Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video


Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

The combination of wallpaper is a bold experiment that converts to the real science in the world. The head of each of us lives a stereotype about how the room should look like correctly: as a rule, it is a room performed in one color: the tone of the furniture is suitable for the color of the wallpaper, the floor, The same wallpaper is also of the same color, without unnecessary originality. Agree that it is pretty boring? What about your living room room look more unusual? To make it brighter and more interesting, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money: the artist will always find a way to create even without excessive means. And one of these people thought: "Why not try to combine different wallpapers in the same room?".

The experiment was a success, and then people who had come along the moral, began to apply it in their apartments: so the whole art of combining various wallpapers in one composition. Where is the best of all the combination of different colors, so that every person who came to your house was surprised by the unusualness of your interior? That's right, living room - it is there that all guests are going together: each person will be able to evaluate your taste and creativity.

Combination of the wallpaper in the living room: Basics of combination of colors

The first question that may arise: "Why should the various wallpaper in one room at all, if you can just buy high-quality and expensive wallpapers? With them, the room will also look unusual. "

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Wallpaper combining vertical stripes will significantly increase the height of the room visually

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This method has many advantages:

  • Hides flaws. If you really competently combine colors, you can hide various flaws in the interior. For example, if there are low ceilings in the room, you can take different wallpapers with vertical stripes, and this problem will not be so noticeable: the main thing is to learn how to play with shades to emphasize the benefits or just hide the cons.
  • Zoning. It makes sense to glue different wallpapers in different parts of the room, when, for example, in the same room there are several zones that perform various functions. The most banal example is a kitchen: there is a place where you cook food, and there is a place where it is eaten. If the working area is allocated with some separate color, it will be quite unusual. Many large companies use this method of zoning in their facilities.
  • Unusual interior. Any guest will be able to evaluate truly good ideas and interior solutions. Still, not in every house will meet a combination of different wallpapers in one place. This will definitely surprise any person who came to your house.

Now it is not even necessary to separately acquire wallpaper of various colors. Many designers produce entire sets and wallpaper collections that will be best combined: their price is not very different from the price of ordinary wallpapers; Almost every person will be able to afford such special sets for creativity.

Wallpaper combination (video)

Wallpaper-companions in the living room and their combination

Wallpapers Companions are several wallpapers of different tones, but one type that create a single harmony of colors in the room. On the Internet you can find special tables in which it is indicated which colors with each other can be combined, and which combined is prohibited. After examining such tables, you can really combine the wallpaper of two or even three tones. The combination of wallpaper tones only at first glance may seem boring: With the help of correctly selected colors, you can even visually change the shape of the room and hide its disadvantages. For example, there are situations when the living room is too big, and it seems not very comfortable. The combination of dark flowers will help make a room more cozy: they visually reduce the room and give it a cozy atmosphere.

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Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

If you have a desire to punish dark wallpapers, but the main obstacle to the implementation of the desired one is a small room, then they can be combined with wallpaper of light tones

In addition to the size of the room, other disadvantages can be eliminated. If it is not illuminated enough, too dark, then you should shove the wallpaper of bright or warm colors.

Enough at least two different tones in the interior so that the room "played" with new paints. If you have the opportunity to buy more wallpapers of different colors, you can make one of the walls brighter than others: then the room will not look so dark due to poor lighting. It is important to choose the wallpaper the same width and thickness so that the combination of wallpaper really looked high quality.

The design of the living room is a rather complex lesson: if you unsuccessfully pick up the combination of wallpaper, then you can spoil the whole interior: so you need to carefully select a combination of colors so that you will not regret your choice.

How to Bloom Wallpaper in the living room of two species

The process of sticking wallpaper of different types is almost no different from sticking ordinary wallpaper. First of all, you need to prepare the surface of the wall so that the wallpaper does not dug out: to put a putty and priming the wall. It is necessary to clearly represent the idea of ​​placing wallpaper on the wall in the head. For example, imagine that the combination of two colors of the wallpaper of one type: combining vertical lines of various colors.

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

So that no problems arose during the shoes of the wallpaper, it is necessary to purchase the wallpaper of the same type, since the wallpaper of different types need to be glued differently

It is necessary to determine the width of the vertical line, and cut off the desired number of wallpaper of one color. Add to the height of the wallpaper add a few more centimeters for stock. Glue the first sheet, start from the corners. After the first sheet was pasted, you can proceed to the second sheet of another color. During such a type of the wamp of the wall, follow the joints, since the combination of wallpaper of different types, their compounds play a very important role.

Various types of wallpapers have certain sticking features: if different types of wallpapers are used, then you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of sticking the wallpaper of those types that you plan to apply.

Flower combination ideas: new motion in the world of design

At least such a type of wagging of the walls has appeared for a long time, but it is now that he is experiencing the greatest popularity and flourishing: more and more people begin to experiment and use a combination of at least two, colors to decorate their rooms.

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Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

In the world of design, it is very popular to combine the photo wallpaper with ordinary wallpaper: it looks beautiful and unusual

In addition to aesthetic reasons, there are other reasons why this method is so popular: with the help of combining various wallpapers, different parts of the room on a functional or other feature can be distinguished.

How to combine wallpaper (video)

If you really really qualitatively pick up the color of the wallpaper, you can hide a huge number of shortcomings of rooms related to its size or lighting. Some combinations can even visually change the form of any room. At the same time, the combination of colors is a whole science: you can pay for some time to study this question, and you can become a real artist and the Creator who creates true masterpieces!

Examples of the combination of wallpaper in the living room (photo)

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

Combining Wallpaper in the living room Photo of the ideas: a combination of two colors for design, a combination, how to combine, shove, video

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