Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior


To emphasize the personality of the owner of the apartment will help the interior of his housing. In this case, the bathroom is no exception. After all, it is in this room that you can realize the most original and bold ideas. An excellent element of an unusual decor can be a stone floor laid out of marine pebbles.

The advantages of a non-standard solution

Coastal goals have a smooth surface and a streamlined shape. In addition, you can pick up stones of different sizes and coloring, which will become an excellent opportunity to show creative abilities. In addition to its ecology, pebble floor has a lot of other advantages.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

The stone floor of pebbles - the beautiful foundation of the interior in the environmental style

First of all, it is necessary to say about the simplicity of installation of such a coating. After all, this simple creative process will be quite satisfied. In addition, the plane from naked always looks especially attractive and effectively. Such a solution allows you to create any unique pattern or panel.

It is necessary to add that pebbles on the floor in the bathroom also has the healing properties, since the barefoot in such a surface stimulates the activities of the internal organs. After all, coming on relief coverage, you massive the feet and vital points located on them. It is possible to strengthen this effect by placing pebbles when laying not plane, but an edge. Of course, this option will require more material, but you will be satisfied result.

As for the cost of such coatings, there are quite wide variations. Residents of coastal districts will not be much difficult to collect the required number of naked on the beach. Those who are less fortunate can acquire material in specialized outlets. At the same time, consider that the cost of finished styling plates is several times higher than the price for ordinary stones of the scatter.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Even in a small bathroom area, you can implement an interesting idea.

Of course, to lay out an interesting pattern on your own, you will have to spend some time because this work is quite painstaking and requires accuracy. In addition, a small experience of construction skills will also not be superfluous. If you are unsure in your abilities, it is better to trust the laying by qualified specialists. However, it is possible to give a special flavor of the bathroom without assistance.

Installation possibilities

If you are interested in the opportunity to decorate the interior of the bathroom in this way, you are offered to describe how to make the floor of pebbles in the bathroom with your own hands. The development of modern technologies implies several options for laying such coatings. The easiest solution will be the purchase of tiled modules. The design is artistically selected and fixed on a flexible-based pebble. Installation of such elements resembles a mosaic cladding. You only need to lay the plates on the finished glue solution, and after drying it all the slots. This method is the easiest and will not require specific time spending. However, in this case, a serious disadvantage will be quite high cost of such a coating.

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Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

The purchase of ready-made modular plates will be the fastest way of laying a stone floor.

If your budget is somewhat limited, it is more expedient to acquire individual goals and put them on the floor as prompting the imagination. Here you can either simply bind the plane by the stone, leaving its natural texture, or pour the coating with a layer of liquid polymers. Thus, you will achieve the visual illusion of a pebble beach and a smooth floor at the same time.

An interesting effect can be achieved by setting the material under the glass surface and equipping the design of the backlight. Of course, a combination of such a coating with a porcelain stoneware or matte cafeter will be especially successful. However, it should be borne in mind that such innovation can cause injury. To avoid this, you need an additional processing with a special impregnation against slip.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Pebble floor under glass looks very effectively

Given some differences in the methods of laying, perhaps, it is worth considering each of the options in more detail.

Installation of modular elements

As mentioned above, the tile-pebble for the bathroom enters the sale of square segments, the size of 300x300 millimeters. All stones, and their order of sixty pieces, are carefully chosen and fixed on the basis of the reinforced grid. Given the unique configuration of each of the naked, the module, in contrast to the tile, does not have clearly defined boundaries. It is these unevenness that contribute to the perfect laying when the seams between the plates are almost invisible.

We prepare the basic coating

Facing a stone, as well as a cafeter, requires the lack of pronounced forest relief. Therefore, in advance, eliminate all the unevenness of the floor. Next, you need to ensure the proper level of waterproofing. To do this, secure the material with some stock on the walls. At the end of the finish finish, you can always trim the surplus.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Stop stones follows a well-aligned surface

It is known that pebbles, like all the stones, has low heat-conducting properties. In this case, it will be a suitable solution to equip a system of warm floors. So, you get rid of yourself from unpleasant sensations, stepping on the cold surface, and provide the necessary level of comfort in the bathroom. Of course, this condition is rather a recommendation than guidance to action.

Laying segments

Spread the modules on the prepared surface to determine the order of their installation and set where it is necessary to cut the item. Of course, this is not a mandatory stage of the laying process. However, if you have no experience of facing work, you still do not need to neglect this rule.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Installation of modular pebble elements

Next, divert the solution to the necessary consistency and apply it to the floor with a toothed spatula. Do not cover the entire area of ​​the bathroom immediately. Specialists advise you to start mounting from the far corner of the room and apply glue into a small area. Gently press the module with a mesh to a solution. So, gradually laying segments, you need to fill out all the floor space.

