Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket


Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

The bathroom is one of the most frequently visited places in the house. Despite this, as a rule, a small space is distinguished for it. How to arrange this room so that it is at the same time and is pleasantly and convenient to carry out hygienic procedures? There are a lot of ways to rational bathroom improvement. This very well helps multifunctional stands. One of these types of Tumb is a cabinet with a built-in shell and laundry basket. The door, with a special mesh for linen, which is built inside the cabinet, is open, as ordinary cabinets of the cabinet, but leans from above.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket


The advantages of such furniture are obvious:

  1. It takes a minimum of places, while simultaneously placed a washbasin, and a laundry basket and a locker to store all sorts of items.
  2. The need to buy a separate laundry basket, which is usually difficult to choose the interior disappears.
  3. In addition, in the baskets, not only dirty underwear can be stored, but also clean linen, towels, bathrobes, etc.
  4. In the prominent place, dirty underwear does not always look beautiful and aesthetically, much more pleasant will hide his tamba.
  5. The locker under the washbasin will be able to accommodate many of the necessary and useful objects of hygiene, cosmetics and household chemicals.

Despite the fact that the laundry basket installed inside the Tumba has small size, its advantages are not reduced. Therefore, lately, it is gaining increasing popularity.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket


The sink snacks can be distinguished by several criteria:

  • in form;
  • by installation method;
  • by functionality;
  • to size;
  • in color;
  • in price.

The form in the cabinet of the sink can be rectangular, oval, square, non-standard (asymmetric) and angular. From the point of view of saving space of the room, the most optimal warrant is considered an angular cabinet with a sink.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Depending on the installation method, there are two main furniture groups with a washbasin: outdoor and wall (or suspended). The first group is enough to simply collect and put it in the right place, and the second group must be attached to the wall. Outdoor cabinets stand on legs or on a monolithic frame.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

A set of functions in the cabinet with a sink depends on the amount of departments, that is, lockers, boxes and the door provided in it. Today, furniture manufacturers offer many options. For example, there are snacks with sink under the washing machine, with a basket for linen, with drawers, etc. In addition, there are options with open shelves where you can put a shallow basket for linen or fold clean towels. The couches can be equipped with one or two doors. For small rooms, it is better to take the couches with two doors, as in this case there will be less space for opening the door than for one large. It should also be noted that in many cabins, the sink is installed on the table top, which in turn is mounted in the Tumba. The countertop provides a convenient working surface and thereby performs additional functions.

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Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket


The furniture for the bathroom should be characterized by high moisture resistance. This largely depends on those materials, of which it is made, the method and quality of their processing. The cabinets are usually made from chipboard, MDF and DVP. By themselves, these materials are high-quality and durable, but without a special coating they will not be able to serve a long time in a room with high humidity. Therefore, when buying furniture for the bathroom, first of all, pay attention to the quality of surface treatment of furniture. A special laminating film should be present on the surface of the furniture. It is she protects furniture from water and moisture. In addition, the surface of the furniture is painted. Therefore, note that the paint lay exactly over the entire surface. The presence of unpainted or repainted sites relates a product to a marriage.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Pens, legs and fasteners, should be made of chrome steel. Since metal fittings serves a much longer plastic counterpart. It will look good if it is combined with a crane, with hooks or towels rings, as well as with a lamp.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Among all models of Tumben with a sink and laundry basket are specially popular with a width of 50 to 60 cm wide, a height from 70 to 84 cm and a depth of 30 to 40 cm.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket


The design and color of the cabinets with the sink should be harmonized with the shared style and color decoration of the bathroom.

The use of strict rectangular models for placing with numerous smooth lines and rounded shapes will look at least inappropriate. Such furniture will immediately get out of the common background. For the interior in the style of classicism will be appropriate with a carving wood massif, gold-plated, silver or bronze plumbing and fittings.

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With the choice of color, things are not as easy as it may seem at first glance, since the selection of furniture under the color of the walls of the room will look too boring or the opposite is too defiant. The color contrasting the color of the walls itself does not guarantee a beautiful design, because not all shades are combined with each other. In the furniture market, it is very often possible to meet furniture with a washbasin of white. White color is universal and easy to enter into different interior styles.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

How to choose?

When buying a bathroom sink snubs should be guided by the following guidelines that will help you purchase suitable furniture and good quality plumbers:

  1. Make sure the selected bathroom furniture is suitable.
  2. Pay attention to the level of moisture resistance of furniture. To do this, check that the paint be applied evenly, there were no inclusions and scratches, including on the sink. Remember that it is a special film that protects furniture from water and moisture. Made of natural wood and MDF furniture is characterized by greater moisture resistance and a longer service life. However, the cabinets from the chipboard are somewhat cheaper.
  3. Check for the strength of the fitness of the product. It is better that it is made of chrome steel. Pens, legs and loops made from plastic and silver or gold coated, after a short period of time, it is assumed their initial external qualities.
  4. In order to make sure that there are no cracks, chips and scratches on the sink, knock on it. The sound sound indicates their absence.
  5. Remember that if you buy a dark color tube, you will have to wipe it more often, as the traces from the sublists immediately become visible on dark furniture. On the cabinets, the lighter tones will be less noticeable, so in terms of washing the cabins, they are considered more practical.

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

How to install?

Establish the finished cabinet with the sink is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Carefully observing all the stages and rules, you can easily and successfully carry out the installation of the vehicles of any size and forms.

  • Choosing a place of installation. A new sink cabinet can be installed on the site of the old washbasin or in a new place. Determination of the place under the sink and the end of any kind is better to carry out at the pre-layout of the bathroom. Otherwise, the installation of the sink stands will require additional costs of materials and efforts. The installation site with a washbasin must match the size of the product if you have already been decorated with furniture. But much better and wisely determine first with the place, measure the width and depth of the intended place, and only then to purchase long-awaited furniture.
  • Conducting water supply and sewage systems. If you decide to install a cabinet with a sink in a new place, spend all the communications - hot and cold water, as well as the sewer pipe.
  • Preparation of furniture, plumbing, tools and spare parts. If the cabinet is not collected, unpack it and collect according to the instructions. Then prepare all the necessary tools, screws and other parts. Collecting the end, make sure that each screw and the screw is maximally tightened. Since after installing the cabinets to the place of installation, it will be more complicated after installing the installation, and somewhere it will not work at all.
  • Marking. After the assembly and preparatory stage, you need to mark on the wall, if there is a need to attach the sink or the end to the wall. If you install the suspension tumb, then there is no extra hand without the help of extra hands. Decide with the height of the washbasin and put the cross, where you will make holes for fastening the product. Make sure the markup accuracy. To do this, you can attach or move the cabinet with a sink to the wall and check markings on the wall with holes on the sink.
  • Installation of cabinets with sink. Install the mixer on the surface of the sink or the couch. Attach the plumbing pipes to it. Specialists in the field of plumbing advise to take corrugated pipes made of stainless steel, or from plastic, but from proven manufacturers. Then screw the siphon and drill the holes in the marked places on the wall. Install the Tumbler at the selected place and connect the sewer and water supply pipes.
  • Checking the service life. After installing the cabinets from the sink and connect all systems, make sure that the design is installed securely and no leaks, and when hot water is turned on, it goes hot when it turns on the cold.

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Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

Bathroom cabinet with laundry basket

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