Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples


If earlier the bathroom interior included only the mirror and plumbing, today the market has a wide choice of furniture for bathrooms. It can be both separate lockers and shelves and complete headsets.

Comfortable and technological, bathroom furniture is distinguished by a variety of decors, dimensions and forms, which allows you to equip it both the bathroom in a small apartment and a large enough bathroom in a private cottage.

Functionality of storage systems in the bathroom

It is difficult to imagine modern bathroom without furniture. These designs are convenient for storing household chemicals, household and bathing trifles. In addition, the furniture in the bathroom will become important, you can even say the central part of the interior.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Suitable furniture will emphasize the successful design of the room.

You can put a locker in any, even the smallest bathroom - there are plenty of accommodation opportunities. Industry offers all sorts of furniture manufacturing options both in appearance and materials.

First of all, the cabinets in the bathroom, the photos of which are presented in the gallery, have utilitarian purposes. There you can position everything that usually stands on a washbasin and a border of tubing baths, bottles, bottles - in general, hygiene and household chemicals - everything, without which it is difficult to imagine a bathroom.

Furniture will help you to free the space - occupying a minimum of space, it will make it possible to fold all objects, cluttering the area of ​​the room. In addition, lockers carry aesthetic function, give the interior of the room finished, comfort and attractiveness.

Because of the small dimensions, the bathroom is sometimes difficult to choose the appropriate furniture. The corner locker in the bathroom, the photo of which is attached to the article, is designed just for such premises, where small space should be used with maximum functionality. Such a model will successfully fit into the interior of any style and design.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Corner penalty will help rationally use the space of the bathroom

Technical conditions for furniture in the bathroom

Materials from which lockers are manufactured for bathrooms must comply with certain standards. Usually draw attention to the following characteristics:
  • resistance to moisture;
  • wear resistance;
  • Compliance with environmental standards.

As a rule, the furniture is made of wood-chipped plastic coated or laminating film, MDF, plastics, wood array, glass and metal. Fittings should be nickel-plated or chrome-plated - it will last longer and will not be affected by corrosion.

Furniture modifications for bathroom

The bathrooms in homes and apartments differ greatly in planning and dimensions. In this regard, the industry produces a variety of cabinet models for every taste and wallet. Floor stands can be equipped with legs or rollers. There are lockers, standing apart, and there are those that are embedded under the washbasin.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

The cabinet under the sink will allow neatly decomposing the necessary little things.

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There are models that attach to the wall - suspended. It can be both just a storage cabinet and a combined model equipped with a mirror and open shelves. It is logical to place a similar piece of furniture directly above the washbasin, for the convenience of using the mirror and hygiene.

Pencil case

The internal volume of such a locker is much larger than other furniture items. It is convenient, because there you can place many items, cluttering the bathroom space. The product has a washing container, towels hangers, domestic chemistry shelves. The penalty takes a small area and does not require much space, although significantly stretched vertically or has a greater height. The depth of such a cabinet should not exceed four hundred millimeters, the width may vary depending on the size of the room and the designer idea.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Penal will be the optimal storage system for spacious bathrooms.

By placement, the pencils can be both outdoor and suspended. The locker hanging on the wall is more convenient in terms of cleaning. The optimal model is not a very high pencil penalty with one door. The height may be different - from 150 centimeters to two and a half meters. Such models have serious advantages primarily due to their constructive features.

In the case when the bathroom area allows, it is better to take a larger width cabinet. The optimal will be a design with a glass or mirror door, which visually makes the product less massive. The lowest bottom of the foam will be quite well equipped with a folding door, which can be hidden a dirty linen container.

Tubes under the washbasin

This type of furniture is very functional - the sink cabinet will allow you to mask the drain siphon and plumbing hoses. In addition, inside enough space to fold the large amount of things. Models such lockers are very diverse in dimensions, can be equipped with a tabletop, doors, shelves and drawers. Inside the stationary bucket for garbage can be located.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Custom furniture suitable even for small bathrooms

Suspended cabinets over a washbasin

The cabinet over the sink in the bathroom is a very functional object of the situation, especially in the apartments of typical buildings of the Soviet period. There you can fold the mass of important trifles, without sacrificing the useful area of ​​small room. These lockers can be equipped with deaf or glass doors. The facade of such a product can be completely mirror. Hinged lockers can additionally be equipped with open shelves and retractable sections. Also, they are often equipped with additional accessories - backlit, lattices, baskets, coasters, hooks or rails for drying towels.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Mounted cabinets are usually equipped with backlight and mirror

Lockers in corner

As a rule, the angles in any room are empty. But in the bathroom of small sizes to put the overall wardrobe is rather problematic. But today manufacturers offer a wide range of products for the corner. Such designs will become the perfect solution for small-sized bathrooms. The original wardrobe in a tandem with an angular washbasin will look original.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Corner furniture will save the area of ​​compact bathrooms

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In large rooms, the locker in the corner will also be appropriate, since often the joints of the walls remain unoccupied, and picking up an angular hanging cabinet suitable in style, you will not only decorate the bathroom, but also become the owner of a convenient and practical storage system.

