How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands


Despite the rapid development of the Internet, television remains the main source of information for the majority of the population. But in order for your TV to be a high-quality picture, you need a good antenna. It is not necessary to buy a television antenna in the store, because it can be made with your own hands and save decent money at the same time.

How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

How to make high-quality antennas for various ranges of broadcasting and what materials to use, you can find out our article.

Types of antennas

There are many types and forms of television antennas, below are the main of them:

    How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • Antennas for the reception of the "Wave Channel".
  • How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • Antennas receiving "running wave".
  • How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • Frame antennas.
  • How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • Zigzag antennas.
  • How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • Logoperiodic antennas.
  • How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

    Rate antennas

  • Rate antennas.

Antennas for receiving digital television

The whole world, including our country, switched from analog broadcast to digital. Therefore, making an antenna with your own hands or buying it in the store, you need to know which antenna is better suitable for receiving the DVB-T2 format:

    How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • Room antenna - Suitable for receiving a signal in DVB-T2 format only at a distance of 10 kilometers from the repeater. In principle, at this distance, the signal is capable of adopting even the usual bare wire inserted into the antenna connector of the TV and directed to the desired side, but for a more stable and stable signal, it is better to use the room antenna.
  • How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • The "Crow" type antenna is capable of receiving a digital signal at a distance of 30 kilometers. This type of antenna is installed outside the dwelling and does not require a clear focus on the repeater. But in cases where the distance from the source of the signal is more than 30 kilometers or there are no interference generators, it is advisable to direct the antenna to the TV.
  • How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • DIPOL 19/21-69 antenna - receives a signal at a distance of 50 kilometers. Requires an installation on an elevation of 8-10 meters and a clear direction to the source of the signal. In a bundle with an amplifier, it is capable of receiving a digital signal at a distance of 80-100 kilometers. Excellent characteristics of this antenna, make it one of the best options for receiving a signal in the DVB-T2 format at a remote distance from the repeater.

If you live not far from the computer, you can easily make the simplest antenna for receiving a signal in the DVB-T2 format with your own hands:

  1. Measure 15 centimeters of an antenna cable from the connector.
  2. Remove from the cropped edge of 13 centimeters of external insulation and patch, leave only a copper rod.
  3. Check on the picture of the TV, set the rod in the right direction.

All antenna is ready! It should be noted that such a primitive antenna is not capable of providing a high-quality and stable signal on a distance remote from the computer and in places with interference sources.

Antennas do it yourself

Let's consider several options for television antennas that can be made independently, from the primary materials:

Basket Antenna

Antenna from beer cans can be made literally for half an hour, from your hand. Of course, a super-stable signal such an antenna will not provide, but for temporary use in the country or in the removable apartment it is quite good.

How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

Basket Antenna

To make the antenna you will need:

  • Two aluminum cans from under beer or other drink.
  • Meters five television cable.
  • Plug.
  • Two screws.
  • Wooden or plastic base on which banks will be attached (many use a wooden hanger or mops).
  • Knife, pliers, screwdriver, insulating tape.

Making sure that all of the above items are available, make the following:

  1. Clean one end of the cable and attach the plug to it.
  2. Take the second end of the cable and remove the isolation from it with a length of 10 centimeters.
  3. Break down the fever and twist it into the cord.
  4. Remove the plastic layer is an insulating cable rod for a distance of one centimeter.
  5. Take the banks and turn screws in the center or cover in them.
  6. Attach the rod to one bank, and to another cord string cable, twisting them on screws.
  7. Attach the banks on the base with the help of the tape.
  8. Fasten the cable on the base.
  9. Insert the plug into the TV.
  10. Navigating the room, determine the place of the best signal reception and secure there an antenna.

There are other variations of this antenna, with four and even eight banks, but the explicit effect of the number of cans on the quality of the signal is not detected.

How to make an antenna from beer cans you can also learn from the video:

Zigzag antenna Kharchenko

The antenna received its name in 1961, by the last name of its inventor Kharchenko K. P., who suggested using the telecast antenna of a zigzag form for reception. This antenna is very well suited for receiving a digital signal.

How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

Antenna Kharchenko

For the manufacture of a zigzag antenna you will need:

  • Copper wire with a diameter of 3-5 mm.
  • Television cable 3-5 meters.
  • Solder.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Plug.
  • Insulating tape.
  • A piece of plastic or plywood for the base.
  • Bolts of fixtures.

First you need to make an antenna frame. To do this, we take the wire and and cut off a piece of 109 centimeters. Next, bend the wire so that we have a frame of two parallel rhombuses, each side of the rhombus should be 13.5 centimeters, from the remaining centimeter, make a loop for fastening the wire. Using the soldering iron and solder, connect the ends of the wire and close the frame.

Take the cable and clean it up in such a way that you can have the ability to solder the rod and the cable screen to the frame. Next, solder the rod and the cable screen in the center of the frame. Note that the screen and the rod should not touch.

Install the frame on the base. The distance between the corners of the frame in the connection site with the cable must be two centimeters. Base size Make about 10 by 10 centimeters.

Clean the second end of the cable and install the plug.

If you need to attach the antenna base to the rack, for further installation on the roof.

