Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules


Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules

For quite a long time in Russia, the period was continued when serving feasts did not pay enough attention. Tableware on the table, followed by the guests, could be the most different style, size and shape. Today, his Majesty a table service is increasingly occupied by his legitimate place on the tablecloth, speaking not only in the role of exceptionally functional dishes, but also glad to look at their grace and beauty.

Why do you need settings?

By definition, dining rooms are sets of dishes made up from a certain number of objects of similar shapes, designed to use a certain number of people and executed in a similar style. The need for their use is due not to so many considerations of functionality (in the end, it is possible without any problems from the mint aluminum bowl), how much aesthetic. People have long noticed that a beautifully served table is extremely positive effect on appetite and increases the pleasure of the process of absorption. Said equally applies to festive feasts, and everyday trapes. Let's try to figure out the problem, as the most correct in our time, choose services (by default, we are talking about table sets, since there are also coffee, tea and other specialized kitchenware). Start follow from the configuration.

Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
Cutlery sets are sets of dishes made up from a certain number of objects similar shape


Historically, an approximate (but not required) a list of items that usually make up a set of dishes for solemn trapezes. More or less standard, the sets for the festive table include:

  • Deep plates with versators under soups;
  • tureen;
  • plates under the second (hot) dish;
  • dessert plates;
  • under various dishes (under meat, fish, etc.);
  • Saladers;
  • Tea cups and saucers;
  • Coffee cups and saucers;
  • sets for spices;
  • sugar bowl;
  • saucers;
  • creamy or milkers;
  • Flower vases (this is not a mandatory, but frequent element of festive sets of dishes);
  • The most luxurious kitchenware can often contain various decorations - figurines, etc.

Usually, the settings for the festive feast are decorated with quite richly, sets of dishes for everyday use contain fewer objects and have not so catchy design.

Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
When choosing a specific dish, you should estimate in advance, for what purpose you get it

During the centuries, the use of dining rooms has historically developed several basic options for their configuration. Usually they are designed for a certain number of people. This is not an accident. It is empirically established, what company of the company gathered for a feast is able to maintain communication in its process without leaving the table. Often, even the number of invited guests is determined not by some other considerations, namely the size of the service. It is believed that services intended to decorate the festive table are usually designed for a greater number of people than those used in everyday life.

  1. The first option is a table service for 12 people. Such equipment today is considered almost optimal for solemn trapez. The number of items in it may vary, but not too much. Naturally, if financial capabilities allow and this corresponds to the owner's habits, you can use for everyday needs and such a kit.
  2. The second option is a table service for 6 persons. Such a set is a familiar option for serving a table for family trapes or informal feast of close friends. However, there are services for 6 people and for festive table setting. The sets of dishes for everyday use are often allocated to more original forms and designs than the festive, which are made more conservatively.
  3. The third option is a table service 19 Ave. It is not worth surprising as strange marking, in this case the equipment is indicated, based on the number of user users, but from among the items included in it. Although usually under this designation, the standard casualties for 6 persons are most often found.

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Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
Table set for 12 persons is considered almost optimal for solemn trapez

We emphasize once again that when discussing the configuration, we mentioned its most typical and frequently encountered options, although there are non-standard and even record configurations, like the glorified "swan service" of Kendler, consisting of "modest" 2,200 items.

People with non-standard requirements can be offered not to buy ready-made sets of dishes, but to form them on their own, selecting on their own taste and the volume of service by the number of persons, and the list of objects included in such a set of objects. Fortunately, a variety of assortment of modern shopping stages quite allowed to do a similar procedure with success.

In any case, when choosing a specific kitchen set, you should estimate in advance, for what purpose you purchase it, and select the option of configuration based on this factor. The issues of registration will be divided into solving this problem already on the second place.


The variety of modern dishes design options is so great that the buyer finds it difficult to make the necessary choice.

When choosing, you should map the design of your dining room or kitchen (depending on what you purchase dishes) and the buying service. The drawing on it (if there is such), should have bright colors without lubricated lines, without an additional surface drawing (if it is done after the firing, it will very quickly erase). The surface is obliged to not have irregularities, to be perfect smooth. If the dishes do not have a picture, then it should be perfectly white. In general, purely white dishes are preferred in any doubt about the design of the service.


