Installation of the towel rail in the bathroom: replacement and connection of the new


If you have not changed the towel rail for the bathroom for a long time, its appearance is certainly spoiled, the old paint yellows and falls off. Modern model of the heated towel rails have a rich selection of design, so you will not be difficult to choose a new one: chrome-plated, enameled, snake or letter "P". In addition to decorative functions, it is practical: replaces the battery in the bathroom, maintaining a comfortable temperature, and allows you to dry towels and clothing.

Installation of the towel rail in the bathroom: replacement and connection of the new

Replacing the heated towel rail in the bathroom through the WEK will fly into a penny, so we will tell you how to do it yourself. And if you still decide to cause plumbing, these knowledge will not be superfluous to control the performance of work.

The first thing you need to learn is: the connection of the heated towel rail must be held not to central heating (as done in some houses), but to a hot water supply pipe. Only he will be warm all year round.

Briefly the process of connecting a towel rail occurs as follows. Initially, you need to contact the HEAK or to the management company with an application for water shutdown. For the disconnection of the riser will have to pay, the price depends on the region and the shutdown time.

After turning off the riser, the old device is removed and installed the jumper. At the junction of the pipe and products put ball valves. Then you can turn on the riser and complete the installation.

So that the pipes are not visible, the eyeliner is "hiding" using a plasterboard box or plastic panels. It is better to hide the eyeliner into the stroke, penetrated in the wall. True, this option will be more appropriate with the overhaul of the bathroom. Although often replacing the coil is made at the same time. If the size of the bathroom allows you to place a box, it is better to make it like a bedside table.

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Required Tools and Mounting Materials

In addition to the product itself, it will be needed for installation:
  • Brackets for mounting on the wall;
  • polypropylene pipes;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • Truboresis or special nippers;
  • Required connecting elements and fittings;
  • 2 ball valves.

Self-installation of the heated towel rail consists of the following steps:

  • dismantling of an old coil;
  • Installation of bypass and cranes;
  • welding polypropylene pipes;
  • Fastening and connecting a new coil.

Dismantling Zmeevik

At this stage, you need to contact the management company with a statement to overlapping a hot water. At the set time, the plumber will fit and block the water. When it won't be in a riser, the old serpent can be removed. In practice, it is better to negotiate with the plumber personally, after showing it the front of work. As long as the management company agrees all the nuances, it can pass quite a long time. An experienced plumbing will cut the old coil and will set a new one and a half hours.

Welding pipe

For water supply, steel, copper or polypropylene tubes are usually used. Unlike other species, polypropylene is quite realistic to cook with their own hands.

  • Steel pipes will require the presence of a welding machine, they weigh a lot and are subject to corrosion.
  • Copper are installed using soldering. They do not rust, but cost expensive.
  • Polypropylene pipes are not rusting, it is inexpensive, relatively lungs. In our case, be sure to use pipes with reinforcement, which will affect their strength when working with hot water under pressure. For pipe welding, a special soldering iron is needed; It can be bought, rent or make yourself from the old iron. We wrote more about this in the article on the welding of polypropylene pipes.
  • Installation of the towel rail in the bathroom: replacement and connection of the new

Installation of bypass and cranes

Installation of the towel rail in the bathroom: replacement and connection of the new

Bypass on the serpentine vaccipas - a special jumper, which will overlap the flow of water into the serpent, without disturbing its circulation in the riser. Simply put, it is an additional bypass pipe that should stand to the cranes. It is not necessary to put it, but it significantly reduces the risks: so you can quickly block the water if you have to flow.

The jumper is a conventional pipe, in our case polypropylene. For its installation, ball valves are attached to the ends of the coil.

In this case, the diameter of the jumper should be no less than the diameter of the supply pipe. On the jumper itself, no valves or cranes are installed. Some put them to adjust heat in the bathroom, but it can interfere with water circulation in other apartments. Even in some instructions for the installation (for example, from Argo), the adjustment of the crane in the jumper is prescribed, but then there may be problems with the work of the management company.

Many masters take ordinary pipe keys for mounting polypropylene fittings. However, it is impossible to use them for polypropylene, since sharp serfs can damage the fittings material. That this does not happen, choose special strap keys.

Installation of a new heated towel rail

The technical requirements for the installation of a heated towel rail can be found in SP 30.13330.2019 (this is updated SNiP 2-04-01-85).

Installation of the towel rail in the bathroom: replacement and connection of the new

Popular connection schemes

In order not to expose the wall and the pipe loads due to temperature deformations, the installation of the water heated towel rail passes on the hanging brackets, and not on the rigid fastening. The mounting for the heated towel rail must be on the same level so that the coil was fixed exactly, otherwise it can threaten pressure.

The snake is located at a distance from the wall of 35 mm if its diameter is less than 23 mm; and with an indent of 50 mm if the diameter is greater than 23 mm. It is also not recommended to fix it further than 2 m from the riser.

After completion of the work, it is important to check all compounds on tightness. They must be absolutely dry.

To seal the carving of steel or copper pipes also use the passage. But for the polypropylene, it is forbidden to take it: for this there is a fum ribbon, the thread "Tangit Uniok". There are also special sealants, but their use will not allow to disassemble the connection.

The video shows how to install a towel rail in the bathroom with your own hands:

Now, if necessary, you can solve the problem, how to connect a heated towel rail, even without calling the wizard. However, to turn off the risers, you still have to spend money, so plumbing is performed more often this work.

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