Basket for linen from newspaper tubes


Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Today, a new variety of needlework is successfully developing - weaving from newspapers. This lesson has already become a hobby for many, which is simply impossible to refuse. This type of creativity helps to relax from everyday bustle, switch attention and make independently useful things to create a home coat. The laundry basket of newspaper tubes will be an interesting decor in the interior of the bathroom.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes


For weaving baskets, you need to have such tools:

  • ordinary newspapers that every home have;
  • Dye to create the color of the future basket. It is often used wood-based simulatory;
  • Stationery knife and scissors;
  • Long needle, the diameter of which should be 2.5 ml;
  • PVA glue with a thin tassel or adhesive in the form of a pencil;
  • conventional clothespins for reliable fixation;
  • line;
  • simple pencil;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brush;
  • Cargo for the neot.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Before you begin weaving the basket, you must imagine what it should be. Be sure to consider such parameters as the form, height and density of weaving. If there are difficulties with this, then you can take a bucket or box of the required size as a model.

How to make newspaper tubes?

When creating a laundry basket, paper is used, which is substitutes of the vine. Therefore, before work, it is necessary to prepare newspaper tubes. Sequencing:

  • Newspaper sheets must be made in A4 format. It is the size of the album sheet that is optimal and is 21x30 cm.
  • Each prepared leaf must also be cut into three leafs along, then the size of one sheet will have 7x30 cm.
  • Thanks to the use of the stationery knife, you can quickly and gently make a large number of leafy of the required size. Such a knife will allow you to make smooth edges, eliminate traces of paper fibers. In the future, each strip will become a tube.
  • It is necessary to sort the sheets. Divide them into two stacks: with printed text and with white stripes, which are always on the edges of newspaper sheets. This preparation will make it possible to make white tubes from those strips that were on the edges of the newspaper sheet, the remaining all tubes will need to be painted.
  • Take one strip and positively it vertically, while the white side should be right.
  • Locate the needle at the bottom of the left at an angle of about 30 degrees, and start winding the sheet to it. When it remains only 1 cm stripes, use the glue to fix the tube.
  • Next, do the same actions with color newspaper paper. The only thing you need to try to hide all the dark plots in the middle.
  • After working, you will receive the same paper tubes, the length of which will be slightly more than 30 cm.
  • A distinctive feature of each tube will be one pointed and the other edge in the form of a squabble. This allows you to combine several tubes with each other, applying glue to obtain a long stick that resembles a vine.

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Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

See short video equipment on the billet of the tubes from newspapers.

Painting tubes

Before starting painting the tubes, you need to prepare a workplace. Take a small tray and bed on it polyethylene. On it you can dry the "vine" after painting. Prepare the bright and put on the gloves on your arms.

You can work immediately with 10 tubes. Lower them in the similet for 3-5 seconds. Then lower the other end. Each tube after paint must be carefully postponed to the tray, leaving some distance between the "Loses". When the tray is all filled, then you can lay out the tube on top of the "Fully".

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

For complete drying, it is enough to leave a tray with tubes for 12 hours. It is better to avoid additional sources of heat, as a sharp drying can make tubes dry, they lose their plasticity.

Weaving baskets of different forms


To create a wicker basket of a square-shaped newspaper tubes, it is necessary to start with the formation of the bottom in the form of a square.

So, first you need to take a cardboard strip, while take it into account that the bottom of the basket will be slightly less than the size of the cardboard. Then fold it in half. With the help of the hole to make small holes in the cardboard, the distance between which should not be 2 cm. In the holes it is necessary to insert a long "working vine".

Now you can start weaving the bottom of the basket. An extended tube must be inspected next to cardboard paper. When weaving comes to the edge, then you need to make a turn and make weaving in the opposite direction. In order for the "working vine" ended, it constantly needs to be lengthened - to make newspaper tubes. Under special control, it is necessary to keep the size of the bottom, since its width can be narrowed. Thus, creates a square bottom of the desired size.

Visually, this process, see the following video.

Next, you can move to weaving the side walls of the basket. There are already two vines of the future frame, so two more walls need to be done. To do this, take a long newspaper tube, bend it in half and push two ends to the bottom of the basket. Pickles that seem on the bottom of the bottom, you need to bend upstairs and secure. Thus, it turns out a resistant frame. Depending on the desired height of the basket, you must create a "working vine" of the desired size.

For reliable fixation of the walls of the basket, you need to take a heavy item for the form of the future product and put in the center. Next to it with the help of a gum attaches the cutter of the frame. For a square basket, it is very important to create smooth edges. When weaving, the product of another form can be done without sample inside.

