How to enter the interior of the room?


In the world of modern technologies, a problem with a large number of homework has arisen in front of a person. Computers, TVs, washing machine, gadgets and other household appliances, serve indispensable helpers, but constant wires and carrying spoil the design of the room and collect dust. There are several ways to disguise carrying with all outgoing wires, consider them in more detail.

Cardboard box for extension

Often, carrying with chargers interferes under the legs or years accumulates dust. It looks not well. In order to hide this spectacle, you can take a pretty box and place the extension cord with everything you need. On the side of the box, cuts should be made, where the wires should be freely. By covering the lid and placing in the right place, the device will not catch the eye, and annoy sticking wires. The box can be replaced with plastic elements, such as drinking water barrels or plastic containers for food with a lid.

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

Facilities from the manufacturer

Carrying problems can be solved at the expense of finished fixtures. So, Quirky, developed a box intended for extension cords and compact accommodation in any part of the room. The box is made of durable plastic with a rubber bottom, which is carried by carrying, inside there are three mounts where extra wires are wound. In addition, the object is conveniently placed on everywhere, it looks good both on the floor and on the wall.

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

Fastening carrying and wires under the table top.

To make this idea, you need to purchase screws. The length of these parts should not exceed a quarter of the thickness of the countertop, not compliance with the parameters is fraught with a spill table.

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First stage - fixing the extension from the side of the table or in the middle. The next components are then inserted. So that the wires are chaotic hanging under the table, it is necessary to collect them in a bunch and consolidate the clamp. Thus, the workplace will look carefully and cleaner.

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

Children's room

Interior in the nursery, it is very important, but the safety of children is much more necessary. Responsible parents are mainly eliminated from extra wires and carry children's rooms, but there are cases when it is difficult to do without these fixtures. Then adults by any ways are trying to hide electrical appliances from kids.

The main thing is to remove extension cords from sight. You can attach carrying to the back of the cabinet or table and the higher the better. Or disguise it, such as a box. Then in this case, you need to make sure that the extensionist is excellent, check for overheating.

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

Kitchen and bathroom

Rules Placing electrical appliances is an obvious process. It is known that the extension can not be placed near the shells and plates. Water, hot oil or broth that escaped, can get to carry, as follows with the extension agent may be subject to closure and malfunction, and overheating is fraught with fire. In the bathroom, the sockets and carrying and carrying are not desirable. Condensate and direct water ingress are possible much more often than the other rooms.

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

The interior design will be much more comfortable without carrying and components, will not interfere and expose the danger of children. But you should carefully approach the security. Movement, screwing and disguise, can harm the electrical apparer and affect its serviceability, so it is necessary to monitor the state of extension cords and wires in a timely manner. It is important to conduct a conversation among children, explain the rules of operation and precautions.

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How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

How to enter the interior of the room?

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