What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?


The bathroom is the place of high humidity and frequent temperature drops, so it is necessary to use finishing materials that can withstand adverse factors. The most common material is tile. But sometimes it is not possible to use it or desire. In this case, it is worth considering alternative options that will also be able to be used in the bathroom.

Tile durable material, but the work on its laying is quite expensive, especially the spruce surface is not flat. Another drawback is increased resistance. Remove the tile is very difficult and problematic, so its use is not always appropriate.

Today in stores provided a wide range of finishing materials that may well replace the tile.


Survived material, thanks to a large number of advantages:

  1. Low cost;
  2. Ease of installation and dismantling;
  3. A large number of colors and textures;

Resistance to moisture and temperature drops.

All this puts it a step in front of others. When buying an ordinary monophonic plastic, it is not worth counting on the original interior, but if you buy an interesting option or combine several species, you can get the original room.

Panels are mounted for a special framework from the profile. It is easy to wash. But plastic has one significant disadvantage - low strength. With careless movements in plastic, it is easy to make a dent.

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?


For the bathroom it is better to choose:

  1. Moisture-resistant wallpaper. They can be vinyl or acrylic. All information you are interested in can be read on the packaging. Landmark - icon in the form of three waves. If it is not on the package, use the wallpaper in the bathroom is not advisable;

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

  1. Gymelomes. They do not let moisture, and after their salary, the surface can be painted, thereby increasing the strength of the material. The color palette of the material is quite extensive, so it will be not difficult to choose the appropriate option;

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What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

  1. Liquid wallpapers are suitable for decoration of walls in the bathroom. Their advantage is a long service life and environmental friendliness.

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

Not one of the types of wallpaper will not be able to compare in practicality with a tile and plastic, but a relatively low price will make it possible to repair and update the interior.


Paint is used to finish the walls is not one generation. Previously, the walls in the bathroom more often painted, rather than laid out tiles. At the same time, the paint in quality is not inferior to the cafél.

The optimal option is the use of latex paint. She has no smell, and it has an increased resistance to moisture. The disadvantage of the method is the need to carefully prepare the wall. It should be perfectly smooth. The paint will emphasize all the irregularities of the wall and spoil the appearance of the room.

Today there is a lot of ways to apply paint to diversify the interior and bring it closer to a certain style.

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

A natural stone

The most expensive material used for wall decoration. Before using it, the surface is aligned.

It is impossible to use a stone on the plasterboard walls. This is due to the large weight of the material, which simply will not stand the plasterboard.

Natural stone looks luxurious and he will never come out of fashion. It is suitable for finishing the walls of large and spacious rooms.

Stone durable material. It is not afraid of moisture and temperature drops, but it is rather cold. It is worth thinking in advance of a heap system.

Marble and granite belong to natural stones and may well replace tile, but they are afraid of contact with caustic chemicals. They can spoil the appearance of the stone.

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?


This is a relatively new material created by artificially. Sometimes it is made with the addition of marble, sand or mirrors. It is very flexible, so suitable for the realization of the most unusual ideas.

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

It is not difficult to find the alternative to the tile, the main thing is to determine the priorities and style of the room, and then choose the finishing material.

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What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

What are the alternatives to the tile in the bathroom?

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