Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons


It is not easy to select the materials for the repair of the bathroom, as we mean, we understand that the finish should be practical, wear-resistant, and in heart, strive for beauty and comfort. An acceptable compromise between functionality and aesthetics was a modern ceramic tile, which is suitable for lining almost any surface inside the bathroom.

Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

And so that the room looks non-standard, the original can be added original - mosaic panel. In this article, we will tell you how to create a organic design of a bathroom with a mosaic, as well as share the photos of the most successful and relevant interiors with this refined decor.

Features of technology

Mosaic is an ancient art of creating images with small particles of stone, glass, smalts or ceramic tiles. This type of decor is characteristic of interiors in the classic, oriental style, Rococo styles, it brings to the decoration of the bathroom sophistication, luxury, chic.

Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

The process of creating a mosaic consists of several stages:

  1. Set. During this stage, the elements of the mosaic are divided by colors, sizes and forms to then become a single pattern or pattern.
  2. Layout. The layout process is to lay out from the elements of the mosaic image, it can last from several days to several months depending on the size of the panel.
  3. Fastening. After layout, the mosaic is fixed on the surface with a special glue or resin.

Important! Professional wizard can lay out small patterns, panels or even whole pictures from mosaics. However, it is worth such pleasure quite expensive, because the experience and time spent on work has to pay.


The bathroom is a room with high humidity, where anyway, any surface is in contact with water, exposed to temperature drops, so the tile is most often used for lining of walls and gender. Mosaic perfectly harmonizes with a monophonic ceramic tiles, therefore is one of the decor's kinds favorite designers. There are the following varieties of mosaic:

  • Ceramic. This type of mosaic is a ceramic tile with a size of 1x1 cm, 2x2 cm or 3x3 cm. Usually they have a rectangular, square or diamond shape, so lay them easier.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

    Ceramic Mosaic

  • Stone. Natural stone (granite, jasper, tuff, marble) are also well suited for making a mosaic, as it has high strength, natural texture and color. The elements of the mosaic are crushed and polished in production.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

    Natural stone mosaic

  • Glass. Mosaic image of glass can have any color and texture. Therefore, in the interior of the bathroom, such panels look interesting and add additional volume and ease. Glass passes special training. Therefore, it becomes durable and wear-resistant.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

    Glass mosaic

  • Smalt. A mosaic of smalt in addition to high strength qualities has bactericidal properties, so it is not afraid of mold or fungus. And adding pigments and brilliant particles make it a true interior decoration.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

    Smalt Mosaic.

Please note to securely fix on the facing surface mosaic pattern. It is necessary to correctly select the adhesive composition. For fixing the image use white or transparent glue, suitable to the mosaic material.

Advantages of decoration

The process of developing the interior is highly dependent on the area of ​​the room, because in the small bathrooms it is necessary to save every square meter, and in large bathrooms you can restrain fantasy. It is surprising that the mosaic is the optimal view of the decor for the bathrooms of any size. Her advantages consider:

  1. Resistance to external influences. Mosaic panels, despite the external fragility, is no less resistant to the effects of household chemicals, high humidity and high temperatures than the ordinary tile.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

  2. Durability. When using high-quality material and glue, images, compressed in mosaic techniques, are saved for a very long time. Otherwise, how to explain that some mosaics reached us from ancient times?
  3. Individuality. With the help of this technique, with the proper level of skill, you can repeat the masterpiece of any artist or implement your own sketch, making the interior truly individual.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

Please note that the mosaic in the interior of the bathroom should not be much, because the smaller the room, the smaller it is required in it. Designers recommend to make only 1 accent, highlighting the wall or floor with a mosaic panel.

Methods of decoration

Since the mosaic is very diverse in color, size and shape, in the interior of the bathroom, it can be used in different ways. The design of the decor designers choose depending on the area, style and color room of the room. The most popular options are considered:

  • Mosaic panel. Most often they are placed on the wall, along which the bath is located to focus on this zone. Popular motifs for panels are marine landscapes, pictures of classics, vegetable and animal theme.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

    Mosaic Punk

  • Patterns and ornaments. Mosaic patterns and ornaments in the form of a border or solid pattern can cover the walls or floor in the bathroom. They are inherent in classic interiors and bathrooms in oriental style.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

    Mosaic patterns

  • Gradient. Also a popular method of mosaic finish is a stretching color or gradient. They cover the surface of the floor or wall to highlight this section of space.

    Bathroom design with mosaic - discuss pluses and cons

    Gradient Mosaic.

Experienced designers open their secret: often in the interior of the bathroom is not a real mosaic, but its imitation. This material is a standard size tile, divided into small elements. Mosaic imitation is capable of cheaper, and also easily stacked with their own hands.

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