Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design


Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

The corner cabinet in the bedroom will help solve the problem of storage of things even in a small room in the room. It can be different design and filling your choice, and will suit almost any style of interior design, from classic English to modern high-tech. The use of an angular configuration cabinet allows you to use the bedroom area most effectively.

Types of corner wardrobe in the bedroom

Depending on the size of the room and its layout, you can choose different types of angular cabinets:

  • Built-in;

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Corps, or separately worth it.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

The design of embedded corner cabinets in the bedroom can be any, according to the needs of a particular family. It is limited only by the size of the area allotted under them and the planning features.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner cabinets can be of various shapes:

  • Triangular: in the plan have a triangle. Their advantages are large volume and simplicity of manufacture, and, it means, and the budget price. The main drawback is a significant area that they are "selected" at the room.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Trapezoids: In terms of trapezing of different shapes. A large plus such cabinets are easy to combine with the rest of the bedroom furnishings.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Pyagonal: the most popular and demanded by the buyer due to its capacity.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Radius: have rounded shapes. The main plus is an unusual design suitable for complex interior styles such as Art Deco, Ampir. Minus - the complexity of the manufacture and high price.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Mr.: In the plan form the letter G. The significant plus of such a design is the optimal use of angular spaces. As a minus you can specify the simplicity of design.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet Design in Bedroom

The wardrobe, standing in the room, is obliged to comply with him in a stylistic decision. Well, if the corner wardrobe in a small bedroom coincides with the walls with the walls - in this case it will notice the room visually. In a large room, you can use contrast colors for painting walls and furniture. Determining for the appearance of the cabinet is the form and form of its facades. They can be made of the following materials:

  • MDF or fiberboard, covered with film, plastic, or veneered. The most traditional material is used in traditional interior styles.

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Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Mirror cloth. Promotes a visual increase in the room, corrects unsuccessful geometric proportions, makes the room lighter. A matted pattern can be applied to the mirror.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Special glass of increased thickness and strength, both transparent and matte. A layer of varnish can be applied under glass, as a rule, color or photo image, which expands the range of design solutions.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Combinations of various materials. For example, a chipboard and a mirror or chipboard and glass.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

The form of facades can be both direct and radius. Additionally, they can be decorated with accessories weathered in general style. Read more about the design of the facade doors of the cabinet.

Tip: Do not use corner cabinets in the bedroom with mirrors if they are located opposite the bed, it can negatively affect psychological comfort.

Doors for the corner cabinet in the bedroom

When choosing a design, it is necessary to consider, in addition to the size of the corner cabinet in the bedroom, the way to open its doors will be opened. Doors can be:

  • Swing: open in the usual way inside the room. Pros of such a design - its simplicity and reliability, swing doors are suitable for most interior styles. Cons - a large free space in front of the wardrobe needed to open doors. Suitable for large bedrooms.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

  • Sliding: arranged on the principle of doors in the train coupe, they need to be shifted to the side. The main plus is not required for opening the door, the cabinet can be located almost close to other objects of furniture. Minus - the wardrobe protects the contents of dust to a lesser extent than the cabinet with traditional doors. Suitable for small bedrooms.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Tip: When choosing a wardrobe mechanism, you should pay special attention to the quality of individual elements. The movement of the door should be accomplished smoothly, without jerking and jerks. The adjacent door to the sidewall of the cabinet should be as dense as possible.

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Dimensions of the corner cabinet in the bedroom

Every furniture supplier has its own sizes of standard products, and there is no single norm on the dimensions of angular cabinets.

Dimensions of corner wardrobes for the average bedroom:

  • Height from 200 to 250 cm,
  • Depth of 50 to 70 cm,
  • Width on each side from 70 to 240 cm.

You can make an angular cabinet of any configuration according to individual sizes, thereby using a useful maximum (and in some cases it is useless at first glance).

Examples of corner circuits with dimensions

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Filling the corner cabinet in the bedroom

Inside the cabinet, as a rule, have a modern clothing storage system consisting of the following elements:

  • Shelves. They can be made of both wood and metal, and are intended for storage of things in boxes, as well as suitcases and other items.
  • Boxes. In advanced boxes, you can store various minor clothing items. Better if they are equipped with a closer for smooth closing.
  • Rods. This element is used for hanging on the shoulders of the outerwear. They can be located at different heights depending on what is supposed to hang. So, for dresses, the height of the opening under the barbell should be within 140 - 160 cm, for trousers, skirts or shirts - from 95 to 120 cm.
  • Baskets. Mesh drawers - baskets are designed for clothes that can be folded, as well as shoes. They are convenient to use, since the contents are always before our eyes, besides, underwear in them is constantly ventilated. Baskets are also, as well as drawers, are supplied with a roller mechanism that allows them to fully extend them.

In addition, there are special hooks and shelves for bags, ties and other haberdashea items that can be installed inside the corner cabinet in the bedroom. Read more about the internal filling of the wardrobe in the bedroom.

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Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Tip: If the depth of the cabinet is more than 50 cm, the rod for clothes can be placed parallel to the rear wall. If the depth is less, you can install short rods parallel to the sidewalls.

Even a small corner cabinet in the bedroom is able to significantly simplify the task of storing clothing and accessories, but if the size of the room allows the size of the room, then in the corner you can organize a bulk modern system, allowing you to place not only clothes, but also sports supplies, materials and tools for hobbies, and other necessary In the house things.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Stock Foto Corner cabinets in bedroom

The closet for the bedroom can be performed in any style and color. To determine what suitable in your case, look at the following photos, they will help to make the right choice.

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

Corner Cabinet in the Bedroom: Types, Filling, Dimensions, Design

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