Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov


To any owner of the cottage, I want to make the local area of ​​the refined, organize the conditions for a comfortable pastime with friends and relatives in the fresh air, especially in the summer. Elements of decor made from pallets are ideal for creating comfort.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

The material is pallets, it is inexpensive at cost, but strong in structure. It turns out original and unique items for designing the territory.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Tips when working with pallets

When working with pallets, it is worth paying attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is important to carry out a thorough processing of the outside of the element of emery paper to eliminate the formation of the head. If there is a tool, you can perform this work with a grinder;
  • Materials for finishing pallets need to be chosen with special care. Paint, stool and varnish is not always safe for humans and plants;
  • Do not immediately be taken to perform complex structures. Start better with simple.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Decorative wall with flowers

The territory of the country area can easily decorate the vertical garden.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

It will take:

  • 1 pallet;
  • 2 bag of soil for colors;
  • minimum 16 seedlings annual colors of different varieties;
  • Middle roll of landscape geotextile fabric;
  • Stapler, brackets;
  • sandpaper.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

To create a design, you will need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Clean the pallet from various contaminants, sawdust sticking nails. Using sandpaper, make a surface smooth. Cover waterproof paint.
  2. Cover the pallet with landscaped tissue from all sides, except for the outside. Secure the edge of the material stapler. If necessary, you can use two layers of tissue.
  3. In the pallet lying on the ground, fall asleep the soil. In order, fall into it annual flowers tightly to each other so that the soil is not able to raise. Put the scenery into the vertical position.

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Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov


Interestingly looks decorated with pallets Garden paths and passages between the beds. Place the pallets on Earth or on the base of the brick. E. The lemmen can be covered with different colors or perform design in a single style.

Such a decor in rainy weather will save from dirt and slush.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Decorative fence

The country area can also be separated from the neighbors using pallets. They are put vertically, connecting among themselves. Then finish and firmly fix in the ground. This method is also recommended for separating the area to zone. For example, you can protect the territory for relaxing from the garden and a flower garden.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Cycling stand

Often people use to arrive at the dacha bicycles. For this type of transport, you can make a decorative rack from pallets for convenience. It will take two pallets that will need to be copper between themselves at an angle of 90 degrees, after which it is coated with a finishing material. Such a rack will save the technique without damaging and not scratching it.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Country swings

In the country, it will not be superfluous to install improvised swings that can be suspended on a tree or any other support. They are designed for both adults and children. It will take:

  • large pallet;
  • varnish for wooden surfaces;
  • sandpaper;
  • chains and metal hooks;
  • Porporal and upholstery material.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

The procedure will be as follows:

  1. Clean the pallet and cover her varnish.
  2. The side on which they will sit, cover with foam rubber and material, or use ready-made pillows.
  3. Through the slot of the pallet, skip the chains and secure them with hooks.

As a result, it turns out a stylish and at the same time a functional decor for the cottage.

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

If the cottage is actively used only during the period of warm times of the year, it is recommended to store decor elements made of pallets in a closed room in winter. In this case, they will not be exposed to excess moisture, snow and frost, which will benefit on their wear resistance.

There are many ideas for decorating cottages using pallets. Their use allows you to save money and perform unique items that will create a positive mood.

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Ideas from pallets for cottages (1 video)

Decor for the cottage from Paletov (14 photos)

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

Getting ready for the summer: Decor for dachas from Paletov

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