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Given the features of the geometry of the room, you, one way or another, you will have to trim the items in some areas. This can be done with the help of a grinder.

Decorating jigs

After a complete rejection of the solution, which usually takes about two days, you can proceed to design seams. To do this, prepare the grout of the shade you need and the rubber spatula. Then neatly fill all the gaps between the bare mixes and leave to dry half an hour. Next, wipe the surface of the floor with a damp sponge to get rid of surplus grouts.

In some cases, it is appropriate to apply an impregnation to the surface that can push the liquid. These actions will help you preserve the natural texture of stones. In general, the tile under pebbles is a wonderful and easy way to create an ecological style of the interior of the bathroom.

Facing with independent selection of elements

A little more complicated method of buying individual pebbles in bulk and artistic selection of painting styling on their own. Here you can show your creative ability to fully.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Pebble floor from separate stones

In addition, the method is notable for the fact that so pebbles in the interior of the bathroom looks particularly natural. In this case, it is better to choose naked sizes and shapes. These actions will help post stones denser.

Preliminary stage

As for the basic coating, it should be prepared in the same way as in the first case. You need to align the floor and lay an insulating layer on it. On the finished base, they begin to lay off the pebbles. By choosing the required number of items, it will be useful to clean them from dust and dirt. To do this, rinse the stones first in a soap solution with a rigid brush, and then under the running water jet. Remember that it is necessary to do it in advance, only dry and clean goals are suitable for laying.

Work on laying

On a small space with a spatula with teeth, apply a layer of adhesive substance with a thickness of one to one and a half centimeters. Then start laying the prepared stones, combining each into a solution to a third of its height.

If you decide to put my goats vertically, then, respectively, the layer of glue should be about 3-5 cm, and it is necessary to immerse the elements by half.

Try to keep styling, leaving as few gaps between pebbles. Remember that the uniform and dense distribution of stones will be the key to the durability of the coating. A few days later you can apply grout to the docking seams. In the future, actions are carried out in the same way as in the case of tiled modules.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Try to lay stones as close as possible

In addition, you can cover a similar surface with varnish or liquid polymers. It all depends on the initial idea of ​​the bathroom design.

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Pebbles under glass

To implement such a project, you will need to build a carcass from a tree or metal with an anti-corrosion coating. It should be borne in mind that the height of the strapping should ideally comply with the level of the finish finish of the floor. Immediately need to say, for premises with low ceilings this option will be inappropriate. However, in spacious bathrooms, it will be the original highlight of the interior.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Before covering pebbles with glass, consider the quality of sealing of seams

The frame is fill in the material acquired and equipped with backlight from LED lamps. From above, the design is covered with a rotten glass with a thickness of at least 15 mm. At the same time, think about it in advance how to seal the gaps between the glass and the rest surrounding it with its planes. The possibility of moisture from the inside of the system can lead to the fogging of glass and the failure of the lighting elements. However, tightly embellished joints, you will not be able to freely access the backlight for repair or replacement.

Of course, you need to consider and safe stay in the bathroom. It is not necessary to build a design in the places of possible fluid on it, and it is also advisable to use a special impregnation against slipping.

As you can see, create a unique interior design of the bathroom itself is absolutely not difficult. The main thing is to consider the option of the ornament on the floor and follow the recommendations on the laying.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Using stones of different colors and shapes, you can create original panels

As for the daily exploitation of such a coating, it does not require special care. It is enough to wash it with warm water and soft cleaning agents. In case you lacquered the surface from time to time, rub it with wax - it contributes to the coating hydrophobicity and gives it a gloss.

And for very tiny bathrooms, you can restrict ourselves to the usual rug. How to do it yourself, you will see on the video.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Stone floor complements East Interior Design Style

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

The stone floor in the bathroom will make a special flavor to it.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

To mount the floor, choose pebbles of different sizes and shapes to achieve a more dense styling.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Before stacking, lay out stones to the floor to determine the pattern.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Pebbles are placed on a solution that is applied by a toothed spatula

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Installation of modular pebble elements

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Stop stones follows a well-aligned surface

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Pebble floor under glass looks very effectively

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

The purchase of ready-made modular plates will be the fastest way of laying a stone floor.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Even in a small bathroom area, you can implement an interesting idea.

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

The stone floor of pebbles - the beautiful foundation of the interior in the environmental style

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Using stones of different colors and shapes, you can create original panels

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Try to lay stones as close as possible

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Before covering pebbles with glass, consider the quality of sealing of seams

Gallery floor in the bathroom: pebbles in the interior

Pebble floor from separate stones

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