How to make a room spacious: 10 litters


Small-sized apartments have solid disadvantages. Close premises and low ceilings create a sensation of closetness of the room. The extreme measure of the expansion of the area will redevelop the housing, but it is not always necessary to immediately resort to such radical ways. It is possible to increase the space visually with the help of small designer tricks.

Choose neutral light tones

Light background in pastel colors will create a feeling of volume. Neutral warm shades should be selected for floors, walls and ceiling.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

If there is a large furniture in the room, such as a large wardrobe or chest, it is better to also choose them in bright range.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Buy multifunctional furniture

If there is little space in the room, but without furniture can not do, it will be more practical to choose the furniture "two in one". Chair-bed, folding table, cabinet for bed linen in the sofa will save space and do not load it.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Use mobile interior items

Moving interior items will create a feeling of lightness and nonstatism of the room. These can be moving tables or chairs on wheels. In addition, in a small room, such furniture will always make it easy to free the desired space.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Moving furniture will look especially harmonious in contrast with a large-sized room: a large corner sofa, a massive chest. Such opposition will also visually expand the walls of the room.

Choose cabinets to ceiling

High shelves or cabinet from floor to ceiling will create a height of the wall. Despite the volumetric look, such furniture will attract attention to the top of the room, and the ceiling will seem higher.

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How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Hang curtains to floor

Curtains or transparent curtains in the floor also stretch the wall in length. In addition, this technique will see the windows more and wider. At the same time, it is better to visit the cornice as close to the ceiling.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Dense, dark curtains on the contrary "close" the window opening. For a spacious look, it is better to choose translucent light curtains. The perfect combination of Gardin with the interior is in the color of the walls.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Leave windowsill free

In a small room, there is always a temptation to use space to the maximum. But if you want to visually increase the residential premises, you should refuse the windowsill as a stand for flowers or a bookshelf. The location by the window needs to be left free and filled with natural light.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Use big mirrors

The perfect designer reception will be large and high mirrors. It can be a mirrored door of a high cabinet or wall opposite the window.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Make a bright accent in the interior

One bright emphasis is capable of creating a missing volume. You can paint one of the walls into the contrasting color or to use decorative tiles or photo walls as decoration. Excellent attraction of attention will be a bright ceiling, passing into light walls.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Like curtains, dark flower ceiling will put pressure on the floor, visually reducing the space.

Add indoor lighting

The larger the room in the room, the more spacious the room seems. If the window is only one, it is worth adding other sources of lighting: backlight bookshelves, small table lamps and a lamp above the table.

If the light from the lamp will be directed up, the ceilings will seem higher.

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Separate furniture free

If you fill in your furniture place along the walls, the room will be crowded. It is better to create an interior using the functional location of the items. The sofa can be put in the middle of the room, and the chairs - around the coffee table near the center. At the same time, the space does not narrow, if you place furniture items, keeping emptiness between them.

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How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

Do not forget about the main purpose of the small room design: accommodation in it should be comfortable. Visual design of the room should not interfere with its functionality and convenience.

How to visually expand the room (1 video)

Interior of a small room (14 photos)

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

How to make a room spacious: 10 litters

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