What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters


Installation of floor heating system under the tile - the process is quite simple, but requiring careful planning and attentive approach. In order to make the right choice and subsequently install warm floors under the tile with your own hands, it is important to know which types of heated floors, as well as their properties and features.

Suitable floating floors

Very often, the owners are wondering what a warm floor to choose under the tile. For an unequivocal response, it will be necessary to find out the characteristics of all the products presented. The selection of warm floor under the tile is hampered due to a wide range of heating structures of different types and inherent properties.

Before choosing a certain type of heated floor and flooring, you need to establish what can affect the process of operation of the heating system.

Typically, the varieties of floor coverings are the following:

  • Organic materials which include parquet, sex board, natural linoleum and laminate;
  • Polymer materials , such as PVC tiles and any kind of linoleum from synthetic materials;
  • Mineral materials - Tile, cement screed, bulk floor coverings.

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

The tile will be the best choice of bathroom flooring.

Advertising prospectuses talk about the existence of a laminate with water-repellent properties, as well as hydrophobic coatings for wooden floors. However, you should know that natural materials and moisture are not quite suitable for each other.

The polymers are less susceptible to the influence of water, but over time under the intensive impact of moisture, coating from such materials can be destroyed. For example, linoleum consists of several layers, and when the liquid is in between them, the material will swell.

Mineral floor coverings are not completely afraid of water. So, such surfaces will be the optimal choice for rooms with high humidity. The ideal solution for the bathroom will be the facing by its ceramic tiles.

Varieties of structures for floor heating

Many owners are concerned about the problem of choice: warm floors under the tile, which is better. Reviews of different types of systems exist the most controversial. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the positive and negative characteristics of all products in order to purchase exactly what you are suitable.

Some experts argue that the tile is not the best option for use in residential premises, since this material is very cold to step by barefoot. However, this is just partly corresponds to the truth.

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Water warm floor running from boiler or boiler

The tile characterizes the high ability to thermal conductivity. This property will be an advantage when placing a heating structure. In addition, the tile perfectly transfers the temperature differences, which are created when the contacts are heated during the warm-up operation. It will be useful to clarify the difference between them to understand how to choose a warm floor under the tile. Owners who have already installed this or that system will help to navigate and choose the option suitable for you.

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Heating elements are electric and working on the principle of heating batteries, on water, heated gas or electricity.

Water design of heating - This is a closed system in which heated liquid moves along pipes from copper or polymers. Such a type of warm floor can be connected to the heat center (in the apartment) or to a boiler or boiler (in the cottage).

The water heating system will become the cheapest in operation.

In order to learn how to make a warm floor under the tile in the bathroom, consider another kind of heating systems.

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Of all electrical systems, film warm floors are the most economical

Electrical systems - The most popular method for uniform heat distribution over the surface. It works due to the specialized heating component in the form of a wire stacked completely all over the floor. When it heated this specific, the Tan is heated surface. There are several methods of equipping with electric warm flooring rooms:

  • installation infrared film;
  • Paul Is. Electric cable;
  • Stacking design out Termomatov.

Features of the water heating system under ceramic facing

To find out how to make a warm floor under the tile correctly, you need to explore the principle of its work and know the nuances to install the design.

The peculiarities of the functioning of water heated floor are consisting in circulation of heated water through pipes from metal plastic or brass, laid under the finish coating of the floor. The system is powered by central or autonomous heating. Cost, installation and energy consumption of this type of floor heating is significantly cheaper, if compared with electrical analogs.

But there is an unpleasant nuance - in high-altitude houses for the construction of the sixties, the installation of water heat floors is not possible. Since their overlaps may not withstand additional loads. In addition, it is quite difficult to get permission to redecessing the heating system in high-altitude houses.

Installing such systems has its own nuances. First of all, the compensation polyethylene band is laid along the walls in order to eliminate the gaps and give tightness of the seam. It should be attached to the aligned surface of the concrete screed using dowels or special "parachutes".

Next, the metallized reflective screen is lifted. This is a composite material from a polypropylene fiber and a metallized film, which has properties to reflect thermal radiation and hydrocariolar insulation. Film must be tightly fixed on the damper tape using the tape.

