How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands


How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

Even in the technologies of sticking paper wallpaper there are features of the book-in-room wallpaper - one of the most popular finishes today. This type of wallpaper has a lot of advantages: low cost, a huge selection and ease of use. About such wallpapers still say: "blew and forgotten."

And yet, no matter how easy the process of sticking wallpapers does not seem to come to this case with all the responsibility and through the effort: in the stereotypes of people, the Soviet way of sticking wallpapers with the help of PVA and various newspapers is still living. Naturally, such people do not have the right idea how to glue paper wallpaper. It is logical that experts and people who disassembled repair do not use such a "barbarian" method.

Do you want to call yourself "a person who really understands repair?" If so, it is not so difficult to do: it is enough to have a certain information and have practical experience.

How to glue paper wallpaper yourself

The process of blending the wallpaper is simple: but before glue, the wall surface should be prepared: it is much more complicated than sticking wallpaper. Usually the preparation of the wall includes putty and priming: it is important to make the wall perfectly smooth. Also, during this stage, you get rid of everything that can continue: remove nails, extra screws. If the wallpaper was already picked up on the wall, then they should be dismantled, so that new ones could be punished.

It is not always possible to get rid of old wallpaper: or there was too good glue, or simply in this room it is impossible to spare wallpaper normally. Although specialists advise to dismantle old wallpapers, but still, if there is no such possibility, you can try to glue new wallpapers for the same.

How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

Careful preparation of walls is extremely important

The only warning that should be mentioned is that it is pretty a risk way to glue wallpaper: they can spare very quickly, and not having time to please you to properly. How to glue paper wallpapers on an already existing wallpaper layer? The blending process itself is almost no different from the process of sticking wallpaper on bare walls: except, you need to produce the priming of old wallpaper: this will help you with the same glue, with which you are going to glue the wallpaper.

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Algorithm for action of blending wallpaper walls made from concrete

Unfortunately, some surfaces are pretty difficult to stick wallpaper. Consider a typical example: the usual concrete wall: it has a lot of flaws, and if there is an opportunity not to glue the wallpaper on this wall, it is better to take advantage of such an opportunity. Still, not all people are lucky with good, smooth walls, and it is clear that they also want them to have beautiful walls, like everyone else.

Such people can break the wallpaper on concrete as follows.:

  1. The first stage is a priming. This is one of the most important processes: he protects concrete from fungus, disinfects it. There is a thick primer that will even even align the walls with defects.
  2. The next stage is a putty. Thanks to the putty, the wallpaper will be better to stay, but in addition to this plus, it is also possible to note that it makes the color of the concrete lighter. As you know, the concrete is dark enough: it will be shifted under blond wallpaper, and they will not look so good as it was previously expected.

How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

Priming and putty - mandatory stages of wall preparation

After preparing the wall, you can start glue wallpaper. It is preferable to purchase as thick wallpaper as possible, dark colors: so disadvantages of concrete as a surface, will not be very visible.

Is it possible to use vinyl adhesive for paper wallpaper

The first thing that can be noted is that glue for wallpaper has one base, regardless of its type. The only differences are supplements to this mixture. That is, if you have vinyl glue, you can easily apply it to stick paper wallpaper. Unfortunately, on the contrary, it is impossible to do: that is, use glue for paper wallpaper to shove vinyl.

How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

You should use glue for paper wallpaper

If you are planning to shove paper wallpaper, it is worth buying glue, designed just for paper wallpapers.

It is much cheaper than vinyl glue: why overpay? Although, if you already have more expensive glue, then with it can be punched with paper wallpaper.

How shoes are happening without seams

To do this, you need to try hard, but to perform a stick without seams. It is especially easy to do this now: unlike the Soviet era, when the wallpaper was glued, modern wallpapers are glued. It is important to understand: so that the seams really have no visible, then you need to be sure to prick and project the wall surface: make it perfect. Of course, it will also depend on the quality of the wallpaper themselves whether the seams will be visible. It is necessary to choose a drawing, where in the case of small discrepancies of the wallpaper, it would not be spoiled.

