and here the color gamma has no restrictions.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

For home, for garden, for office

Luminescent lamp lamps are universal devices, they can be used in large and small apartments, in production shops, in office space and as outdoor lamps.

And let modern landscape design are more inclined to equip the garden and the household plot with lamps operating on solar panels, no one has canceled a durable fluorescent light bulb on the support and probably will not cancel. One thing is a bit of light near the tracks, patio or directly on the Alpine slide and completely different is a sufficient stream of soft unobtrusive light from the lamppost.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

Lamps for home

To equip dwellings with high-quality, durable and economical lighting, the market provides a wide range of modern lamps to choose a consumer:

  • Overhead - for installation on plastered and plasterboard surfaces;
  • embedded - for mounting in rubber, suspended and stretch ceilings;
  • Racks - created specifically for robust structures;
  • Point - for lighting a small area.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

Lamps for office

Office lamps are not much different from home, but since the cabinets have more to strain their eyes, read text in paper and electronic versions, specialists advise the use of luminescent lamps 4x18, the power of which allows you to feel comfortable and saving eyesight.

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For cabinet use optimal:

  1. Raster lamps - this type of lighting devices are embedded instead of one of the suspended ceiling sections and equipped with a scattering grid.
  2. Point and embedded lamps, too, with full right can be used for offices.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

Lamps for industrial workshops

To work in large factory or factory workshops, a certain atmosphere is characterized, not always positive - increased dyed or humidity, movement along the premises of large cars or the presence of overall equipment.

To illuminate spacious and high workshops, use:

  • Suspended ceiling lamps for rooms with high ceilings, which differ in the installation method - they are mounted using cables adjustable in height.

Evalnamed when choosing lamps for industry, their characteristics according to the degree of protection against dust and moisture (from IP54 to IP65).

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

Street lighting

Experts call luminescent lamps most reliable today at the type of street lighting. The luminous stream of fluorescent lamps is no different from the indicators of incandescent lamps, only the power of the light source is distinguished.

So the incandescent lamp in 200 W gives a stream of 2500 lm, and exactly the same amount of light we get from the fluorescent lamp in 60-80 W.

  • high pressure lamps are used to illuminate urban streets;
  • Low pressure lamps for household plots.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

What are they good?

The first thing that the consumer draws attention when evaluating the lighting device is the comfort of lighting and energy consumption. These two parameters of the luminaires with fluorescent ceiling lamps are perfect. In addition, these lamps:

  • Durable, capable of functioning smoothly within 20,000 hours, and this is not the limit, samples that are 40000 hours are already developed;
  • Highly effective (an example of matching light stream, see above);
  • modern and convenient, presented in various forms and sizes;
  • harmonious in any interior;
  • protected from falling inside dust and moisture;
  • Able to suppress radio waves.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

For consumers going to replace a pair of bulbs in the bathroom, a separate advice: Pay attention to the luminescent ceiling 2x36 luminaires, they are equipped with maximum moisture protection, such as indoors with a swimming pool, saunas, baths.

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Disadvantages you need to know

Luminescent lamp can not be bought for a penny, and for several tens of rubles - too. The high cost of the product is the first of the disadvantages that are somewhat cooled by buying dust. There are other disadvantages about which every potential buyer is simply obliged to know:
  • The launch of the lamp takes a few minutes;
  • Limited temperature - lamps do not work at a temperature below -250;
  • Fresh starter failure for luminescent lamps;
  • the impossibility of frequent on and off (that is, it is practically possible to do this, but the life of the lamp is reduced from such actions);
  • The lamp is not very pleasant for hearing a low hum;
  • presence in the lamp of mercury compounds;
  • Special disposal after the service life is completed.

Nuances connecting

Direct connection to the energy seal for these lamps is contraindicated: their negative resistance (the larger current passes through the lamp, the more it loses the resistance) requires connection through the ballast.

The resistor is not suitable as a ballast, since it will lose a large amount of energy, but the condenser or inductance coil is quite acceptable options.

If you "matured" to buy

Now buy a light bulb is equivalent to the process of buying a cow in the 18th century. And this is without any irony. The device is though small, but acquire it for many years, and so that it safely served the allotted period, it needs to choose correctly. Yes, and the price ... This is not a copper trifle for the Soviet light bulb in the hostility, the amount impresses, and throw money just so hardly anyone is ready.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

To begin with, the consumer needs to decide for which rooms it buys lamps with luminescent lamps. All important: the area, the height of the ceilings, humidity, dustiness, the purpose of the room.

Examine lamp marking (it is indicated on the box): Some of them are intended for complex microclimate, others - for use only in favorable conditions, third - for premises with high humidity.

Do not neglect these nuances, they are not so small, as it seems. But do not buy for living room light bulbs with the highest defense rates - in this room they have nothing.

When choosing, consider not only the design, but also the physical parameters of the lighting devices and always have an idea for what purpose you need lighting: for study and work, for a cozy dinner in a family circle or to apply makeup in front of the mirror. Each of these cases involves various lamps.

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Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

The zone is too bright light want to leave as soon as possible - it is discomfort. A soft unobtrusive flow of light has always been associated with a home, family, twilight - intimate light, suitable for bedrooms.

A thoughtful approach to the selection of the light source is not just a banal instruction. It depends on the comfort of your stay. If you do not plan the location of the lamps in advance, their optimal power will remain unknown, and errors in placement are possible.

The light distribution of fluorescent lamps is different:

  • Direct projection - shine only in one direction, are convenient to accommodate the toilet table or a mirror in the bathroom for illumination of the specifically selected zone (for this purpose, it is often used, often a luminescent single-bulbous);
  • Scattered radiation - the direction of rays goes into different directions from the light source, designers use such lamps to create a common light background indoor;
  • Combined radiation - two types of lamps are installed on the ceiling: with direct and scattered radiation, uniformity of lighting with this option can be achieved with a larger number of lamps with a direct projection of the rays.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

So that the lamp is not buzzing

The characteristic feature of the daily light lamps of the old sample was their unpleasant and fairly loud buzz, from which, as employees of the office and institutions complained, the head splits. Therefore, in enterprises, and at home, it was preferred not to use luminescent ceiling twolympic lamps - they believed that the more lamps, the stronger the noise.

The buzz remained in some new lamps of the average price segment (this is stated in the section on the lack of lighting devices).

The use of start-up nodes for advanced samples eliminates the lamps from the buzz, flicker and noise when starting.

The "quiet" lamps have gained popularity, first of all, among employers and school principals, since they were able to combine their main dream: high-quality lighting + high productivity.

In addition, the inhabitants of the cabinets got rid of the obsessive buzz of the lighting devices, they provided themselves with uniform lighting, as close as possible to the natural. And now at work and study, as well as at home, their ears and eyes rest - as it should be.

Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps
Luminaries with fluorescent lamps

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