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What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

In the process of laying water underground, all pipes are connected to the distribution manifold

At the next stage, pipes are laid. You need to use special tubes mounted to the grid. At the same time, the distance from the walls should be at least ten centimeters.

In the process of laying pipes, you should pay attention to the fact that they are placed strictly on the guides available on a special grid. After the adjustment relay and the thermometer is mounted. At the end of the design process, it is covered with a layer of cement screed.

Classification of electric warm floors

Installation of the warm floor under the tile from electrical heating systems is also possible. Usually this type of floor heating is provided for as an alternative source of heat to centralized or autonomous heating. There are three types of electric heat floors - infrared, cable and in the form of thermomats. To determine which warm floor is better under the tile, you need to know the details about each of these options.

Electric cable system

In such heating systems, a special two-housing wire is isolated with a reflective material as heat conductor. The diameter of the cable should not be above 8 mm.

Electrical energy passed through the cable, according to the laws of physics turns into thermal.

The floor heating system is poured with a cement tie up to 60 mm thick. Top plates tile. Step size when laying a cable from 80 to 250 mm. The main advantage of the cable design will be the ease of installation and high heat transfer. In this case, the tile on the warm floor will be the optimal coating.

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Two-housing wire is the heat source in the cable electrical system of the warm floor

However, there are some minuses. Installing this system requires a coating with a screed, a thickness of at least four centimeters. In the sum of the height of the cable, screed and ceramic coating can be about six - eight centimeters, which will significantly reduce the height of the bathroom.

Heating heating system in the form of thermomats

Such a scheme is usually used if necessary, arrange a warm floor under PVC tile. This design consists of reinforced polymer-based cells, where the current cable of a small section is strengthened.

Such a type of warm floor has an indisputable advantage that it does not require the coverage of the screed, but if necessary, it can be poured it.

Installation is carried out as follows. Thermomats with heating cable are spread over the furniture free and plumbing planes, then the layer of glue for the tile is superimposed and the tile passes.

Installing such a floor heating system is very easy and does not require special skills. Thermomats are the same heating cable, only less thickness and fixed on the mesh base, due to which mats can be laid directly in the layer of tile glue, and the mounting coating on which the heating component is fixed, will serve as the reinforcement.

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What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Laying of a warm floor of thermomats forces even newcomer

Heating mats are usually produced with a thickness of up to 3 mm, due to which the height of the floor after installing the heating system is practically not changed.

Infrared Floor Heating System

This design is a synthetic insulating film, divided into separate segments of 500x500 mm in size, where each square is filled with a large number of miniature transmitting the heat of contacts connected to the power supply network and interconnected. The characteristic difference between such a system from other analogues is that it does not emit electromagnetic radiation. At the same time, a uniform heating of the room is carried out due to convection and air filling with negatively charged ions.

Infrared warm floor has many advantages. It has the smallest thickness (about 0.3 mm) and minimal power consumption. Another advantage will be the versatility of this system. It is practically any floor covering in this way. Sometimes these structures are used to heat the concrete tile even outdoors.

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

The infrared system of the warm floor will be the optimal solution for laying a tile without a screed

Undoubtedly infrared heating systems - the best warm floor under the tile without a screed. Photo of samples of similar designs you can see in the gallery of this article.

However, there are certain nuances of laying such a floor under the tile. The high adhesion of the film from polymers contributes to the gradual destruction of the alkaline medium of tiled glue. Therefore, experts are recommended to be paved between film warm floors and ceramic cladding sheets of plasterboard.

By comparing the characteristics of water and electrical heating systems, you can find out for yourself which design is suitable for your bathroom. It must be said that they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the approach to solving the problem of choice should be individual.

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

To install warm water floors it is very important to choose the correctly select the insulation and accurately perform the calculations of pipes

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Laying a tile without a screed on electric mats

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

The infrared system of the warm floor will be the optimal solution for laying a tile without a screed

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Laying of a warm floor of thermomats forces even newcomer

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Two-housing wire is the heat source in the cable electrical system of the warm floor

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

In the process of laying water underground, all pipes are connected to the distribution manifold

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Of all electrical systems, film warm floors are the most economical

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

Water warm floor running from boiler or boiler

What a warm floor is better under the tile: reviews of masters

The tile will be the best choice of bathroom flooring.

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