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How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

Do you want the seams to be seen? Take carefully to the preparation of walls

All you need to do so that the joints can be seen - it should do all the work qualitatively: especially, attention should be paid to the preparation of the wall before sticking. If you are all done correctly, even if someone will look at the wall, even from a close distance, then the seams will not be very noticeable.

Correctly choose glue for paper wallpaper

No matter what type of wallpaper you are: paper, vinyl or embossed duplex - they all need good glue. Select glue that is suitable for you is very simple. The packages are usually written, for which wallpapers one or another glue is designed: for lungs or for heavy. Light wallpapers are predominantly paper, heavy - the remaining types of wallpaper. Many authoritative specialists advise you to buy adhesives of foreign production. In the building materials market, Metilan and his "rival" - Quelyd are most proven. In principle, these two glue are in the same price category, it is expensive: but you can be sure that the high price corresponds to their high quality. What glue is better - to solve you.

How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

As practice shows, domestic glue as a whole is not worse than foreign analogues

By the way, in the Russian market, there is also worthy glue: it is called the moment. Almost every person heard about this glue, about its quality and durability. He is no worse than Western counterparts: at the same time, its cost is noticeably lower. If you are not even quite sure which glue is suitable for you, then you can ask for help from the seller: he will be able to advise you in more detail regarding your separate case: because when choosing glue you need to take into account many factors: not only the type of your wallpaper, but Example, the funds you have.

Punching paper wallpaper: recommendations of specialists

One of the most important tips to take into account when working is what the wallpaper should be shook only with closed windows: any draft can spoil all your work. The fact is that even with a completely large breeze, the wallpaper starts to dry unevenly, which leads to the appearance of unwanted bubbles: get rid of them very difficult. Even after you have finished sticking, you need to wait until new wallpaper is dried. The drying time of wallpaper depends on numerous factors: temperature, type of wallpaper, wall surface. You can just remember what you have to wait at least 3-5 hours.

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The most optimal temperature for work is about 20 degrees. With many materials it is impossible to work at low temperatures: that is why the most preferred time of year for repair work is summer.

How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

Glue paper wallpaper just enough

If you have wallpapers, there may be several reasons for this:

  • It was not carried out priming or shtlocking wallpapers when sticking: these steps should not be passed, they are very important.
  • Perhaps you did not dismantle old wallpapers, just placing new ones. At least glue on top of each other and permanently, but it is necessary to do it only in extreme cases.

Materials that you used, or wallpapers yourself can be poor-quality.

Punching paper wallpapers with your own hands (video)

How is the sticker of vinyl wallpaper on paper wallpaper

Even if you do not need to fully prepare the wall for sticking of this type, it is still, the wall should be as smoother as possible. If you see obvious irregularities, it is better not to risk, and try to remove old wallpapers.

After you were convinced that wallpaper can be applied on the wall, you can start the process of sticking. First of all, you need to brand the wall: you can do it with the help of glue for wallpaper. We make it more liquid than during sticking.

After the primer dries, you can begin to glue the wallpaper from any angle. Vinyl wallpaper is pretty difficult to shove on paper analog, as they are heavier: Therefore, there is even greater risk of failure. In any case, if it is impossible to blow wallpaper in a different way, you can try to use this method.

How to glue paper wallpaper: Is it possible, glue, what better, video, embossed duplex, sticking, base, vinyl sticker with their own hands

On top of paper wallpapers you can stick vinyl

Wallpaper sticking is not the most complex process. It is much more difficult - to properly prepare the wall. If you want your wallpaper perfectly looked, were without defects, then you need to do everything as right as possible: it is enough to try to try, then you and your guests are satisfied with the result of the repair.

How to glue paper wallpaper (video)

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