Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video


Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

The small room can be very easy to spoil with the help of incorrectly selected wallpaper: Therefore it is important to choose the right trim. Wallplow, in any apartment or house there is a room, the area of ​​which I would like to increase. But such a radical decision undertaken to increase the space of small rooms, as a demolition of interior walls or partitions, can not always find its use in that or otherwise. Therefore, experts advise to resort to some tricks in the design of the overall interior design, in particular, to properly select wallpaper for a small room.

What color of the wallpaper visually expands the room

Each person knows that different colors are capable of visually calling various sensations, so it is important to know the purpose of the use of colors used in the interiors of the premises to give the necessary effects. For example, light tones visually increase the subject, while dark items seem less than their true sizes.

That is why to achieve the effect of a visual increase in the area of ​​the room, you must adhere to several rules when choosing wallpapers in the interior of a small room.

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

The best option will be sticking wallpaper of neutral and light colors: they will not attract attention to themselves and, accordingly, to the size of the room


  • You can increase the space of the room using wallpaper of bright shades of different colors in combination with furniture, for several tons of darker walls.
  • For small rooms it is worth choosing the wallpaper of pastel neutral shades, such as light beige, sand, cream, blue, pink, peach and many others.
  • If the glitter wallpaper, for example, with a silk screening, will fall to taste, then they can be used as an excellent alternative to matte wallpaper to decorate small rooms to visually increase the distance between opposite walls.
  • The choice of color scheme wallpaper for designing a room also depends on its illumination: for rooms filled with solar or artificial light in large quantities, the wallpapers of cold shades can be approached, for dark rooms - only warm colors.
  • When choosing between smooth wallpaper and textured canvases, you should give preference to the latter on which the differences and game differences will be seen. They will increase the space on visual perception and help create more interesting interiors.

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Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

A competent solution will be the use of wallpaper with a reflective surface: they visually increase the size of the room

You should not bold small rooms with vibrant or dark flowers, which not only distract attention, but also visually reduce the space.

Interior of a small room (video)

Wallpaper selection for a small room: Wallpaper with a pattern

Of course, bright and monotonous wallpapers largely visually expand the space of the room, but at the same time will give it a very boring and conservative appearance.

The use of patterns and ornaments on wallpaper will add more colorful and positive mood to the interior, but not all of them are suitable for small rooms.

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

For a small room Wallpaper - not the best option: In the extreme case, it is possible to shove the photo wallpaper with a small pattern

How to choose a wallpaper with a small-sized room:

  1. First, the wallpaper with a small non-contrast pattern can replace one-picture wallpaper completely, while a large drawing, even with a small contrast, can significantly ruin the solution to visually increase the size of the room. The correct use of wallpaper with a large pattern of uncontracting color will be pasting with one wall of the room, on the background of which placed low furniture, such as a sofa or bed. For example, the use of wallpaper with a floral print will be spectacular in the bedroom in the headboard.
  2. Secondly, for small rooms, wallpapers are suitable with a rare contrast pattern of small or medium size, which revitalizes the room interior and will not reduce the space. For example, in children's bedrooms will effectively watch wallpapers with small images of cars for boys, or characters from the animated series "My little pony" for girls. But from the use of large contrasting patterns on the wallpaper it is worth completely abandoning, as they can eat a large room.
  3. Thirdly, you should not consider the option of finishing small rooms with high contrast and pattern density. Even a room with a small number of furniture visually will seem too clumsy and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to either completely abandon this type of wallpaper, or allocate only one wall of the room for them.

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Finishing the reasoning on the use of wallpaper with drawings for finishing rooms of small areas, it is worth mentioning that it is worth staying on bright shades of color gamut that visually increase the space of small rooms.

Wallpaper for a small room: photo wallpaper

One of the most successful solutions to increase the space space using wallpaper is used in the interior of photo walls.

But not all photographic images applied to wallpaper are capable of achieving the necessary effect.

It is best to use photographs with a perspective, the drawing on which is increasing in the image, for example: a forest path, a megapolis street or underwater spaces or any other, which is the soul.

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wall murals should be chosen by light shades, without a large number of small details

To use photo wallpapers as an assistant with increasing room space, it is important to adhere to some general recommendations.:

  • For sticking photo wallpaper with a perspective, walls or its parts without windows or doorways are suitable.
  • Against the background of photographic, it is not recommended to have high furniture, it is best to put a sofa, a bed or a coffee table.
  • For very small rooms it is worth staying on the photo wallpaper of light tones.
  • Wall mural with a vertical pattern, for example, a forest factor, suitable for rooms with low ceilings, helping to lift it visually.

It should be remembered that in rooms with a large number of light, it is possible to use photographic walls of cold shades (images of sea depths or high mountains), and for little lit rooms, paintings of warm colors (autumn landscapes, sea sandy beaches) are suitable.

Wallpapers, increasing room space: methods of use

By choosing the wallpaper of bright shades with the right pattern, helping to increase the space of a small room, it is importantly important to use them when finished, because otherwise you can not only do not achieve the desired result, but also to get the opposite effect.

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Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

The best solution will be shook wallpaper without a picture or just with a minimal pattern.

We list the main points when decorating the walls of a small room with wallpaper:

  1. Expand and lengthen the room will help the design of two opposite walls with cold and brighter shades. This option will visually pull out the room in the direction of light walls.
  2. When making long rooms it is important to remember that the wallpaper with a small pattern is best spaced on long walls, when as a large drawing is used to decorate short walls.
  3. A long and narrow room can be decorated with wallpaper with a pattern of horizontal strips, as well as used on short walls the wallpaper of a darker warm shade.
  4. Significantly increase the room space will help the wallpaper with a pattern that are not as accepted, but diagonally.
  5. For small rooms, the use of wallpaper of one color of different saturation will be effective. Wallpaper of darker shades are glued to the lower part of the walls, and the top is brighter. This option will help to expand the area of ​​rooms with low ceilings.
  6. Receiving alternation of well-combined wallpapers with a pattern and without it perfectly suitable for small rooms. But it should be remembered that the wallpaper interval without a picture should be less than the wallpaper interval without. For example, you can alternate two cuts of monochon wallpaper with one cut wallpaper with a pattern that expand the small room.

Glossy wallpapers will also be suitable for small spaces, visually increasing the area due to the partial reflection of the subjects opposite.

How to equip a small room (video)

Do not forget about accessories used in small rooms. The color of furniture, curtains and other items should be in one tone with wallpaper. Any contrast will eat the space that will negatively affect the comfort in a small room.

Examples of wallpaper for a small room of visually increasing space (photo)

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

Wallpaper for a small room visually increasing space: photo, how to choose, help in the interior, what color, small, suit, video

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