More detailed instructions for the manufacture of antenna Harchenko, you can see in the video:

Coaxial cable antenna

For the manufacture of antenna, you will need a 75-ohm coaxial cable of a standard connector. To calculate the cable length of the cable, you need to know the frequency of digital broadcasting and divide it in megahertz to 7500, and the resulting amount is rounded.

How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

Antenna from cable

After receiving the cable length, do the following:

  1. Clean the cable on one side and insert the antenna in the connector.
  2. Return two centimeters from the edge of the connector and make a mark from which you will measure the length of the antenna.
  3. Measuring the desired length, bite the extra pliers.
  4. In the area of ​​the mark, remove the insulation and the cable fever, leave only internal isolation.
  5. Generate the purified part at an angle of 90 degrees.
  6. Adjust the TV set with a new antenna.

Visually consolidate the information you can watch the video:

Satellite antenna

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the tuner and special console are required for the reception of the satellite signal. Therefore, if you do not have this equipment, the creation of a satellite antenna will not be possible, because you can make only a parabolic reflector:

    How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

  • Parabola from plexiglas - is manufactured by heating. The plexiglass is placed on a disc repellent form of a parabolic reflector and is placed in a high temperature chamber. After softening the plexiglass, it takes the shape of the blank. After cooling the plexiglass, it is pulled out of the form and glue foil. The minus of this production of the homemade parabola is that the cost of its manufacture, exceed the market value of the factory reflector.
  • A metal sheet reflector is made from a galvanized iron sheet, a meter size per meter. The sheet is attached to the round shape and cuts are made from the edge of the petals to the center. After that, the sheet is placed on the curved pattern of the reflector and the "petals" are fasten with point welding or ripples.
  • The mesh reflector is made from the frame and the grid. First, the parameters of which are calculated by the formula. The template makes radial parabolas from copper wire. Wire section is selected based on the diameter of the antenna. For example, for an antenna with a diameter of 1.5 meters, a wire with a diameter of 4-5 mm is taken. It is also necessary to make circular belts. The diameter of the belts changes in 10-30 cm increments. After the framework of the frame, it is tightened with a fine copper grid.

How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

All of the above methods can be considered seriously from sports interest, since the manufacture of a parabolic reflector into manual, the process is very laborious and expensive. In addition, to produce accurate calculations of the parameters of the satellite antenna at home, it is very difficult. Therefore, we advise you not to originate and buy a satellite antenna in full.

Antenna amplifier

If in place where you live a weak television signal and the usual antenna cannot provide a high-quality picture in your TV, then the antenna amplifier can help in this situation. Make it with your own hands, you can if you understand a little in electronics and know how to solder.

How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

Amplifiers need to be installed as close as possible to the antenna. The power amplifier is better to carry out the coaxial cable through the junction.

How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

Diagram of power junction

The junction is set at the bottom of the TV and on it from the adapter is powered by 12 volts. Double-stage amplifiers consume no more than 50 milliamperes, for this reason the power of the power supply should not exceed 10 watts.

All connections of the antenna amplifier on the mast must be performed using a soldering, since the installation of mechanical compounds will lead to corrosion and rupture, with further operation in conditions of an aggressive external environment.

There are cases when you have to receive and enhance a weak signal in the presence of powerful signals from other sources. In this case, weak and strong signals fall at the inlet input. This leads to blocking the operation of the amplifier or the translation of it into a nonlinear mode that blends both signals, which is expressed in the applix image from one channel to another. Repair the situation will help reduce the supply voltage of the amplifier.

Note that the decimamer amplifiers are very strongly affected by the signals in the meter range. To attenuate the impact of meter signals, the PMW amplifier put the upper frequency filter, which blocks meter waves and skips the signals of only the decimeter range.

Below is a diagram of an antenna amplifier of the meter range:

    How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

    Scheme of the antenna amplifier of the meter range

  • The gain is 25 dB. at a voltage of 12.6 volts.
  • Current current no more than 20 milliam.
  • The counter-parallel inclusion of diodes D1 and D2 protects the transistor from failure when lightning strikes.
  • Cascades have a common emitter.
  • The C6 condenser provides the correction of the constant characterization of the amplifier in the field of high frequencies.
  • To stabilize the transistor mode, the amplifier is covered by negative feedback from the emitter of the second transistor to the first base.
  • In order to avoid self-excitation of the amplifier, an unleashing filter R4 C1 is used.

We also offer to familiarize yourself with the decimeter amplifier scheme:

    How to make an antenna for tv with your own hands

    Scheme of decimeter amplifier

  • Antenna amplifier of the decimeter range of 470-790 megahertz.
  • Repair ratio of 30 dB. at a voltage of 12 volts.
  • Current consumption 12 milliammeter.
  • Cascades have a common emitter and microwave transistors with a low level of own noise.
  • Resistors R1 and R3 provide temperature compensation of transistors.
  • The power amplifier is powered by a coaxial cable.

With the principle of the antenna amplifier, you can read the video:

Now, having familiarized with the schemes and armed with a soldering iron, you can safely start making an antenna amplifier.

We hope that our article about television antennas turned out to be useful for you!

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