Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)


Liam Nisson is a British actor. Born on June 7, 1952 in Ireland. Removed in such religious films as "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack "," Batman: Start "," Real Love "and" Schindler List ". For the last actor nominated for the Oscar Award.

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Decorating the house of Liam Nison and his then wife Natasha Richardson, a professional, under strict supervision of a couple. Repair began in the winter of 2007, and ended only in the fall of 2008. From the old barn, architects were able to make a modern housing.

Natasha Richardson died on March 18, 2009 from the cranial injury, which the girl received at the ski resort two days before.

Living room

So the house used to be an old barn, the rooms were not provided here, and those that were - turned out to be very large. Therefore, architects had to do not only decor the building, but also to fully redeem it, make new rooms. The living room also has a kitchen.

All walls in the shed were covered with white, slightly beige color. The floors were also made the same wooden. The ceilings did not make it, but left high barn. Designers left still backups that did not even change. This makes it possible to understand the earlier the house was.

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

There is a large room in the center of the room, but a simple sofa exhibited by the letter "P". The sofa is monotone - light brown, but bright pillows are added for the contrast to it. Near the sofa there are four identical coffee tables made of wood and leather. Although they stand near and should be one, on each table in the center there are its items: a stack of books, candles. And all these items are symmetrically. All the house there is a complete symmetry - the sofa is in the center of the room, things on the tables, lamps on the table and even the doors.

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Special attention in the room is given posters for movies. They replace the paintings and are hung in each part of the living room.

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

The kitchen is small, and for the most part it is a minibar (than it is). It is told for glasses under cocktails and a bar counter.


Liam, being an actor, must support himself in good shape. The sports room for design does not differ from others. Light walls and wooden floors. The simulators are located next to each other, which allows you to free the space. Next to the simulators hang large growth mirrors. The light decided to leave the same that is used in other rooms - ordinary chandeliers.

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

The whole house is made in a rustic style with a muffled yellowish light.


Previously, Liam Nison played football. It is in football themes a rest room. In the heart of the room there is a table tennis table. In the corner - soft chairs bags, and near TV with everything you need.

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

The room is made in the style of the teenage room of the 90s, but with elements of a rustic style (country). Mining furniture and decorations. Decorations are figures, stickers on the walls and a football shape in the frame.


The only room that is performed in another style. The bath decided to make in the style of Modern. Difference of this style is minimalism and sharp corners. Panel walls, blue. The room is small, more precisely, the rooms are two. The first is a sink with care products. And in the second - shower. Space surrounding the sink decided to make black. Above the sink is hanging a large square mirror, and next to the photography.

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

The actor lives movies. In each room, he hangs photos from the shooting, posters for films and other things.

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liam Nison ● Biography ● Family ● Children ● Houses ● Auto ● 2017 (1 video)

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House Liam Nison (14 photos)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

Liama ​​Nison Interior Guide (+ Design Photo)

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