Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video


Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling Wallpapers - Pretty extraordinary solution: You can surprise your acquaintances with the help of unusual interfaces for pasting ceiling are used when you need to create an original and cozy interior. Non-paper, but vinyl wallpapers are usually applied, because they have greater strength and durability. Ceiling wallpapers on a fliesline basis is a popular choice of choice, due to the fact that this material serves a long time, perfectly withstands the load and does not exfoliate from the ceiling. Proper pasting and the use of a suitable adhesive composition is a prerequisite for the durable clutch of the wallpaper wall with the ceiling plane.

Combination of colors in the interior: wallpaper and ceiling

There are interesting and beautiful design options for the ceiling for apartments in any style.

What are the ceiling wallpaper:

  • Bright monophonic or with patterns;
  • Juicy colors;
  • Embossed or smooth;
  • Matte or glossy.

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

An excellent solution will be the design of the walls and the ceiling in opposite colors: such a contrast is characteristic of many modern styles.

The location can only be on the ceiling plane or with the transition to the wall. Anyone who enters the room immediately draws attention if the ceiling is not white. You can choose colored ceiling wallpapers if they harmoniously fit into the overall idea of ​​the room. Only light wallpapers are suitable for low ceilings. The ceiling design will help increase the height of the room, add light and volume. Wall murals on the ceiling can be used only if its height is more than 4.75 m, otherwise the room visually becomes less, and the ceiling presses on the viewer.

For photo wallpaper, the houses of Stalin's planning are well suited, but they do not fit the panel buildings with standard layout.

What wallpaper to choose the ceiling: ideas

The ceiling is always highly illuminated, so an important parameter when choosing ceiling wallpapers is a burnout resistance. Design and drawing can be any, but the quality of the coating should be high. Usually, vinyl, fliesline and textiles are used for the ceiling, in rare cases - paper. If the ceiling plane is perfectly smooth, you can choose thin wallpaper, but if there are serious defects - you should choose thick (from 2 mm). Due to thick wallpaper, you can hide defects, drops by level and cracks. It is necessary to prepare the surface all the same, the size of the westering defects, the elevation, cracks, chips, should be no more than 0.5 mm before sticking. All protruding defects necessarily need to be removed with a skin or spatula, otherwise they will not be disguised. Relief ceiling wallpapers on an uneven ceiling look much better than smooth.

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Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Now it is very popular to glue wallpaper, which smoothly move from the wall on the ceiling

Ceiling wallpapers for the kitchen must meet the following requirements.:

  • Resistance to moisture;
  • Ease of care, washable wallpaper;
  • Resistance to burnout;
  • Dense texture.

The kitchen is a wet room where many smells arise daily. Wallpaper periodically will have to cleaned from fat, dust and contamination. It is better to immediately choose dense flieslinic wallpaper than every 2 years to change the repair due to a large dirty spot on the ceiling. It is undesirable to use the wallpaper right above the stove and sink. The ceiling design can distinguish the kitchen on the zone where they cook food, and where the meal passes. How to glue washable wallpaper? Similarly, as ordinary, in accordance with the instructions.

Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling (video)

Wallpaper for the ceiling in the children's

If used in the children's glowing wallpaper - such a gift the child will remember for life. Fluorescent paint is used to create a starry sky. Constellations on the ceiling can be invisible on the light wallpaper background during the day, but bright night.

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

The child will be much more interesting to live in a room with unusual wallpaper. You can diversify the interior using wallpaper for the ceiling: For example, you can make a ceiling with wallpaper with a blue sky pattern

What to choose drawings on the ceiling for children:

  • Sunny sky with cider clouds;
  • Birds, blooming plants, butterflies;
  • Angels, Fairies, Magic Animals.

The design of the nursery does not impose any restrictions, you can give fantasy will and embody any creative idea.

Ceiling wallpapers can be used throughout the ceiling plane or only above the bed.