Such models have a number of undeniable advantages primarily due to the design that allows them to accommodate even in the most tiny rooms.

Color solutions

Now there is an opportunity to purchase absolutely any lockers in the bathroom, and it is not only possible to choose the appropriate exactly by volume, but also in color and design.

As a rule, furniture for bathrooms are performed in pastel colors - white, pink, pale green and blue. But there are also non-standard colors - saturated red, burgundy, brown and even black.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

You can choose a model of any color.

The external coating of planes of lockers is also varied - it can be brilliant or matte, with milling, photo printing, pattern, spraying. In addition, the furniture can be not only with straight corners, but also with rounded, and even semicircular doors. Facades of cabinets can be decorated with metal elements, glass, plastic or mirror depending on the overall style of the bathroom interior.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Luxury wooden products will decorate the interior in the baroque style

Luxury models from wood array are decorated with carvings, milling, metallized spraying or photo printing.

Furniture materials

Today, the following materials are used for the manufacture of furniture:

  • Array of wood;
  • glass;
  • polymers;
  • metals not affected by corrosion;
  • MDF;
  • Moisture-protective chipboard.

Wooden cabinets are always a relevant classic. To protect such products from the influence of dampness, they are separated by special paint and varnishes.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Wooden furniture will enter the interior of the bathroom

Designs from MDF Cheaper and more popular than wooden products. To protect them from moisture, first the plane are ground in several layers, and at the end they are treated with colored finish paint or plastic film.

Cabinet furniture from chipboard is covered with hydrophobic melamine. The ends are covered with a special edge that impedes ingested moisture. This will help prevent the fracture and rotting of the material.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Products from MDF and chipboard inexpensive and high quality

Often there are plastic cabinets over the washbasin. Such furniture does not require reliable fasteners due to low weight and is not completely influenced by moisture.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Plastic furniture is not afraid of moisture, but withstands a small weight

Now the industry produces universal bathroom furniture. That is, the product can be collected by any way convenient for you. You can determine the direction of the door opening, the number and height of the shelves. In addition, plastic cabinets for the bathroom, which can be found in the gallery of this article, can be easily repainted, which allows you to enter them into the interior of any design and style.


A wooden wardrobe in the bathroom or a model from a pressed plate with a tree-like surface will be an excellent addition to the interior performed in Scandinavian style, Provence, Country, or Eco.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

White furniture is suitable for the interior in the style of Provence

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Glossy white furniture is perfect for Classic Direction in the design and style of Baroque.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Classic style furniture is always popular

For the interior of the bathroom performed in High-tech or loft style Characterized by the presence of glass and metal. Lockers with mirror facades and chrome accessories successfully complement the bath with such a design.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

The abundance of glass and chrome-plated metal is characteristic of the style of Hi-tech

Installation of suspended systems

Sitting the wardrobe in the bathroom is not so difficult. The main point where you can encounter some difficulties, this is a competent markup under fasteners. And there is no fundamental difference in the technology of installing a simple mirror, a direct cabinet, angular or foam.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Plastic furniture - the most budget version

First of all, it is necessary to determine the height on which the design will be placed. It usually depends on the height of the location itself and the distance from its lower plane to the sink (most often it is sixty centimeters). At the selected height, with the help of the construction level, the horizontal is chosen, it is placed on it by vertical risks, the distance between the brackets attached to the drawer is placed. At these points with a perforator or shock drill with a winner or diamond drill, holes are made.

A small advice - before you drill the wall, drill the glaze on small speeds so as not to split the tile. After with the help of a hammer, hammer polyethylene traffic jams. They screw metal hooks or screws, on which the locker will hang.

In conclusion, we can say that the wardrobe for the bathroom, the photo of the samples of which we offer to your attention, a very important piece of furniture, and it needs to be suitable with full responsibility. An important criterion is not only the quality of the product, but also the dimensions of the room, its layout, as well as the interior design and color scheme.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Polymer materials allow you to make furniture of any colors and forms

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

High-quality fittings will increase the life of the product

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Plastic furniture surface can imitate wood and other materials

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Today, bathroom furniture design pleases a variety of decor

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

White furniture is suitable for the interior in the style of Provence

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Plastic furniture is not afraid of moisture, but withstands a small weight

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Products from MDF and chipboard inexpensive and high quality

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Wooden furniture will enter the interior of the bathroom

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Luxury wooden products will decorate the interior in the baroque style

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

You can choose a model of any color.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Corner furniture will save the area of ​​compact bathrooms

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Mounted cabinets are usually equipped with backlight and mirror

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Custom furniture suitable even for small bathrooms

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Penal will be the optimal storage system for spacious bathrooms.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

The cabinet under the sink will allow neatly decomposing the necessary little things.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Corner penalty will help rationally use the space of the bathroom

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Suitable furniture will emphasize the successful design of the room.

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Classic style furniture is always popular

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

The abundance of glass and chrome-plated metal is characteristic of the style of Hi-tech

Bathroom cabinet: photo of samples

Plastic furniture - the most budget version

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