Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior


Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

The use of gray wallpapers in the bedroom will help create a modern design suitable for relaxing and relaxation. The gray color of the wallpaper will become an excellent background to create an exclusive interior in any style.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Gray is a "intermediate" option between black and white. White color is formed if the entire spectrum of visible light is reflected from the surface. Black - if the spectrum is completely absorbed. Obviously, the two of these poles are combined in gray, which imposes an imprint on his perception.

This is a "moderate" color that promotes the creation of a calm, equilibrium atmosphere. It is completely neutral, which means that colored details can easily give the bedroom interior the desired mood, which is easy to change, changing, for example, textile elements.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Tip: When planning the repair of the bedroom immediately decide which furniture you are going to use. Depending on its color, pick the bright or dark shades of gray for wallpaper.

On gray wallpaper can be drawings of different colors and sizes. Do not forget about general design rules:

  • A large contrast drawing on the wallpaper will make a small room even less;
  • Wall mural in gray colors can visually reduce the size of the bedroom;
  • Light tones of wallpapers will help visually expand the room;
  • The combination of light and dark shades can help to correct the disadvantages of the room - visually "lift" the ceiling (the gradient transition from the dark tones from the floor to the light to the ceiling), expand the narrow wall (highlighting it with a lighter tone).

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

What style is suitable for bedroom design with gray wallpaper?

Gray can be used in any style, from classic to minimalism. There are no restrictions. Here there are the same laws as in other cases - light tones expand the room, the dark - narrow. In different styles choose different combinations of colors. For example, added to bright gray pastel shades are good in the style of Provence, creamy and beige tones - in the classic, and bright or even acidic colors - in Art Deco and modern.

  • Classic. The combination of bright and dark gray shades, supplemented by white - both "cold" and "warm", suitable for all classic styles without exception. It is also suitable for wallpaper with vintage patterns and with striped patterns.
  • Shebbi-Chic. Wallpaper in the bedroom in gray colors in combination with pastel pink and blue - the basis of this trendy style.
  • Pop Art. Gray as the basis is preferable for Pop Art style, as it serves as a softening element for contrasting and sharp combinations.
  • Scandinavian style. In this style, cool gray shades are very appropriate - they bring the foundation and logicality in the situation, serve as a unifying tone, collecting together individual elements of the interior.
  • Minimalism. In this style, the light gray can be the main tone, for example, it is appropriate in the bedrooms emerging in the south side, since white in this case can be too sharp and bright.

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Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Shades and combinations of gray in the bedroom interior

Depending on saturation, gray may look different. In addition, the main gray color can be added other shades, and get ash-gray, "dusty rose", silver color, color of dry or wet stone, color of the thunderstorm sky or a mother of pearl. Such a rich palette creates prerequisites for creating monochrome interiors.

For example, dark gray wallpaper in the bedroom can be distinguished by the wall at the head of the bed or in an area for relaxing, and more brighter - to dry the rest of the walls. You can also select the wall of the wall with wallpaper with a drawing of a more saturated gray.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bright shades of gray with the addition of warm tones (beige, butter) will help create a more "warm" bedroom interior. In the event that the room comes out with the south side by the windows, it is appropriate to add to gray blue or blue tones to "cool down" a little.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

In addition to monochrome design options, it is also possible to combine gray wallpapers in the bedroom interior with other colors and shades. When working with color, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • Color partners must belong to one temperature range, to be either "cold" or "warm."
  • In the event that you use saturated gray as the basis, add light, pastel colors to it, thereby balancing the interior.
  • If a light gray tone is chosen as the main one, it can be added with bright, contrasting colors.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Combination of gray with other colors:

  • White. A classic combination is white and gray, complemented by black accents. Depending on the ratio of these colors, the interior can be more relaxed or sharper. Most often used in modern styles.
  • Blue. A pair with gray forms a "cool" atmosphere, suitable for southern bedroom. You can use in sea, classic, scandinavian and other styles.
  • Pink. The combination of pink with gray is one of the most interesting and rich in opportunities. It is due to the fact that the pink has a huge variety of shades - from a tender apple color to the juicy tone of Fuchsia. And pink, and gray can be used in different degrees of saturation. In combination, both of these factor lead to the fact that an infinite multiple options for using this combination are created. The light gray wallpaper in the bedroom in combination with light pink supplements became the main such styles such as Provence and Shebbi-Chic.
  • Yellow. Suitable for bedrooms with windows to the north, as it creates a sunny, joyful atmosphere. Depending on the tone and saturation of the yellow can be used in different styles - from classic to country.
  • Brown. Most often used together with yellow or green, forming a harmonious combination, the most popular in the Bedrooms in Eco-style, as well as country.

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Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom curtains with gray wallpaper

When choosing a bedroom curtain with gray wallpaper, you can use the following options:

  • monophonic
  • contrast
  • Neutral.

The first option is preferable for monochrome interiors bedrooms, as well as if there is a need to "dissolve" the window, hide it in space. So come in cases where the window has a small size or non-standard and not too successful.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

The second option allows you to create a bright interior in the bedroom. In this case, the curtains can be seamless or to the wallpaper on the accent wall, or to the tone of other textile elements (bedspread, decorative pillows, upholstered furniture), or in the tone of the furniture. This technique is more often used in modern interior styles.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

The third option allows you to create a gentle, romantic setting, using, for example, pastel tones.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo interior bedroom with gray wallpaper

On the photo presented below - examples of using gray wallpaper in the bedroom interior.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 1. Gray wallpapers with a dark venzel pattern are perfectly suitable for the bedroom in a classic style.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 2. White floral patterns on gray wallpaper Create a calm background, deep purple bed headboard gives depth and expressiveness to the interior.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 3. Wall mural on the wall in the gray range are complemented by lilac textiles.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 4. One of the best solutions for the design of the bedroom: a classic combination - gray and white - supplemented with sunny yellow. The interior immediately becomes warm and cozy.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 5. Gray wallpaper under the brick - the base of the style in this bedroom. She is monochrome, the only exception is a gentle-blue stool in the role of one of the bedside tables.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 6. Gentle blue in combination with gray gives a feeling of coolness and freshness.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 7. Gray in combination with light beige - gorgeous couple for the sale of classic styles.

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Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 8. A non-standard white drawing on the wallpaper is supported in textiles - a gentle-pink image on the pillows.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 9. Light gray wallpaper with a pattern of the same tone served the main for modern classics.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 10. Gray wallpapers "under the brick" highlight the wall at the head of the head.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Photo 11. The combination of gray, beige and white allowed to create a stylish and bright interior of the bedroom.

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

Bedroom design with gray wallpaper: 70 best photos in the interior

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