Bathroom interior combined with toilet


In modern apartments, the bathroom and the toilet are two isolated premises of a fairly large area, which no longer depend on each other. This layout is very convenient because you can use them at the same time. However, the owners of housing inside Soviet high-rise buildings are less, since their bathroom is most often combined.

Bathroom interior combined with toilet

The functional and aesthetic interior of the bathroom combined with the toilet, come up with difficult, as places to accommodate all the necessary plumbing, furniture and household appliances are always not enough. If you start the repair of the bathroom with the bathroom, it is necessary to clearly delimit the areas of the room and properly organize the space to use it conveniently.

The main problems of combined bathrooms

Joint bathroom - a room that is equipped with a residential building or an apartment thatizes the bathroom and toilet function within itself. In apartments with an old layout, it has a small area that does not exceed 3 square meters, more modern houses provide a combined bathroom with a size of 4-5 square meters.

Bathroom interior combined with toilet

To combine the function of the bathroom in the room is to save residential space, so the design of the bathroom with a toilet should be functional, but minimalistic. When developing an interior for small bathrooms, designers face the following common problems:

  1. Lofit of free space. Starting a combined bathroom repair, you must understand that 3-4 square meters are not enough to accommodate everything you need, so free space will have to save.
  2. A large number of plumbing and furniture. The minimum set of combined bathroom equipment includes a bath or shower cabin, washbasin and toilet. However, the modern person who is accustomed to increased comfort, uses a large number of household appliances installed inside the bathroom.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

  3. Standard location of risers and sewage. The location of water risers and sewer tubes is not always convenient for the rational placement of plumbing, but to transfer them is problematic and expensive.

Note! Doing toilet repair with bathroom, many homeowners decide to increase their area at the expense of other rooms. The complexity of this option is not in the transfer of the walls or coordination of changes in the BTI, and in the waterproofing of the floor necessary to protect the inhabitants of the lower floors from leaks during accidents or breakdowns of household appliances.

Principles of Little Room Design

Despite the lack of free space, the design of the bathroom combined with a bathroom may look stylish, spacious, functionally. The main allies of the designer who are able to visually expand the space indoors are color, shape and light that are properly used in the interior. There are several basic principles that need to be taken into account by working as a combined bathroom design:

  • Refusal of superfluous. Before starting repairing a small bath, you need to think what plumbing or equipment you need, and from what you can easily refuse. For example, a bulky container for washing can be replaced with a compact shower.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

    Shower cabin

  • Orderly. In small rooms, all items should have their own place, otherwise it looks untrained, cluttered. Provide a sufficient amount of closed storage furniture to place household chemicals, cosmetics, towels and other trivia in the bathroom.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

  • Compactness. Designers believe that in place of a small size, you can install only one piece of large size, most often in the bathroom of the combined type, this object becomes a bath, and all the rest of the plumbing and furniture should be compact and laconic.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

  • Multifunctionality. To save a place in a small bathroom, you need to combine several functions in one subject of furniture or plumbing. A successful example of multifunctionality in the interior is a sink, built into the tube, which combines the function of the washbasin and storage space.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

    Sinks built into the end

Please note that the design of the combined bathroom should be minimalistic, as the abundance of the decor, excess furniture and mixing various colors or textures in the interior will make the room visually closer, dark and cluttered.

Placing furniture and plumbing

Working on the design of the combined bath, it is important to choose the most rational places to install plumbing, household appliances and furniture. Because of the small area of ​​the alignment options, it turns out a bit more difficult to place everything you need in square shape. There are several basic principles of equipment accommodation in a low-size bathroom:

  1. The bathroom or shower cabin is placed at the wall opposite to the indoor door. If there is more than 1 person in the apartment, then recommends that this functional zone matte glass is at least half a half to wash the family member did not limit access to the bathroom.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

    Matte glass partition

  2. The sink is located next to the bathroom so that they do not have to install different mixers and cranes. At the same time, it is important to correctly calculate the length of the hussak, so that he takes to the washbasin and gave less splashes.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

  3. The toilet is set along one wall with a sink closer to the inlet door of the bathroom. Narrow, flat toilet toilet tank can significantly facilitate the installation of the washing machine, so pay attention to compact models.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet


  4. A washing machine is installed at maximum distance from the spray source, while the place is chosen so as to have access to electricity, sewage and water supply. It is important to ground the device to exploit it without risk to get a blow to the current.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet


Important! Inventing the design of a small bathroom, choose compact furniture, as efficiently as possible using free space indoors. It is possible that the installation of angular models that take less space will be rational.

Using light and color in the interior

If you have a bathtub combined with a toilet, the design of the room should be carefully worked out so that the room looks spacious and free. Light and color in the interior work together, allowing you to visually make the interior of a small room volume, despite the small size. It is important to choose the right color gamut of the finish, so that the space of the bathroom expands due to the refraction of light rays. To obtain this effect, designers use the following techniques:

  • Select light pastel shades. Silent, gentle colors help to make the room visually spacious and lighter.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

    Light tint

  • Use materials with a glossy, shiny or mirror surface. The light is repeatedly reflected from glossy surfaces, due to which the room becomes spacious and light. Therefore, the optimal option is to make a bathroom design combined with a toilet with a smooth, monophonic tiles.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

  • Preferred one-photon finish. In contrast to the patterned facing, one-photon does not reduce the size of the room, but increases it.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet

    Monophonic finish

  • Organize several types of lighting. The top lighting of the bathroom should give soft, multiple light, functional forming aimed, strong beam, and decorative - only create light accents.

    Bathroom interior combined with toilet


Remember that the design of the bathroom combined must be thought out to the smallest detail, divided into functional zones, as possible from each other. Therefore, start repairs from creating a detailed interior project, visualizing the desired result.

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