Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys


As the child grows, more and more toys appear in the children's room, so the main issue for parents is the choice of additional storage systems. There are many options that will help organize order and comfort in the apartment. When choosing organizers for toys, it is necessary to rely on the size and design of the room, and also to consider which items will be stored.


It is recommended to equip the children's room. At the request of parents, experts will complement the usual design with special drawers or shelves.

Toys storage options:

  1. One of the most convenient options is a box under the bed. There may be stored: machines, dolls, sets of toys, constructor.
  2. The connected complex of the cabinet, tables and beds. Such a corner takes less space in the room and may contain additional shelves, boxes and a game zone.
  3. For schoolchildren, the optimal option will be a table with tiers of shelves. Here are compact not only tutorials and notebooks, but also soft toys, designer, typewriters.
  4. The spacious table allows you to store plastic containers filled with toys under it.
  5. Equipped dolls, robots and soft toys can be in drawers of the chest or cabinet. Here it is necessary to choose low furniture so that the child does not have to climb outside the items, leaning on the shelves.

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

It is advisable to sort toys as they use. What a child uses to leave in the available limits, the rest are removed to free the place.


This storage option is most affordable. It is not necessary to buy organizers in the store, as they are easy to do from remedies.

Several varieties of this type of storage are distinguished:

  1. Hooked hook pockets depending on the size allow you to store small and medium items (devices for creativity, small dolls, cars). Frequently from polyethylene or tissue are performed. Pockets are easily attached to the wall or door and do not occupy a lot of space.
  2. Suspended baskets for storing toys in the bathroom.
  3. Planks on magnets for storing iron machines.

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Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Before fastening such organizers, it is necessary to take care that the child can get toys on his own.

Baskets and storage containers

Braided and metal baskets, as well as plastic containers - indispensable helpers in organizing order. There are many models that will attract the attention of the child and become an integral part of the children.

In containers, it is recommended to store the designer, cubes and cars. In the baskets there are soft toys and items that the child most often uses.

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Baskets and containers can be released with or without lid, as well as have a different size and shape.

Do not choose one big container, so it will not look aesthetic in the child's room. For convenience, each place with toys must be noted with a sticker or marking. It will help the child faster orient to toys.

Retractable Boxes under the Bed

Such a device is distinguished by practical use, convenience, compactness and efficiency. They are easy to use, so even kid can cope with the discovery.

You can immediately buy a bed with a drawer, order separately or make it yourself.

Often drawers have a greater capacity, so the internal space is separated by partitions to sort toys and things.

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Support boxes are used not only for storing game items, but also bed linen and things.


Rack - a universal place to store books, notebooks and toys. However, it is suitable only for roomy rooms.

Open sections are often complemented by plastic containers, inserts, cells and drawers. Marking is needed on each cell on the rack. This may be the inscription of what is in it or a sticker.

This storage option gives access to any toy. The child will not need to pour out all the contents, since the sorting allows you to find a thing without arranging mess.

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Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

The size of the rack is chosen on the basis of the age of the baby, as he should be able to independently navigate in toys and get the necessary.

Items for storing toys in the nursery allow you to significantly save space and maintain order. Having organized a convenient placement system, parents will be much easier to teach the child to clean.

Organization and storage of children's toys (1 video)

Where to keep children's toys (14 photos)

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

Top 5 most practical storage options for children's toys

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