How to do without seating in the living room?


Fashion has long passed on the Soviet interior of the living room, when the main component of the design served as a wall with numerous departments and a place of pride, where all the treasures of the family were kept in the form of crystal dishes and other expensive jewelry. However, the main room in any dwelling still remains the living room. Very often, its design is made according to its priorities and sensations that do not always correspond to modern fashion.

Arrangement of the living room

The furnishings of the common room is a fairly important point in the arrangement of the whole house. What it will look like this common place is such an impression and will be created about the whole house as a whole. After all, it is in this room that most feasures with the invitation of guests, who with pleasure will be discussed by all the flaws in your design. And if they are not, then you will become an ideal mistress in the eyes of others, which will be the greatest thanks for the hospitality.

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

However, if we talk about whether it is possible to do without seating in the living room you can give an unambiguous option that you can really.

Corner sofa

Before starting the permutation and redevelopment, it is necessary to determine how the main room in your home will be used. That is, if a systematic reception is planned, then the maximum number of functions that will help make their rest qualitatively and most pleasant. It is best in that case, instead of bulky chairs, an angular sofa is installed, which will be able to fit the maximum number of people. If the places still do not have enough space, then there is a huge number of diverse models of the aspirations that will serve not only to the seat for seating, but also to perform the role of mini lockers, as it is now producing products with special storage niches.

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How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?


The interior looks very good, which is characterized by something interesting. For example, as the basis, you can choose soft pastel tones and add bright elements. These elements can play pillows, vases, any pictures. It should also be paid to the sexual coating, curtains and color wallpaper palette. A sofa, or flooring, which are installed bright beverages, replacing bulky chairs can be performed as the base of the bed color.

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

If the room is not too big, then it is best to replace bulky chairs on more compact models, for example, the docks.


The most relevant option of the living room for youth. It is young prefer to make a minimalism style that eliminates the presence of bulky structures in the interior. It is for this chairs that are replaced with numerous ottomans that can be grouping and used in a different way as decorating a modern interior.

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

Benches in the living room

Another favorable option is benches that are manufactured quite comfortable for various seats and with a soft seat. Color gamma in which the decor element is also diverse, as well as modification.

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

The same interiors remained in the past. Now everyone can choose exactly what he needs. And now it is not necessary in the living room to have a standard set, which included a soft corner consisting of a sofa and two chairs. The modern industry produces a huge number of all soles and other comfortable sites for sitting and lying, which can decorate any interior, not even using such, once their favorite chairs. It is quite possible to do without chairs in the living room. They will look much less profitable than other elements of the modern interior. Make choices correctly, and your guests will be delighted with your new design.

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How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

How to do without seating in the living room?

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