Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk


Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk plaster has a lot of advantages for a small amount of money is beautiful and practical using modern varieties of decorative plaster. Plaster, which is called silk wallpaper, consists of a mixture of cellulose, silk fibers and decorative additives, polymer granules. This is a completely natural coating that has a lot of useful properties. Such wallpaper is easy to clean, do not fade into the sun, resistant to damage, have an attractive appearance and chic shine. For anyone who is repaired, especially valuable time. Liquid wallpapers are applied quickly, and the wall under them does not need to be perfectly aligned.

High-quality wall decoration: liquid silk wallpapers

The undoubted advantage of this coating is the ease with which the integrity of the canvas is restored. Wallpapers are called "liquid", because the mixture is mixed with water to a homogeneous state. If the finished coating received damage, for example, scratch, you can fix this defect in a couple of minutes, smooth the wallpaper. This property makes it possible not to update the repair every couple of years. Especially relevant to use liquid silk wallpaper in those apartments where there are children or pets that often spoil the walls.

Wallpaper application is extremely simple:

  1. The mixture is sold in packaged by packages;
  2. Each package has an instruction, where it is indicated in detail which to choose the glue, how to glue wallpaper;
  3. The contents of the package falls into the water, insisted and mixed manually;
  4. According to the instructions, it is necessary to wait for the particles of silk and cellulose to be soaked with water;
  5. Then, with a wide spatula, the wallpaper is applied on the wall as ordinary plaster;
  6. Due to the relief of the fibers, it is not necessary to achieve an ideal level;
  7. Wallpaper dries, and then please their owner with its beauty and convenience for many years.

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Due to its embossed basis, silk plaster can be applied even on an uneven surface

Compliance with technology is the main condition for high-quality wall decoration. Under the wallpaper, you need to align the wall, shook out and process to. Then the grip of paper and silk mass with the surface of the wall will be as strong as possible.

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Silk Stucco (Video)

Wallpaper Care: Silk Coatings

Depending on the technology of applying the wall plane becomes smooth or has a small relief. Such a parameter as gloss or the fability of the web is indicated in the instructions.

How to clean the embossed wallpaper for walls:

  • With a brush from dust;
  • With a vacuum cleaner at high power.

Relief wallpapers insulate the walls and absorb sounds.

Smooth silk wallpapers can be cleaned:

  1. Brush or sponge;
  2. Vacuum cleaner;
  3. Dry cloth.

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Liquid wallpaper under silk "fear" water: so they can not be washed

Wash silk wallpaper is impossible. Glossy wallpapers have a greater glitter than matte. If pollution has appeared on the wall, for example, a fatty or laborious spot, you can simply consider part of the wallpaper, dumping them with water, and it is easy to restore the integrity of the canvas. Practical people acquire liquid silk coatings with a margin of at least 1 package to have a material to update the walls. Wallpapers can serve for a very long time, up to 10 years, for this period unambiguously at least once will have to make a patch.

Rare and unique variants of silk wallpapers can disappear from the sale, and the reserve allows you to always have a material at hand exactly the same color and texture.

Liquid silk never comes out of fashion. You can combine such wallpapers with all major styles in the interior.

The brilliant surface of silk can be successfully repeated, picking up:

  • Curtains;
  • Upholstery of upholstered furniture;
  • Floor covering.

With the color of silk wallpapers successfully harmonize pearl and pearly shades of fabrics, glossy skin.

Wallpaper Rhozhod in the interior: Benefits and Features of Care

Roger is a woven fabric, whose cells are located in a chess order. Wallpaper Rohoja is a painting wallpaper. The paint fills the cells, and due to their size there is a pattern of a canvas. The most popular drawings mimic the texture of silk, woven or wicker material. Glitter with wallpaper gives the inclusion of fiberglass.

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

As a rule, the wallpaper of the Rhozhod is a painting wallpaper. For such plasters, light colors are perfectly suitable.

Wallpaper is environmentally safe, serve an unlimited amount of time. They can be repainted from 3 to 15 times.

Silk Wallpapers: Options and Materials

The texture and gloss of silk looks presentable and noble, so the decoration of walls by wallpaper under silk is in such great demand.

