The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects


In the house where little children live, there is chaos and mess. After cleaning, the cleanliness in the house will last a few minutes if the child actively plays. Parents have already humbled with this. But there are situations where the child spoil the interior is much larger and more serious. He is very difficult to keep track of the child, and he needs independence, so in any family at least once came across the interior damage. It is not worth a despair and blame the child for his pranks, it is better to try to explain to him that it is impossible to do so and together eliminate defects.

Pictures on the walls

Children love to draw paints, wovers and pencils, but to do it on ordinary paper is bored and they are looking for new surfaces. Armed with tassels and coloring inventors, they find a great place to draw - walls. Infinite features appear before the young artist, and he is accepted for work. Parents, finding such arts, lose the gift of speech, after the artist will be sent to the corner, thoroughly grooking.

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

Repair spoiled walls can be massive ways:

  1. Try to wash or linse the surface if it is a pencil;

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

  1. Cross the wallpaper if they were bought with a margin;
    The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects
  2. Continue the drawing of a child to everyone together by making it more suitable for the interior of the room;
  3. Hang a picture on the stained plot. The picture can be replaced with a mirror, panel and other wall decor;

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

  1. Make a permutation. One of the most practical ways to hide spoiled walls;
  2. Sticker vinyl stickers. They are sold in a wide range and are printed by individual order, so it's not difficult to choose a drawing, color and size will not be difficult;

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

  1. Repaint walls. This option is suitable for painted surfaces or wallpaper designed to paint. The main thing is to choose a darker color, in comparison with children's creativity so that it does not stand out under the layer of paint.

Spots on the sofa

Drinking juice or compote, let soap bubbles or eat banana on the sofa the usual business for the child. It is not yet aware of the values ​​of all items and does not sharpen attention, so it can inadvertently shed liquid or throw the grills, the peel. As a result, the spot is instantly formed on the sofa. If you react and use the output stains in time, you can delete them. Otherwise, the stain will remain forever.

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I don't want to leave a stain in the most prominent place. If all attempts to correct the situation end in failure, you can proceed to disguise. If the stain is located next to the armrests or the back, on the sofa it is appropriate to decompose the sofa decorative pillows, which will cover the stain from prying eyes. Another way to sew a case. In families with children it is worth thinking in advance cape on the sofas. It is not modern to use the covers, so it's better to cover, suitable for the style of the room.

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

If the interior allows, you can use decorative thermal blocks or sewn marks. They are sold at any needlework.

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The marbles are better to use several pieces so that they do not get into the eyes and looked symmetrically.

Dresses from curtains

Each girl has dolls, and she disguises them, sews new outfits. Sometimes a child can come to find a flap for dresses in the interior of the house. Often the curtains fall in sight. They look beautiful, so the dress of them will get great.

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

Exit this situation:

  1. Replace curtains;
  2. Cut them;
  3. Cover the spoiled place with furniture - sofa, armchair, pouf, coffee table;
  4. Use decorative stripes - butterflies, flowers.

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

In order not to arise such situations, the child should be explained what can be done and not to leave it for a long time one.

Lifehaki for parents. How to wash ink handles from wallpaper (1 video)

Correction of children's pranks (14 photos)

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

The child spoiled the interior: Fast and cheap ways to eliminate defects

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