For several centuries, the only material that was considered suitable for the manufacture of a table service remained porcelain, as a last resort - faience. In the second half of last century, the situation quickly changed, due to the emergence of whole classes of new materials suitable for the manufacture of dishes. It should be noted the heat-resistant and unbreakable glass of various colors, various types of ceramics (sometimes intentionally primitive) and even some varieties of food plastics.

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Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
The primary positions in the production of elite and everyday dishes today are firmly held by French firms

Best manufacturers

The primary positions in the production of elite and everyday dishes today are firmly held by French firms (an excellent example of their products - the legendary dining rooms "Luminark"). With a small margin behind them, English sets are followed and extremely popular products of Japanese masters.

In recent years, in our country, and in the West, the popularity of Chinese dishware products are gaining popularity, but not all of them can boast a worthy level of quality. Recently, it became noticeable in the market of dishes and the presence of manufacturers from Turkey, but so far it is not too much. Their products refer to the average segment and quality, and design, and at prices.

Among the manufacturers of cutlery services, Russia, although not included in the list of undoubted leaders, but it takes a rather noticeable place. True, in a completely definite segment. Products of the St. Petersburg Imperial Porcelain Factory (Plant. Lomonosov) are considered to be elite products. But they are designed for tastes of only a limited part of a consumer audience, which is characterized by conservative preferences. But they have quite affordable cost, especially if you consider their highest quality.

Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
Products of the St. Petersburg Imperial Porcelain Plant in the world are considered elite products

It is not bad to quoted in connoisseurs of high-quality tableware cutleries from the Czech Republic. Although they are often noted with a general high quality of their production, some allay and lack of good taste in their decoration. Yes, and the quality of the Czech porcelain is still inferior to the same Lomonosovsky.


It is clear that the most important factor for each consumer in the purchase address is price. Naturally, he does not lose importance and when solving a "servicing issue". The budget for such an acquisition should be determined in advance, since the price swings in this segment are extremely large and the cost of various dishes may vary by a couple of orders (we emphasize not at times, but in dozens and hundreds of times).

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Buyers whose funds are not limited to pay attention to products, mainly French dishwashed factories, elite Chinese producers or English firms. Less roads, a little inferior to the industry leaders in quality, products factories from Germany and Italy. Russian dishes, in addition to the imperial porcelain mentioned, firmly settled among the middle peasants of the dishwasher and in quality, and on the rates. If descended below and relative to rates, and relative to quality, then you should look at the Turkish sets or not rejected backbrands from the rising sun. Overly cheap sets or poorly made, or contain harmful substances.

Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
British dining rooms are considered one of the most expensive

Best representatives of services

If the prize of custom sympathies were awarded for the dual sets, then there is no doubt that his owner would necessarily be sure to some kind of dining room Luminarc (we write "some kind of", because under this brand there is a very extensive line of housing sets every year ). The dishes carrying this trademark today can be found in almost every Russian dwelling. Moreover, it should be recognized that the popularity of the brand is based, by no means, not on massive advertising companies (although the French manufacturer does not neglect such events). The case in the real advantages of the dishes of this brand.

Luminarc diverse dining rooms are a surprisingly successful combination of several advantages at once:

  • the highest quality of production;
  • Diversity of used materials and design (more than two hundred options!);
  • an affordable cost (the simplest sets of this brand are a little more than 1000 rubles);
  • practicality;
  • Durability.

Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
Luminarc dining rooms are high-quality, diverse, practical and durable

Among the most popular materials from the manufacturer of materials - shockproof and heat-resistant glass (impact resistance - the quality for dishes is the most important!), Qualitative porcelain or faience. Design options are in a wide range of products, clean white, having strict outlines, to ornate dishes of complex geometric shapes. Owned sets of this French brand are produced and for the front papsez, and for everyday, for the whole family and especially for children.

No wonder today, the dining service "Luminarka" can be found with equal success and in the apartment kitchen, and in a fashionable restaurant. Apparently, the products of this is this brand worth recommending the domestic user audience as a practically perfect choice.


Multiple Cutlery Selection Rules
Luminarc releases dinner sets for the front and daily trapes

It is worth noting that choosing a table service, do not forget to pick up a cutlery suitable on it!

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