Article on the topic: Decor with liquid wallpaper

In addition to liquid and glass wallpapers, silk can imitate wallpaper:

  • Fliseline;
  • Vinyl;
  • Acrylic (paper).

The most beautiful shine and the best strength have liquid and glass wallpapers. Liquid wallpapers can be painted in pleasant and natural colors, due to the shine of silk threads such a coating will be perfectly imitated real silk.

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk wallpapers will be even better to look at the screen pattern

Liquid wallpapers are decorated with:

  1. Silkographic . This is an Eastern style drawing technique, in Japanese or Chinese. In Asia, an amazing paintings, landscapes and portraits of people and animals created on silk. Silkography on wallpaper makes the interior in unique and especially well combined with an exotic interior style.
  2. Stencil drawing . Western option, simpler, but also very beautiful. To perform the stencil drawing on the wallpaper, you can hire an artist or show your own talent.
  3. Includes in a mixture of wallpaper pellets, sequin shining powder . Liquid wallpaper produces a lot of additional additives. If you need to make walls in a solemn and elegant style, you can use decorations.

If you want to place the walls as if they are inhabited by real silk, it is definitely necessary to choose liquid wallpaper. If a good stylization is sufficiently, you can choose high-quality vinyl or phlizelin. Acrylic wallpapers are available on paper or on a fliesline basis.

Of these two options are better and more durable phliselin. Paper wallpapers are always the most inexpensive, but they are poorly cleaned.

Liquid Wallpaper Silk: Customer Reviews

All people without exception admire that the canvas easily can be fixed. None other wallpapers, except liquid, are amenable to such fast and simple restoration. It is advantageous that liquid wallpaper can be reused. If the mixture remains after repair, it is dried, and then used to repair or the next repair. The instruction contains information whether an additional adhesive composition should be added to the mixture. Most often glue is already contained in a package with wallpaper.

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Before applying liquid wallpapers, you should thoroughly brand the wall

What qualities of liquid wallpaper are satisfied with users:

  • Burnout resistance;
  • strength;
  • Convenience in caring and restoration;
  • Strong grip with a wall;
  • Durable service;
  • Beautiful and pleasant texture;
  • The ability to choose any color decision;
  • Combinability with any style in the interior, from Gothic to the classics;
  • Relatively inexpensive cost;
  • Predictable consumption of material;
  • Not demanding to the walls, you can apply liquid wallpaper on a non-ideally level surface;
  • Ease of removal, if you need to replace the wallpaper, it is enough to pump them and remove the spatula;
  • Environmental purity, all components are completely natural.

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Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Liquid wallpapers are undesirable to use in the bathroom: there is too much moisture, and the plaster may just spoil

But each excellent thing has its own limitations.

Liquid wallpapers are undesirable to use:

  1. If the mold grows on the walls on the walls;
  2. If the room is very raw, cold;
  3. If there is a large difference in humidity, for example, on an open loggia;
  4. If there is a large difference in temperature, for example, on the unheated dacha;
  5. If the walls are destroyed, crumble, crack, we need strengthening glass wallpapers for such walls;
  6. If rusting structures are installed in the walls, all nails and self-tapping screws should be galvanized.

Most modern apartments have a humidity suitable for liquid wallpapers and heated. In those apartments where there is a problem of mold, before applying wallpaper, you need to handle the wall several times with a specialized composition from mold fungus. The magnificent structure of the wallpaper and natural components serve as an excellent medium for reproduction of mold, so in wet rooms you need to protect the wallpaper in advance.

Everyone who used the liquid wallpaper when repairing, knows that there is nothing complicated in their application.

You do not need to suffer and docile with each other with a strip of wallpaper in the drawing, you do not need an assistant, there is no problem with glue stains. Liquid wallpapers create a monolithic plane without seams, joints and defects. They do not dug, do not crack, do not cry and do not succumb to the time.

How to apply liquid wallpaper (video)

For those who appreciate not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the question, the decoration of the walls of silk plaster is an excellent solution. Beautiful silk shine and bright colors visually increase the room, add volume even with small rooms.

Examples of silk wallpaper (photo)

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

Silk Wallpaper: Liquid for walls, Room in the interior, photos, plaster, reviews, video, wallpaper under silk

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