Wallpapers moving from the walls on the ceiling: task implementation

In order for the ceiling design to be completed and logically fit into the interior, you need to think over the nuances of the transition. Ceiling wallpapers are often limited by perimeter with molding. Molding is the name of a narrow decorative plank, which may have gradation by level. On the floor, the same function performs the plinth. If the wallpaper occupy the entire ceiling plane, the ceiling eaves is used, if only part of the plane is molding.

Molding can be bright, dark or color. It is necessary to combine molding with wallpaper either on the principle of harmony (similar shades), or on the principle of contrast (opposite shades).

Light molding looks advantageous with absolutely any ceiling wallpaper. Dark molding highlights and limits the wallpaper canvas, therefore is usually used only with color or dark ceiling wallpaper. Colored molding can duplicate the color of the canvas, such as pink edging and gentle pink wallpaper on the ceiling in the bedroom. Interesting solution: the same saturation, but not similar to color wallpaper and molding. For example, violet molding with silver wallpaper.

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Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

To enhance the effect, you can arrange all the other walls in neutral, light color

The transition wallpaper on the wall is best to do according to the following rules.:

  1. The only accent and bright wall is the one with which the transition goes;
  2. All other walls are decorated neutral;
  3. Next to the accent wall are the most significant objects of furniture, a bed, a sofa or a dining table, all the attention is directed to this zone;
  4. The transition passes without a separation strip, but molding goes around the perimeter of the wallpaper.

It is easy to combine wallpaper in the interior. So that it was cozy in the room, you should attract attention only to one specific zone. For background walls, any pastel wallpaper is suitable, or darker than ceiling.

The design of the room can be built on beautiful combinations of colors:

  • Brown walls with beige ceiling trim;
  • Pearl or snow-white walls to the blue ceiling.

Eco-style offers design in green, refreshing colors: juicy mint walls, and an accent wall decorated with white embossed wallpaper with leaves of exotic plants. The transition of ceiling wallpapers and the frame of the ceiling wallpaper green molding makes such an interior original and pleasant.

Finish finish: what first, the ceiling or wallpaper

The design of the room is not only a fantasy, but also competent practical implementation of ideas.

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Open doors and windows during plating wallpapers will cause drafts that can provoke the appearance of bubbles under the woven

What subtleties need to be considered when weeping the wallpaper on the ceiling:

  1. Draft. Before sticking, you need to tightly close all the doors and windows in the apartment so that the wind does not interfere with a flat overlay wallpaper.
  2. Ceiling finish. Preparation is carried out consistently. First glue all defects, remove dust, then primed acrylic primer. When the primer dried is to apply glue using a brush at the angles of the room and using a roller in the center of the room.
  3. Technology. Each type of wallpaper is used either with specialized or with universal glue. You need to read the instructions, it is better to purchase a specialized option.
  4. Assistant. For even imposition of cavities, the assistant is needed, which holds a roll and serves it. Simultaneous work and good understanding will make repairs pleasant, and the design is neat.
  5. Ceiling wallpapers are glued. The instruction contains data on stretching and shrinkage of the canvas.
  6. All unnecessary pieces are cut along the ruler, smoothly.
  7. If during the pasting the glue hit the front surface of the web, you need to remove it with a wet sponge immediately. If the glue dries down, the dirty spot will remain.

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What do you need to execute before, wall or ceiling? Any sequence is possible, because it all depends on the accuracy and experience of builders. Glue can splash on the walls, so it is better to start with the ceiling. The junction between the wall and the ceiling can be covered with a decorative plinth last.

Flashing Ceiling Fliseline Wallpaper (video)

If the walls are painted with washing paint or are saved with washing wallpaper, the sequence does not have a value. Any contamination needs to be removed immediately so that the glue does not approve.

Examples of ceiling wallpaper (photo)

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

Ceiling wallpapers: for design, photo interior, which choose, on a fliesline basis, with the transition to the kitchen, how to glue, that first, video

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