Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands


The temperature difference in the central heating system and the water underground device becomes the factor, due to which it is necessary to additionally install the collector department. It mixes the coolants and distributes them to the system.

Appointment device

Repairing the bathroom, many set a warm water floor system there. These devices work on the same principle and on the same media as the central heating. Often the overall installation scheme is as follows:

  • heating device;
  • High-temperature heat exchangers;
  • Low-temperature radiators contour.

In the heating batteries, the water is heated with a boiler. It usually its temperature is at least 75 degrees. However, the surface of the floor covering does not provide for heating above 31 degrees. More importance will be discomfort to man when walking along the floor barefoot. However, given the thickness of the concrete solution, into which the pipes and a layer of finishing finish, the overall heating of the coolant entering this circuit should be no higher than 50 degrees. Therefore, the hot liquid from the heating device is directed in the circuit of the warm floor, it is impossible directly. It is for these purposes that need a collector for a water warm floor.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

The collector for warm water floor mixes boiling water from a cold water system and sends heated fluid to heating pipes

In this device, the hot heating line liquid is mixed with cold from the reverse contour. As a result of such a process, the carrier of the required temperature comes into the heating system of the floor. At the same time, the whole design is working finely. From the boiler, the hot heat carrier comes directly in batteries and collector. Also in the mixing unit, a cold return is connected. At the exit from the unit into the floor heating system, the coolant heated to the desired temperature is flowing.

Sometimes it is possible to equip a warm floor of a water without a collector. In this case, it is arranged a general low-temperature contour on both systems, and the heated of the carrier in them provides an air pump and control special sensors.

However, if the heating circuit also provides for the heating of water for household needs, in this case it is not necessary to do without a mixing cabinet. Since such a fluid at the output should be no colder than 65 degrees, and this value is too high to heal the floor.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Collect and connect the mixing knot - Skating task for each

Despite the seeming complexity, install and connect a warm floor collector with your own hands. Complete task. To do this, you need to explore the principle of its work and the features of the device.

Mechanism of operation of the node

The mixing device does not only perform functions to adjust the temperature of the water in the line. He is still responsible for its normal chain movement. The device includes a safety valve and a circular injector. The last element provides normal media circulation in the floor heating system with the required speed for this. This moment is important for complete and uniform surface warming.

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Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

The circulation injector is responsible for the uniform distribution of warm media in the water floor circuit

Protection valve is responsible for mixing water in the circuit. When boiling water arrives at the entrance, it opens receipts from the feed chain while hot water is mixed with the cold carrier of it. After that, it stops the flow of boiling water.

In addition to the two main nodes, conductive and locking valves can be included in the collector, the valve for air blending and the bypass, which performs the function of protecting the device from overload. These elements can not always be included in the device. Therefore, a collector for a warm floor with his own hands can be set several different methods. It all depends only on the result you need.

It must be said that the mixing unit is always mounted on the plot before entering the heating circuit. However, the immediate place of its location can be anywhere. In some cases, it is advisable to install the device directly in the same room where the system passes. Usually do this in apartment buildings. Sometimes it is appropriate to put it in a common boiler room. This option will probably become preferable for private cottages. If several floor heated premises are provided, usually the distributors are placed in each of the rooms or arrange one common manifold in a suitable place for this.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

When independently installing a mixing node, make a scheme of its installation

All differences in the principle of operation of the mixers determine the valves of protection. The most common of them consider valves for two and three positions.


The valve for two positions, or two-way, equipped with a thermocouple. It is this detail that has a temperature sensor and controls its level before flowing into the floor heating circuit. This element opens and closes the valve when serving boiling water from a boiler or boiler.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Two-way valves - the optimal option for equipping the heating system of a small area of ​​housing

Often, access for cold water is always open, and the hot liquid is supplied as a safety valve. This contributes to protecting pipe overheating and extends the operation of the entire system. In addition, the feed valve does not miss a large amount of heat carrier. Therefore, water in it is evenly mixed and the heating occurs gradually, eliminating temperature jumps.

In most cases, such a device will become the optimal option for the equipment of the warm floor in the rooms up to two hundred square meters.

Valve for three positions

Such a device combines the functions of the feed valve, as well as the balancing valve. It differs from the two-way crane in that the mixing of the fluid inside this device is constantly.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

In systems with three-way valves, sharp jumps of temperature of the coolant are not excluded.

