7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter


Easter is the main event from believers. At this holiday, the family is preparing to it, cover on the table and decorate the dwelling. The article will show 7 top ideas for decorating an apartment to Easter.

Edible decorations

Easter symbol is an infused easter egg. To give him an unusual style and design we will give some tips:

  • Buy on the market Easter stickers for eggs. Pour in the pan of cold water and boil it into the saucepan. Now you need to put the sticker on the egg (follow it to be right in the center, otherwise it is wrong to capture, and you simply spoil it). Put the egg with decoration on the tablespoon and gently shove into a saucepan with boiling water. After that, you will be welded.
  • Coloring and cooking eggs in the onion husk. On 1 liter of boiling water you need 2-4 grams. After the water becomes brown, put eggs and weld. The term will delight - they will become an orange-dark color.

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

Vase with spring branches

Spring is an excellent time when you can decorate the house for the holiday. Go out to the street and make 3-5 branches of trees, bushes, etc. on which the kidneys begin to form. Then put them in the vase and pour water. The branches will live about 5-10 days, and give your home fresh smells of spring. They can be decorated with a tiny or rain left from the new year.

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

Easter wreaths

To make beautiful Easter wreaths need young branches with kidneys. Please note that their length should be 20-25 cm so that the decoration is not tiny. The method of weaving pigtails gossip them and secure with dry and durable vines. It is allowed to use wire (not large)

So that the wreath is incredibly beautiful, you can paint the branches into different colors with the help of ordinary paints.

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

Easter rabbit

Easter rabbit refer to Western customs of this holiday. If there are children, he will be an excellent decoration to the celebration of Easter in the apartment. The toy can be purchased on the market. If there are no financial resources (wishes for the purchase) you can paint chicken eggs and make an Easter bunny of them.

Before making a rabbit, do a small hole at the bottom of the eggs and pour all the contents so that the egg does not rubrole and could serve as a decoration.

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

Easter eggs as garlands and decorations

You can use Easter eggs as a garlands or any decor elements to this holiday. It all depends on the imagination and the ability to draw. Prepare them together with children. So you give them a lot of incredible memories and useful experience for the future. The preparation procedure is the same.

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7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

Paper angels on the windows

Angels - a symbol of good and protection. They can also be an ornament to celebrate Easter. Buy in the store colored paper, draw the silhouettes of angels and cut them out with the help of the stationery scissors. Stick them on the windows with a tape.

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter


The fire is a symbol of life, in Jerusalem he is associated with the revival of a new life. Buy on the candle market (you can take ordinary, flavored, etc.), arrange them in the apartment in places where they will look good in the evening. When it is dark, they will give the Easter holiday cozy and homely atmosphere of good and tranquility. It is advised to put candles in the darkest angles to highlight the apartment even without the use of artificial lighting.

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

This article features all the necessary and useful information on the topic of seven top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter. We hope that it was interesting and useful for you! Good luck in endeavors, good and calm meetings and holiday Easter!

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Easter decor (14 photos)

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

7 top ideas for decorating an apartment for Easter

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