How to enter children's toys in the interior?


Toys not only entertain children. They also have a large aesthetic value. It was in this connection that an object appeared as an interior toy. It is only necessary to enter them into the interior correctly.

Choice rules

First of all, it is important to clearly understand that it is not necessary to pick up the interior under toys, but for him. So, it is quite difficult to fit into the modern interior of the glass toy and the animals became plush. Much better they will look in combination with classic furniture and soft shades. The best place to the toy is the shelf, or the back of the chair or the sofa. The classic option is all sorts of bunnies, bears, kittens and other plush animals. And even smashed dolls: made in the style of the past epochs, or dressed in completely unthinkable costumes of the most fantastic forms and colors. As well as different artificial flowers, caskets, vases.

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

However, the interior toy can become a rather practical thing. For example, having stuffed with small pebbles or sand toy, turn it into a kind of spring - so that the door when opening did not knock on the wall. Or toy can be used as a stand for a smartphone or a remote control from the device.

Adults are essentially big children who adore toys. Therefore, this decor is not suitable exclusively for children's premises. Adults people love to decorate their own cars with machinery and dolls, airplanes and teddy bear from Plush.

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

Open shelves and shelves are ideal to put various toys on them: animal figures, wood and iron puzzle toys, miniature models machines or musical instruments. Guests with great interest will look at the shelf with such a "toy" decor.

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An animal figurines will look at the kitchen.

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

Toys As a decor, it is possible to decorate the open shelves in the house.

A clear case, the decor toys will give the interior somewhat frivolous and non-serious look, so it is not necessary to put toy cars and aircraft in the office, if you wish to impress the strict chief.

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

Those who make toys for the interior are not in vain adhere to reasonable dimensions. They do not have to delay the look at themselves and thus climb the room.

Look carefully on the material from which the toy is made. It must be combined with the dominant interior materials. Choose the tint, and place the toy separately. The main thing is the unity of the color palette.

Design Styles:

  • Shebbi-Chic. Toys are picking on the bedside tables and sofas in the first place. Especially fit artificially aged either plush toys of handmade in the form of animals;

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

  • Grunge. Used toys are underlined simple, combined with standard and straight silhouettes of furniture. For example, an old plastic or wooden machine, cubes with drawings;

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

  • Art Deco. Any mechanical toys emphasize the impeccable style and creative nature of the owner;

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

  • Eco-style. It is better to use wooden, straw or soft toys from linen fabric, as well as collections from miniature forged statuettes;

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

  • Avangard. The main requirement is the brightness, originality and attractiveness of the toy. Pay attention to toys of interesting color combinations, based on cartoons.

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

  • Pop Art. Everything is used associated with pop culture: cinema, music, books, comics. They usually put them on the shelf in a row.

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

Design School: Soft toys in the interior (1 video)

Children's toys in the interior (14 photos)

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

How to enter children's toys in the interior?

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