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The valve is designed so that in its tank between the supply of boiling water and cold water is a valve, usually installed in a position 90 degrees. However, it can be rotated in one direction or the other, depending on the temperature you need. Management and adjustment is carried out in them using servos and thermostatic sensors. Without such devices, it is not necessary if several heat-conducting chains are laid in the house. In addition, these devices are appropriate for heating systems dependent on weather conditions.

Such equipment allows you to change the degree of pipe heating depending on the temperature on the street. When it decreases, the effectiveness of the former heating will not be so high. Therefore, automatic adjustment occurs according to the specified parameters. Although there are devices with manual control, they are ineffective. Today, automatic three-way valves won special popularity.

In these devices, the weather controller calculates the desired temperature and controls the valve. The instrument is a segment of 90 degrees, broken into twenty equal sections of 4, 5 degrees. Automatic temperature reconciliation occurs every twenty seconds. If the specified parameter is inconsistent with the actual heating of the carrier, the device moves the value to the desired side to one division, that is, on 4, 5 degrees.

In addition, such devices can save on energy. With your absence, you can first specify the minimum required degree of heating and the automation will support it.

With all its advantages, the valves for three positions possess some disadvantages. During their work, the random possibility of launching in the heat-inside of boiling water is not excluded. Such situations are not allowed, since from a sharp change in the temperature of the pipe may not withstand such jumps and burst, which will lead, in turn, to other troubles. In addition, unlike feed valves, these mechanisms have high bandwidth. Therefore, it is quite difficult to adjust it. Even minor changes in this case can lead to a sharp change in the temperature of the media in the line.

Location of collector departments

As noted above, put the mixing knot for a warm floor with your own hands, you can before each of the heating systems or install a common collector. In the first case, each group needs to be equipped with temperature regulators, flow equipment and such valves:

  1. Balancing valve returns. This device specifies the required level of heating the heating floor system. Inside it there is a regulation of boiling water and cold carrier from the reverse system. For its rotation and fixing in the required position, the hex key is used. Finally clamp the valve with a special fastening screw to avoid a random valve offset from the specified parameters. In addition, the expenditure scale is applied to the device, adjusting its throughput. It is usually limited to five cubic meters per hour.
  2. Radiator balancing valve. This device is used to communicate the collector department with the rest of the heating system contours and performs adjusting functions. To install it in the desired position as well as in the first case, the hexagon and pressure screw are used.
  3. Overflow valve. This device maintains constant pressure in the system by continuous overflow of the excess coolant to the bypass. This property distinguishes it from a conventional safety valve, since the latter adjusts the pressure to a single release of the fluid. The parameters necessary for the normal functioning of the warm floor are installed using a special control handle.

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Schemes for installing heating systems may differ. For example, for a chain with one radiator pipe, you must provide bypass. At the same time, it should always be open to excess boiling water flowed directly into the radiator. If there is also a reverse contour, then in the bypass there is no need.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Collector installation scheme in the absence of reversal

If the overall heated area is small, it is advisable to place the collector compartment on the secondary circuit.

The assembled mixing assembly is often placed in a specially intended collector cabinet. Remember that it should not be on too much distance from the floor heating system. Although it is allowed to place its placement in the total boiler room, and not only in the heated room.

It should be mentioned that all elements of the collector can not only be assembled independently, but to purchase already in the finished form. Given the complexity of the calculation of all devices, it is better to entrust this stage to those skilled in the art. After installing and connecting, do not forget to test the heating test. At the same time, pay attention to the degree of heating of the floor and its uniformity. Proper temperature adjustment guarantees you a successful result.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Scheme of the location of the main nodes with a two-pipe heating system

Installation and connection of the mixing department of the warm floor system is perhaps the most difficult stage in the equipment of this heating design. Such work require special knowledge and experience for settlements. If you are not sure about your abilities, trust the case by qualified craftsmen.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Scheme of the location of the main nodes with a two-pipe heating system

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

The collector for warm water floor mixes boiling water from a cold water system and sends heated fluid to heating pipes

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Collect and connect the mixing knot - Skating task for each

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

The circulation injector is responsible for the uniform distribution of warm media in the water floor circuit

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

When independently installing a mixing node, make a scheme of its installation

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Two-way valves - the optimal option for equipping the heating system of a small area of ​​housing

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

In systems with three-way valves, sharp jumps of temperature of the coolant are not excluded.

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Collector installation scheme in the absence of reversal

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Bypass valve supports constant pressure in the heating system

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Balancing valve sets the level of heating of the heat-mall system

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

Radiator balancing valve in section

Embossed knot for a warm floor with their own hands

An example of the installation of a warm floor mixing unit in a common boiler house

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