5 Lifehakov at work with paint


It is necessary to work with paint carefully. From how qualitatively work will be performed, its result depends. If it does not erase sprinkled drops on time, it will be difficult to get rid of them in the future, and the unpleasant smell will deliver a lot of trouble during operation. To minimize the negative effects of paints and varnishes, it is worth familiar with five lifehams when working with them.

How to save paint tray clean

It is possible to paint the surface and directly with the can, but the tassel. When working with a roller, which is necessary for staining large surfaces, use the bank is inconvenient, the additional purchase of a cuvette will be required.

Painting tray is designed for one-time. After drying the residues of the paint, it will not be laundered and, in contact with the rebound paint, is possible to change the color.

In order not to buy a new cuvette, it is littered into several layers of foil, food film or polyethylene. After painting, it will remain waiting for the drying of paint residues in a cuvette and remove the protective layer. The tray will remain like new. It can be used in this way an unlimited number of times.

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

How not to stain your hands

Everyone knows the situation when during painting the surfaces above the head, paint flows on a brush, hand and exhausts clothes. Because of this, more paint is consumed, they remain lower on the floor, walls and clothing.

There is a way out of this situation, it is enough to cut from a plastic bottle of Rodyshko and make a hole in it, put on a brush. You can replace the bottle on any plastic container. As a result, the paint will accumulate in it and do not drain along the hands down.

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5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

How to quickly get rid of the unpleasant odor

Some manufacturers began to produce paint without a strong and resistant odor, but most paints and varnish materials still have a resistant and caustic smell. It is able to apply a lot of trouble with the body, from simple ailment, dizziness or head pains to the strongest poisoning of the body. Therefore, during work, it is advisable to use the respirator, open the windows and more often go to fresh air.

Upon completion of the work, the paint may not destroy 1-2 days, so finding the house is extremely undesirable. You can correct the situation with a bow. The bulb is cut in half and put next to the painted surface. After 2-3 hours the smell evaporates.

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

How to evenly apply the paint layer

Painting the walls with a smooth layer is difficult, so people often resort to the help of professionals and, without guessing that there is a secret that allows you to paint a smooth layer of the wall on your own. For this:

  1. Cuvet fill with enough paint;
  2. Dip the roller in the paint;
  3. Sharp, but neat movements rolled the roller on the ribbed part;
  4. Begin to paint the surface with straight movements;
  5. On the exhaustion of paint, a roller is passed on the previously colored parts to pick up an excess number of paint and transfer it to a unpainted area;
  6. Repeat procedure.

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

How to extend the life of the roller

In most cases, paint is applied in 2-3 layers, with an interval of 1-2 days, for which the layer will have time to dry. But during this time he dries, and the roller himself, you will have to buy a new one. So that this does not happen, the roller after use is placed in a plastic bag and tightly tied by releasing air. Next, for reliability, it is placed in a cardboard tube from under chips or any other object of similar shape.

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

To dry out the layer of paint enough of 1-2 days. During this time, the roller will not dry, and it can be used again for painting surfaces.

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Useful tips when working with paint. # STROYCHAK (1 video)

Lifehaki at work with paint (14 photos)

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

5 Lifehakov at work with paint

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