Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]


The most important, great holiday for all Orthodox Christians - Easter. He meets on custom, together with his family. Previously, we put in the morning, people put on their best outfits and went to church. Who is stronger, stood all night on the eve of the nicinal service.

This holiday was waiting with trepidation, prepared. Until that day, 7 weeks prayed. The eve of the light resurrection is the strictest, but in the morning a generous table was covered for the entire family. After the end of the service, children and adults were Christ, gave each other painted eggs. How starts Easter cooking:

Table decoration

Any hostess tries to decorate a festive table, in accordance with traditions. The frontal tablecloth is covered, a vase with a valve, a symbol of Easter put in the middle. It was possible to decorate to apply blossomed green branches of birch. They were put in advance in warmth for several days and the kidneys began to wake up. The room is also decorated with primrofitts - spring flowers. In a separate dish, there was a germinated wheat, or other cereals.

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

What should be traditionally on the table

Painted eggs - in Russia were considered the strongest guard, saving the house from unclean power. The hostess painted them on a passionate sadmice. For these purposes, the leek husks were copied in advance. Then laid out in baskets with hay, symbolizing the nest chicken, clay cups. Around the wreaths from paper flowers.

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Kulich - King on the table. Symbolizes the secret in the evening when Christ shared bread with his students with his apostles. Burning from a dough with raisins, the top is watered with sugar icing. Usually consecrated eating on the eve of the holiday. Eating it first, to talk.

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Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Easter - mandatory dish on the Easter table. She reminds people about the last earthly days of the Savior. This is a type of Golgotha ​​Mount, where Christ was crucified. Easter is manufactured in a special folding form. Each family has its own recipe for Easter delicacy.

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Before placing the cottage cheese mass in the Passover, you need to fasten it with wet gauze so that the product is well disconnected from the walls.

The Holy Bread Artos is also called the prosfora. Baked from yeast dough, for the passion week. Before delivery to the furnace to the surface is stamped. It depicts a cross with a tern wreath, but there is no Lord. This means the victory of life over death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After the service, the clergyman distributes Artos to all parishioners.

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Modern Easter Trapeza

The post is over, so it is allowed, there is everything that the soul will wish. Collect family, with friends, relatives. The festive table should be rich, generous. The central place is given to traditional painted eggs, herbs, a variety of Easter. Then the meat dishes are coming: they are baked, boiled, fried.

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

The meat should be thermal processing for a long time. The remaining blood can spoil the product. There is a risk of poisoning.

Popular chilts from beef, pork, birds. In the old time, they loved to prepare a duck with a buckwheat pitch, a goose with violent apples and honey. In rich houses, a lot of dishes were served to the table, by the number of days in the Great Post. Today, too, for Christ, the resurrection of the table will be broken from the treats.

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Easter traditions are very strong in Russia. Even during the war, people brought their breadfinds of their crusts, sanctified them and ate with prayers about the ambulance over the enemy. And in the Soviet years of persecution of faith, in stores sold cakes under the "secret" name - the camp cupcake. Several times in the Christian faith showed that people are not ready to part with their customs, traditions that came to us from the ancestors.

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Celebrate Easter! Our Easter, festive table! (1 video)

Registration of the festive table for Easter (14 photos)

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

Registration of the festive table for Easter [Rules and Traditions]

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