Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas


Water Wall - a fundamentally new solution in the interior design, which has won the sympathies of designers and the owners of the premises.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

This element of decor decorates modern shopping centers, office space, as well as residential apartments and at home. Initially, the water wall was a real exclusive, not all available.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Nowadays, designers, with the help of original solutions, turn the unremarkable wall into a fashionable decor element, causing admiring views of the guests and owners themselves.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

The basic principles of manufacture are well studied and do not represent any secret - can be purchased ready in a specialized store, but can be made independently.

Fashionable and practical interior solution

The aquatic wall is an excellent solution for distinguishing the zones of residential space. An exclusive water partition carries not only a practical function, but also decorates space.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

In addition, there will be a natural humidifier of dry air, which is important during the heating season. The water wall often decorates the houses of people who loving calm and peace, the sound of pouring water and spanking in it bubbles is the best relax tool.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

The stores present a large range of aqueous walls with a direct flow of water equipped with a control function.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Thanks to numerous programs that are equipped with a device, you can choose the trajectory of motion of bubbles, as well as adjust their speed and size. All nuances are thought out, which reduces the risk of breakdown to a minimum.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall do it yourself

For those who want to decorate their space, this practical and original element there are two ways:

  • buy in the store whose specialists will collect and install it "turnkey";
  • Make it yourself, having familiarized yourself with a simple technique, do this does not represent any difficulty.

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Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

It is necessary to decide - there will be a fountain with an independent element of the decor or partition separating the space of the room.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

The next step is to apply markup corresponding to the size of the desired design.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Walls and floors in those places where the aquatic wall will be mounted, it is required to protect against the constant impact of moisture and water, covering the entire surface of the proposed design by a special composition.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

It is necessary to start from the installation of glass, the surface of which should be absolutely holistic, even the slightest chips and cracks are not allowed.

Manufacturing process

Sealant needs to carefully treat glass edges, to prevent leakage in the future design. The drain hole is the necessary element and you need to think about how to properly arrange it.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

For the formation of air bubbles and their movement behind the glass corresponds to the nozzles - the necessary part of the mechanism. A huge plus in the manufacture of water wall itself is the ability to influence the functional qualities and selection of jewelry.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Options There are a huge set:

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  • the ability to create a couple of tanks filled with various dyes or foam, under one glass;
  • experiment with color and fillers;
  • give air bubbles chaotic or ordered movement;
  • Selecting a backlight that gives huge functionality for additional wall decoration.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

In the manufacture of a water partition that is not associated with the wall, the algorithm of actions is similar, but two glass canvases and frame are necessary for their bond.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

The optimal material for glass is:

  • Polycarbonate - using it, the installation of the wall will cost much cheaper. The material is very durable, little subject to chemical and mechanical impact, but quickly loses its functional qualities;
  • Acrylic glass - more expensive and fragile material that does not lose its qualities for a large period of time.

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Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Currently, the water wall can be a decoration of any home and serve as a source of joy, calm and comfort for the owners.

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Stock Foto Water Wall in the interior

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

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Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

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Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

Water Wall in the interior - 60 photos of unique designer ideas

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