Decorative plates in the kitchen interior


Plates designed for decorating began to be issued in the middle of the last century, despite their centuries-old history. Today they do not lose relevance and are used to decorate the interior in all rooms. They put on the shelves, but more often hang on the wall.

Decorative plates can be made independently using different technologies and materials - paints, napkins, clay.

Color palette

For competent placement of plates, it is important to comply with some rules:

  1. Pestry and multicolored plates are suitable for monophonic walls;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. On bright or dark walls, it is difficult to highlight decorative elements, so they must be more saturated than the walls;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. The main color of the composition should coincide or echo with the color of kitchen furniture, a dining group or textile;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. It is more difficult for multicolored wallpaper to pick up plates. They must be combined in color and style.

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

In addition, the plates should be combined with each other. Use the same items are not interesting and boring, they should be similar and at the same time differ among themselves. Common may be border, color, topics. It can be souvenirs from different countries purchased while traveling.

It is originally watching a panel from the plates of the mosaic assembled.

Plates in different interior

So that the decor harmoniously fit into the room interior is important to determine its style and in accordance with it choose the interior decoration.

The most common styles used in the kitchen are:

  1. Classical. In this case, dishes are suitable with the image of floral motifs on ceramics or porcelain with gilding;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. Shebbi-Chic. It is suitable floral elements in pastel colors;
  1. Modern style. It is appropriate to use bright and motley plates, any sizes, colors and drawings, but having something in common;

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Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. Ethnic. Plates and copper trays, with elements of folk art will be transferred to the mood of the style;
  1. Country Rustic style in which wicker and vegetable motifs are appropriate.

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior


Plates in the kitchen interior can be located in many ways, it all depends on the size of the room, its fullness of furniture and household appliances. Therefore, it is worth considering the main combinations:

  1. In a row. To do this, you will need a spacious wall on which you can place plates into one or more rows to create an accent on it. Suitable wall above the dining area;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. Symmetrically. Suitable for rooms in which symmetry is already used or it is necessary to highlight the central element - the mirror, the arch, a rack;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. All wall. The composition takes the entire wall or separate it;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. Wave. It is empty a rather large wall - it can be decorated with a smooth wave in the form of a plate stretching from one end of the wall to another. Its length should be more than 2 meters for complete transmission of smooth bends;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. Arch. It refers out the entrance to the room or emphasizes another object in it;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. Picture. Fantasy drawing can be made of plates - snowflake, star, heart, flower, wood. In this case, it is necessary to clearly plan the accommodation of the scenes to portray the drawing as accurately as possible;

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

  1. By increasing. From less to the volume of plates, gradually to the greater is the principle of this location. You can visually expand the space or lift the height in it;
  1. Chaotic. This method suits the products created by their own hands - there is no need to think about one color, form or size.

All the above methods are suitable for wall mount, but in the kitchen plates can be located on the shelves or in open lockers. At the same time, the need to pick up suitable styles on style and the color does not disappear.

Decorative plates are able to decorate any kitchen if they are selected for all the rules, and make a highlight to it.

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Decorative plates in the interior (1 video)

Decorative plates in the design of the kitchen (14 photos)

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

Decorative plates in the kitchen interior

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