Weaving must start from the bottom of the basket. It is necessary to take a long tube and stick it into one of the sides, while alternate the position of the vertical tubes, come in front and rear. In this way, you need to form all the walls.

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At the beginning of weaving, the end of the "working vine" remains, in the future it will be used as one of the elements of the frame. It allows you to create an odd number of vertical tubes. After each row, the free end needs to be left. The process of weaving side walls occurs in a circle until the basket of the desired size is possible.

A simple way to weave walls with a rope pattern. Look in the video below.


To create a rectangular basket, you must start with a rectangular bottom weaving. You need to create a pattern of cardboard for the bottom of the basket. Then place it along the edge of the finished tube and secure the design with the clothespins. Next, it is necessary to put paper tubes on the basis, while each "Lose" should go under or above the base, adhering to the required weaving density. During the design, the design should be covered with another newspaper tube and secure clothespins. The bottom will commemorate the discourse, so the new tubes must be used further, adhering to chess order, to create the necessary density of the bottom. When the bottom will acquire the necessary density, the clothespins can be removed, because it will already independently hold the form. The width of the bottom depends on the size of the pattern. When weaving the bottom will remain so-called races, which will continue to be used as the basis of the frame. Already with their help, you can create side walls of the frame.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes


A round basket is the most difficult thing in the manufacture, because it is worth attaching a maximum effort to form a round bottom. The easiest way is the "rope". You need to take six tubes and combine them with each other with clothespins to create a single plane. Then this action should be repeated. Ready planes you need to put the crosswise.

Next, you need "Lose", which will be used for further weaving the product. It must be bent twice and the fork to put near the ray of the "cross". On the rotations, the working tube must be bend. You should skip the upper part down, and the bottom - up until you reach the other beam out of six tubes. The inflection should be performed at an angle of 90 degrees, and constantly change the lower and top of the "vine". This action needs to produce four times. As a result, it turns out a ring that should be immediately fixed with clothespins.

After passing three circles, you need to take six tubes and push into pairs to form a smooth surface. Next, weaving the working tube should be done through each two tubes. And again make three circles. It is necessary to produce actions for breeding pairs. It is necessary to make interlacing before creating the base of the required size. The bottom of the round basket will resemble the sun, which consists of 24 rays.

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Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes


A corner-shaped laundry basket will help save space in the bathroom, so it is in great demand in small rooms.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

When weaving the corner laundry basket from newspaper tubes should be followed by some rules due to the form of the product:

  • For the stands of the basket, it is better to use the tubes from the whole sheet of paper for the printer or take sheets from the log. Soft tubes from the newspaper cannot keep the entire design.
  • To create an even bottom, you need to put a load on it when designing a basket, while special attention should be paid to the corners.
  • Before painting it is necessary to calculate the number of acrylic varnish, otherwise you have to be interested in another color, and the result will already be imideress.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Registration of the region

When the basket of the required height is ready, it is necessary to hide the tips of the tubes that form a frame, and also not forget to fix and hide the working tube. This will require a long needker. It must be bought into the hole near the rack in the middle of 3 rows. It is here that the tip will be hidden.

The action with the needle must be repeated in another direction also on 3 rows, put the rack on it and turn down. Thus, each rack will bend and dragged. At the end of the work, the edge of the product will be ready.

In each hole, where the rack got, it is necessary to smear with glue and give time to dry. After that, with scissors, cut all the edges of the protruding tubes. All sections must be carefully hidden between newspaper tubes.

The simpler version of the edge is looking in the following video.


The basket can be supplemented with a lid that can be fixed in one wall or weave separately. Using the weaving method of the bottom, you can make the lid. Already the finished product is desirable to cover varnish. An excellent solution is the acrylic varnish, because it does not smell and dries quickly.

The use of varnish will allow to give a storage basket, it cannot be distinguished from the product from the present vine. When the lacquer is not yet completely dried, you can correct the shape of the basket, give the bottom of the stability, eliminate the races.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Sometimes paper tubes without coloring are used for weaving baskets, then after the end of work, the product needs to carefully primed and paint. As a primer, you can use primer or ordinary PVA glue. For painting baskets, aerosol paints are suitable, which should be applied several times.

The present product of art can be called baskets, decorated with a pattern with the help of decoupage technique. For fixing the picture also applies varnish.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

You yourself choose the style and color of the basket. For decor you can use ribbons, beads and other decorative elements. For practicality, you can separately sew a liner from Citz.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

The basket of newspaper tubes made by their own hands will become the magnificent decoration of the interior of the bathroom. The main thing to do with love.

Basket for linen from newspaper tubes

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