Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands


When choosing a floor for the bathroom, each of us studies various options (linoleum, ceramic tiles, laminate). But there is another species of coatings - the bulk of the floor in the bathroom, which can be seen in our gallery. Therefore, it is necessary to consider its technical parameters, advantages and equipment of laying in the bathroom.

What is a bulk sex

The bulk floor is a polymer seamless layer used in the floor finish. It is used in premises with an increased list of requirements or special purpose objects. For example, bulk sex can be used in the bathroom.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Floor appearance in bathroom

I would like to note that the bulk of the bathroom in the bathroom becomes a good design solution capable of changing the view of the room. Some specialists consider such a technology for the flooring of a lifeless and boring due to a minimum of sample colors. But now there are over a dozen different shades of bulk sex in the construction market, which will become sufficient with the right approach. Compensate the few shades of coatings allows a wide selection of an additional decor (chip) that can be placed in the thickness of the base and make the filler floors with their own hands.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Bathroom design with bulk

Chips are multi-colored elements of acrylic paint with various shapes, shades and sizes. With the help of such an element of the decor, it is possible to make a unique foundation of the base, as well as give it an identity with natural materials (marble or granite).

The outer part of the bulk sex almost does not differ with the linoleum, comparable to smooth glossy tiles. The bulk floor with a pattern or without it is produced in a limited range of colors, which is enough for the originality of the bathroom.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Square floor with drawing

Salad, brown, gray and beige, belong to the main shades.

Experts recommend to make a coating with a thickness of 1-7 mm, and in the bathroom, this indicator should not exceed 1.5-2 mm. With a smaller thickness of the layer, the desired effect will not be reached (especially when uneven base). And if the bulk layer is greater thickness, it will turn out additional costs.

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When designing floors in the bathroom, the initial factor is the qualitative and practical characteristics of the material. After a detailed study of the finishing building materials, we have the ability to determine the most suitable option.

The advantages of the bulk coating

Of course, for the bathroom, a good option is a bulk sex (a photo in the gallery will confirm), but what does he have differences from other coatings? To find out, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages of the material:

  1. Increased adhesive characteristics Thanks to which coverage without difficulties and rapidly clips with various bases. After the floor is laid, it will be missing seams and gaps.

    Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

    Formation of a smooth coating when filling the floor

  2. High level of shock viscosity and wear resistance. Such qualities of coating contribute to long-term operation of more than 20 years.
  3. Fireproof material not toxic and consists of complex components.
  4. Higher level of hygienicness . Polyurethane bulk floor will be protected by a concrete base from microorganisms, bacteria and fungi. In addition, the floors can be washed and clean by any means.
  5. Perfect waterproof , sealing, resistance to chemical substances (such indicators are important for the bathroom).

All bulk floors in the bathroom, photos of such works can be viewed on our website, have high decorating characteristics. In addition to the installation of the coating in the selected shade with the addition of chips, you can also use other elements (glytter, flocks, etc.). There is another option - combining shades and decorative components, applying to the base of logos, markup or complex patterns.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

"Live" images for solid filling decor

Based on the qualities, in accordance with which classification is carried out, there are several types of filling self-leveling coating:

  1. The presence of roughness or smoothness.
  2. High fullness or thin layerness.
  3. The possibility of conducting wiring.
  4. The ability to make a bulk floor for the bathroom with your own hands.
  5. Individual selection of 3D images.

Application of the 3D method when installing floor covering

For future couples or ten years, filling 3D floors will occupy a leading position in the design area. Innovative technology is a beautiful solution in the design of the floor in the bathroom, after which the new comfortable atmosphere will rejoice for a long time. Using a unique invention, specialists can give the premises any interesting appearance.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

3D technology for outdoor coating

However, the drawing should be chosen according to the purpose and specificity of the room (the bathroom will fit the aqueous motifs in the form of a seabed with algae or aquarium with fish). But the 3D image is realistic, so it is necessary to get used to it.

Technology of installation work

After making the decision to make the filler field with your own hands, you should buy a couple of cans with a chemical consistency. Before carrying out the contents, the contents are thoroughly mixed, so it is better to use a drill with a special nozzle for mixing. By choosing the average speed of turnover, you need to mix the finished solution to a homogeneous state.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Floor Pouring Mix

Before the mixture is applied to the base of the floor, you need to make sure of careful surface preparation. The preparation process should be made thoroughly, because with a qualitatively purified surface, the life of the floors will be longer (compared with the floors laid on the treated floors with various defects, dust particles and cracks). It is necessary to remove the cracks and errors, in advance and comprehensively aligning the coating, eliminating a varied garbage. After that, the surface is ground and putty.

If you lay out the basis from "zero", a number of work stages should be conducted. After the waterproofing is performed, the next work will be a protective screed, on top of which the finish finish will be arranged.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Conducting waterproofing before applying the composition for bulk sex

But to protect the floor from flooding with water, there will be no single waterproofing. It will take better protection, one of the options of which can be a different level of gender in the bathroom and other rooms. It will be better if the base level in the bathroom will be below the floor in the rest of the rooms. And if it is impossible to make the floor level in this room below, then an alternative can be a high threshold.

Another solution can be the arrangement in the floor of the emergency plum, which connects to the sewer system and can protect the housing from flooding. Of course, with this embodiment, the base of the floor should have a slope to the area of ​​the drain hole.

After the floor surface in the bathroom is ready for further fill, it is necessary to neatly apply the solution evenly distributing it with the rule and needle roller.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Job needle roller

The thickness of the placed coating can be varied by the mobile ruler, and the appearing bubbles are eliminated by a needle roller.

It is possible to operate with a bulk floor in the temperature range + 5-25ºC. In addition, attention is drawn to the level of moisture whose limit should not exceed 60%. In case of inconsistencies, these conditions will be more than the filling gear adhesion period, but it will not be worse. True, with proper installation, the coverage is better to adhere to the councils of specialists and instructions from the manufacturer's company.

Working with the laying of bulk sex is better together with the assistant. First, the finished solution is poured and neatly leveled in 1 hour after it was prepared.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

The installation process of bulk coating for the floor

The procedure can be accelerated if one employee will mix the solution, and the second will be filling the prepared base. In addition, it will be easier to determine the degree of fill the coating.

12 hours after installation, the filled floor in the bathroom is treated with a specialized varnish. And after 24 hours, on the basis it will be possible to walk.

Thus, the bulk of 3d, the photo in the bathroom samples of the decorative decoration of which are presented on our website, will be performed in a matter of hours and independently. It can be concluded that this is not a time-consuming technology that is easy to make with your own hands. It does not have to use special tools or have some special skills. It is enough just to create an aesthetic floor covering in the bathroom, combined with a common interior.

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Conducting waterproofing before applying the composition for bulk sex

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Floor Pouring Mix

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Application of liquid composition for filling the base

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Needle roller

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Formation of a smooth coating when filling the floor

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Job needle roller

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

The installation process of bulk coating for the floor

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

"Live" images for solid filling decor

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Bathroom design with bulk

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

3D technology for outdoor coating

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Floor appearance in bathroom

Bulk floor in the bathroom: photo instruction with your own hands

Square floor with drawing

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