Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples


One of the best finishing options for the bathroom is a mirror ceiling. Lovers of non-standard solutions have long appreciated all the charms of this original solution for the design of the bathroom. This is modern, fashionable, beautiful and convenient. Thanks to the mirror ceiling, a small space can be expanded - this is one of the main advantages, there are other worthy of attention. The modern market offers different types of mirror designs for the ceiling in the bathroom. We will help you choose the best, most profitable and convenient when installing.

On the advantages and disadvantages of the mirror ceiling

Bathrooms are most often small in the area. For visual expansion of space, lightly use light colors. This rule applies to the ceiling surfaces. The mirror ceiling in the bathroom is ease and volume. Light ceiling covered adds height, and bright lighting favorably emphasizes the floor and wall decoration. Due to the reflective characteristics of the mirror coating, the illumination is repeatedly enhanced and creates the effect of space in a small room. This trick in the design world is applied for a long time. As far as attractive and elegant, you can look at our photos.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom

High moisture resistance is another advantage of mirror structures. For bathrooms with high humidity it is very relevant. With competent installation of problems with mold and fungal formations will not be.

The materials used are environmentally friendly, which means safe. Special care does not require, look spectacular and harmonious. In addition, all the irregularities and defects of the old coating can be hidden behind the mirrored ceilings.

Such a ceiling in the bathroom is an excellent chance for fans of unusual experiments. Combined finishing options can be applied and create compositions with different light effects.

The ability to mount the ceiling yourself - another plus of mirror ceilings in the bathroom. For many who want to save, this moment is very important. Installation work is carried out quickly, without noise, dirt, dust of other repair inconvenience. Among the well-known installation options for mirror ceilings, it is enough to choose the most convenient and carefully examine the technology. Everything will work out if you follow the instructions and be attentive. Video from our site is to help you.

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Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Stylish mirror ceiling in the bathroom

Mirrored ceilings in the bathroom - the pleasure is not cheap. In addition to high cost, its fragility is its essential disadvantage, it requires gentle operation.

Types of mirror ceilings

We highlight the main types of mirror coatings. There are few of them, each of their own features and dignity. The mirror is not always involved in the finish, any reflective materials with a glossy surface are used in demand. In any case, the ceiling in the bathroom mirror is advantageous and unusually, the photo is attached, all the advantages are noticeable.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling design in the bathroom

There are expensive and budget options, if you choose, it is important to navigate not only for the price, but also the quality in order not to encounter problems when installing and not eliminate errors after installing the ceiling.

  1. Whole mirror. Very spectacular finish option. If the area of ​​the bathroom is large, you can try, but for a small space, such a mirror design is not suitable. Installing such a ceiling yourself is almost impossible. You have to invite masters.
  2. Mirror plates . One of the most sought-after species. It looks attractive and interesting, but there is a possibility of plates. Plates are made of mirrors, the material is very fragile, so when installing is careful, care and accuracy.
  3. Plastic Mirror Panels . The easiest and most profitable option, since in the manufacture of natural glass is not used. Panels are not fighting and flexible enough. Among the minuses - the flammability and the likelihood of moisture transmittance.
  4. Mirror-rack ceiling . Rakes are made of aluminum and covered with a reflective layer. They are easy to mount and washed, so the installation of such a ceiling in the bathroom is quite appropriate.
  5. Mirror stretch ceilings . These are not real mirrors, so you can not be afraid that the mirror elements can be broken or collapsed. This is a durable and moisture-resistant design with a long service life. In the manufacture of such ceilings, a glossy tile is used, which has excellent reflective properties.

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Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror Ceiling Ceiling

Stages and installation time

Service life and the external attractiveness of mirror ceilings in the bathroom depend on how well the installation work is made. In this matter, the main thing is accuracy and accuracy.

Regardless of which type of mirror ceilings are selected, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the base. This is a very important process, high-quality preparation will relieve irregularities and dampness. After leveling, treat the ceiling with mold and fungus, even if they have not encountered such a problem. The base surface must be in perfect condition. The exclusion is the coatings, preliminary alignment before installing such a design is not required.

We highlight three main types of installation work:

  • Installing mirrors on a prepared and lented ceiling;

This option involves sticking mirror slabs to the aligned and thoroughly plastered ceiling. For external work, materials resistant to high humidity and temperature drops are used. C glue work easier and faster, here the main thing is to make a clear markup and prevent the drawing displacement. Print starts with an angle, located opposite the front door. The cut panels will be invisible, and the last row will be right above the entrance. The reverse side of the plate is flashed around the perimeter. From the edges make indents 3-4 cm. Then pressed to the plasterboard and hold at least 2 minutes.

For lighting, you can use the brain. When using point lamps, you will have to mount the suspension ceiling made of drywall. The ceiling coating is lowered by 10-12 cm.

When installing, trimming is inevitable. Consider this when calculating materials. Usually, the mirror plates are acquired with a reserve, 5-10% more than the total ceiling area.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom do it yourself

  • Installation of the PVC stretch ceiling;

The horizon of the future ceiling is neatly marked on the walls. If the plans are setting point lamps, the marks are made below 10-12 cm.

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Next, the harpoon profile is attached along the line. After mounting the housings of point lamps, the canvas, heated with the help of a heat gun, is fixed in opposite angles. At the final stage, the installation of lamps.

  • Installation of a mirror ceiling by the type of Ceiling system Amstrong;

The Armstrong system involves participation in the montage of the carcass. The basis for it is a metal profile from which there are smooth squares. The frame construction is going simple enough, the main thing is to take into account so that the size of the squares corresponds to the sizes of the plates. The frame is collected from L-profiles (wall), T-profiles (longitudinal and across) and universal suspensions. The diagram and markup is predefined. The mounting of the plates by self-drawing requires maximum accuracy and hardness, fragile material can be easily damaged.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom

Many fear that with mirror ceilings in the bathroom a lot of trouble.

With high humidity there is a certain risk, therefore caution and careful care will not interfere. In any case, this finish is a non-standard move and your chance to give uniqueness of the bathroom. It is possible to achieve an excellent visual effect if you clearly comply with the installation technology and not make a mistake with the choice of material.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom do it yourself

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling design in the bathroom

Stylish mirror ceiling in the bathroom

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror Ceiling Ceiling

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: Photo Examples

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom

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